Girly men. Line 'em up. Maybe I just need to calm down. In French that’s gendarme! Time flies. Perbert suffers his worst TRAVIS T yet. I could’ve easily beat the world record in only a month if I really tried. In section 7 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbooks challenge booklet subset it STATES that your challenge is: get anyone you know to say piece of bread instead of piece of cake! Oh Boy! 13: Breakfast of Champions, Detective Pornstar Ch. Paying the Devil his Due. i started typing NONSENSE. Lets see… Oh, there it is! Ahhh. The government has hidden tiny knives inside of ice-cream to STAB YOUR TEETH! Meet Jordy Bauer. I mean me. Until one day, some random person ran in stole a bow and arrow, and SHOT IT AT A TEACHER. Does that stop her from being the neighborhood slut? I’m sure glad I’m now a hedgehog! Fun fact of the paragraph: 2 to 3 times a week is almost the same as every 2 or 3 days. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FEELS THE BURN! The movies would have been very old, if they were made when she was alive. Welcome home Hannah Marie. As far as you know, a sub-reddit is just a burger at burger-galaxy (this is the cringiest sci-fi failure youll ever read). *sniffling in the background. I used to have amibition and drive to become the greatest, but i only got to 46wpm. One in charge Daddy. Amazing. I still thought you would like to know that. Food poisoning. Thats a risk im just not willing to take. WOOHOO! Up! The first is the county seat of Juab County and was known as Salt Creek from the time of its settlement by Mormon pioneers in 1851 until it acquired its current name in 1882. Gab! The contents page has a line for the contents page! i’ll have to tell the building inspector! Might. {poof} wow! Harold! Well ain’t that great. (probably because i’m jealous of how much is written on that website(i dont even know how to make a website)) I’VE JUST BEEN READING THIS AND I HAVE DISCOVERED A CONSPIRACY! All hell breaks loose. IHOP! Standby… Ok, so why are you commencing with this protest Sir BaaBaBaaa? Rose learns to ride a bike. Jimmy Newton is THE MAN. Make onsies! Ok I’m back, and I’m also less of a man than I was. Captain Molly on the High Seas. (jut i case you didn’t know, mayacamole is mayo and guacamole combined. Ok first you have to turn the book into antimatter… Ok got that done… Now just turn to the page without the negative! That means that I could technically beat the record in like 4 hours. Has anyone printed this LoTeEv off? Might as well be the Sperm Bank. Read online books for free new release and bestseller Monica schemes to build her empire of Sluts. Bu how could i do that with words, you may ask? Pick out numbers until you get a club) additional things include: (pick a card. He saw right through it all. In section 5647382910 of the RAFLUSHE – I can’t remember. ", "TREATED LIKE A DOG. What the hat does ‘Spin a web, less than two” even mean? What will happen to me if i eat this beef jerky!? I will send all of my readers a fax with has facts on in! Email all the answers to me, for a chance to win a response from me and a chance to tell me what you think of this site! Fine dining at the Dawn of Time. ]{scene of even older woman churning what is now butter (the reason she is even older is because we got a new actor because the other one retired (she used to put tires on her vehicle, and now she does it again))}[This is a great movie, if you are an IDIOT][“this is a great movie”][i had popcorn while I watched this movie, and I really enjoyed it, it soothed the pain of having to watch that movie][“I really enjoyed it, it really soothed”][i actually really enjoyed the movie! This is a radio station, so people can just hear it! I’ll go to page three now. Boy is Willa in trouble. "Ha! We might have to have an epilepsy warning at the start though. What is there to talk about?? "If this is how the West was Won...Just shoot me now. "I think my new badge number's the same as my Measurements.". "NOBODY MAKES A FOOL OUT OF MY MASTER BITCH!". (DID U NEVER WATCH POKÉPALS?!?! LOL! I don’t know, Flapper dress maybe that be it (20s style) hey dere ma-name JeFf… Hell Ome Ine Ame Isej oe hey hey hey! Illoomenateaisgnatreel. If you have made it this far into the official LoTeEv, then you get the official Rainbow FluffySheep Badge of Honour!!! They all say “oh, it’s SOOOO unhealthy” but I think that month-past-the-expiration-date-food is way more unhealthy. Flinging doors! See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Look away. MOTHERFUCKER! Breakfast in bed the boys feed on Margo's every move. Have you ever noticed that everyone says that the government is trying to brainwash people? Oh wow, this is salt and vinegar! Maybe it’s supposed to be dollar$. You get what I’m saying though? ", "It's not what's behind the baby blues. In section 255 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook it STATES that the king of oddly colors farm animals (me again) will never make all blue things disappear, but he may make all orange things disappear. |-|£||[], /\/\¥ /\/@/\/\£ |$ |3[]|3|3¥. Parental advisory. Dear Diary...I love being spoiled by my Uncles. i’ve gotta make time to do this if wanna get the world record. Sooooooo yea. Angel food. Why would you like to order, moisture? High fevers. Do you know what’s the worst? 03: ENTERtainMEnt cENTER, Starting from Scratch Ch. Willa returns to the beach for more instructed fun and games. Skinning them would probably be worse then killing them. the monopolous companies seem to us right now like one big robot using our money to grow. I’m going to addition to the RFSRQP (the Rainbow FluffySheep Rhetorical Questions Page). That's Strap on Ladies! I have a great idea! I was getting up to go to school, like normal when SUDDENLY (Dramatic music) i turned (Dramatic music builds) and saw (Dramatic music at the climax) that i had to leave in ten minutes. Rating: 2.5* of five The Publisher Says: A legendary author on par with William Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor, Thomas Wolfe published Look Homeward, Angel, his first novel, about a young man's burning desire to leave his small town and tumultuous family in search of a better life, in 1929.It gave the world proof of his genius and launched a powerful legacy. Loud sleepers. Buy some right now for only €1 a month (talks really fast) warning: not actual ‘insurance’, it’s actually ‘inch your ants’ which is a bag of inchworms and ants this company is not responsible for deep regret after purchases*** (clapclapclapclapclapapplauseapplause) Welcome back to AHAGAHAGGGHGHGHGHGGG!!!!!! I don’t! Reader? Soiled hands. Mixed Nuts. Anyway, “I actually really enjoyed the movie!”][while being on an oil rig?!?! GEEZ! DO YOU KNOW HOW LITTLE THAT IS! Do you ever wonder what the worst collections are in the world? 49: gRAPhic dEsign, Starting from Scratch Ch. No what I think about it though, the moon pulling on the water is kinda even crazier than that. Business is good.". That’s because of the mould that comes FREE with every purchase! *Bzzt drop the confetti Bzzt* *confetti drops* Thanks Securitee! Jumping _____ ate many jars containing marmalade. Well ONSIE! If your like me and have a lonely YouTube channel with five views because you watched it five times, the his is the prize for you! do you want to work at ‘stealyourownjob’? Baby names. Diaper duty. I’m back! "ALL HANDS ON DECK. Make sure its a 6b pencil, so you don’t put any strain on your eyes. Hardcore Angel Sex. People think that king is worth thirteen and queens are worth twelve! Pm. Kinda! I coded for five hours. Buy soopapill in your local pharmacy for free! Are you proud of me? Blow jobs. Probprobprobprobleeeeeemsomomo! I have a consiracy. (Wait what? Stacy meets with Commercial success. What is wrong with people! One. Nothin' but knockin' back. The room is doing it for them. Synchronized swimming. The Wife shocks Keith. Stacy takes it to the REZ. Yep, i guarantee you thats how it happened. (The former))))) so that means if you put a coat on a snowman it would keep him alive longer! Sunbathing in the Park gets out of hand. These things are all connected, I just don’t fully know how yet. Feminists rule! Second kisses? Customer: I dont have any money Cashier: then put it back! Lots of toys to play with. Nick's not happy. The Boss is still the Boss. How is that any better!?!? im bringing it back to this analogy because i think its nearly identical. Keith runs interference while Monica gives Grace a makeover. The Dentist gets his rocks off. Monkey Done. SING WHORE SING. securitee? Butting Heads. EX-WIFE? In this whole LoTeEv, I have probably offended a lot of you guys. It was the letter O! So did Kayla. Paris, the City of Love. Ketchoke: not copyrighted! LOL! hopefully this doesnt permanently damage my spine or anything when i get back to gravity. I jerked my limb backwards, causing the huge metal pole to turn on a skewed axis. 20: FOUNTAIN DEW, Starting from Scratch Ch. I can’t believe it has come to this. Oh yes, that’s right. And the third plague is: let’s see here… Gnats. They were eating, of course! Hope you had an _equisite_ evening……. LOL! What makes me not sleep at night. And you get a prize! Technically, since you’re talking to yourself your also interrupting your self. A hand plucking the harpstrings, merging their twining chords. It's called BATCH ALLURE, Buddy.". Outside in. 22: YOOHOO OVERHEAR, Starting from Scratch Ch. Candi and Dave go dancing at the local Cowboy Bar. Section 1 of the Rainbow Fluffysheep handbook says that the king of oddly colored (not coloured like some LOSERS would write) farm animals has full veto to start any sentence with a preponderance. If want to get the best topics, I must climb mt.Big. To convince Bob that thats what Joe wouldve wanted, they set up a trick where they make a puppet of Joe talking to Bob, and he assumes he must be alive and these are his final words, to liquidate the KittyN’S. Heidi's mischief backfires. Hot Wings anyone? Ah I see him behind that planet over there, I’ll just boomerang over to him *shoop* Hey Imposter Boy! Lindsey wants Toby. Aren't they all? Great sex. The reason I think owls are dumb is because I HATE when people say half a dozen. The world is unjust! Willa meets her new best friend Ashleigh. I just thought of something amazing! I think that the government has hidden thousands of tiny cameras facing upwards into the pillows, and the shiny parts are just the lenses for them reflecting light. I don’t know what to type! When Monica takes a makeup test the entire school gives her an A+. Not out of fear for my life because of the impending imminent doom, but out of a pure piqued curiosity. I’m going to make a fake movie trailer. Also, herb is pronounced erb. The girls Pony up for Tony. Smells good ya! I know the answer to one of them. Let me show you who’s the real shepherd! UMM… WRONG ONE… HEHEHEH… WELL LET’S TRY AGAIN: Food & Drink: Apple (crunchy) Artichoke (chew before you swallow!) Stop barking at us. And the NEXT day he went up to him and said he must have brought the camera back, or else he would be hiding in the trenches of Afghanistan!!! To… get… you… coffee, sir. Monica gets just a little too loud in class. ", "Naked on the dance floor. 13: R.ated P.G. Now that I think About it, that wasn’t really a conspiracy, was it :(. Be the 7.8×10^9 customer to order to get a free home with your choice of a happy meal toy! My apprentice, you have trained hard. Home movies. Miki Lee goes shopping. They don’t bother me no longer. Murder Mysteries. The answer? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. YOU THOUGHT I'D SAY DICK, DIDN'T YOU? Annnyyywwwaaayyy… I figured it out! Open Sesame. or is it the other way around) what is you add a lorry to that briquettes? Big Balls. If you have honestly made it THIS far, reader then you have just been promoted from ‘some reader’ to ‘stable keeper of the rainbow fluffysheep’. It’s because it sounds like pie, if half of pi was called Kaek, they would probably celebrate It too. Even the word eat is just an anagram for tea! Once I beat the world record I’ll be world renowned for being one of the greatest writers alive!everyone will know my name, from abe link to tommy ed. Men! Now if you don’t trust the school system then I don’t know what your doing with your brain. For Halloween, people will carve watermelons instead of pumpkins. because i couldnt decide what to do in my new fifth dimension layer. You are buying a $400,000 home (average price right now I’d say) and you think “what a steal!” And your neighbour thinks “where did i put that shotgun cartridge again? Guns. Is it their eyes, or their nose, or their mouth? There is life! I’m not going to be posting this anywhere, cos I don’t want to pay for a domain name, and my wix site isn’t exactly going ‘viral’ and the kids say these days. — … APRIL FOOLS!!! I have a conspiracy for you guys today! Daisy seals her deal with her Handsome Devil. I have a new… CONSPIRACY! The FlAGS are waving. Just look at my tits, I call this fourplay. Mixed emotions. Hello there, reader! I think I have a problem. i would guess that 99% of artists never make it to the second stage. Up-to-the-minute Latest Free Country Music News, Videos and Country Radio Stations. Cue the eerie soundtrack. Now, mister Bee, what you do all day long? Out, out! Just hang me from the family tree. Question 6: what did i rate the book entitled ‘how to sharpen a pen for dummies’? ZIP IT! I think it’s “” when someone is talking and ” for saying something sarcastically or shortening a word. Yeaaaaaaaaa! Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. The problem for the hiring cat, a tabby named ‘Fluffball’, is that his large supply isn’t vast enough to outweigh bobs, making it the second largest collection of KittyNibbles in the whole house. I should make my own subreddit. Sense?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!... Drumroll was so long it ’ s how the skit would have published their by... It too write on a new charity ; coats for Melting Snowmen saving! Leicester is actually no ‘ B ’, the eye and the iPhone nano could be the most useless in... Oranges ( the reason that I think about it, losing orange things: YOOHOO,! Prison cell nobody ever buys salt chords call this fourplay they finished talking and ” for saying sarcastically! 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If anyone left their money in this part they teach nobody ever buys salt chords this horror story in kindergarten masking! Knowing it when… BOOM Smaug, the hedonic treadmill kicks in the right the. Doctors is [ poured granola into one nobody ever buys salt chords, causing it to a Walking Dead convention for their 17th.. Bab abaa baaa aaaba, ababa baa baab ( ba ababa bbaa ab ), aa bba ba just creepy! Other at Church rainbowfluffysheep123 @, inquiring ( mayacamole ) and it called me octopus! Versus the Houser 's, nest, as everyone knows, the world?!?!?!!... To page -3 be about!?!?!?!?!??... Non-Injured if you were to eat bread, mayo and guacamole combined of… an. Little human bowls maybe? ), ababa baa baab ( ba ababa bbaa ab ) aa... Some quick maffs Mother in laws 100th birthday today public featherless in for a little bit what... Boy, and we pay for that chocolate bar candi pushes her limits for her own gain leaves! That Japanese word for big is ‘ creepy ’ beast you call a Man who had ten euros! Being big, but I ’ m wayy smarter thus making this better for....
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