Assign an employee to monitor waiting areas to ensure guidelines are met. b. Identify areas that students can physically distance while under supervision before and after school. One-on-one nurses and paraprofessionals will be required to wear PPE while working with their assigned student. Cleaning products should not be used near children; staff should ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent children or themselves from inhaling aerosols. The following includes a sampling of resources used to develop the procedures within this manual. Individuals are required to wear masks/face coverings during in-person meetings. He is a … 3. i. For parent sign in/out, have a separate supply of clean pens and used pens and mark their receptacles accordingly. High-risk individuals should work from home, when possible, until directed to return to work by their supervisor. Visual & Performing Arts clubs and rehearsals are allowed before or after school, including both face-to-face and LaunchED students. Parents/guardians can assist their children with the proper wearing a face covering in advance of starting school. Ensure classroom has access to hand hygiene products (e.g., district-approved hand sanitizer, soap, tissues and disinfectant wipes). Have staff monitor arrival/dismissal to discourage congregating and ensure that students go straight from vehicle/buses to classrooms or cohort waiting areas. Place the front of the thermometer one inch (1") from the center of the individual's forehead; hold the button down until the device makes a sound. Staff will conduct periodic temperature screening and/or or symptom checking of staff and students. What is your procedure for lunch? established health and safety guidelines. To achieve this, district vehicle occupancy should be limited, and surfaces should be frequently cleaned. Set screening protocols for all visitors. Select your preferred language at the top of this page. Use virtual meetings whenever possible; when using conference/meeting rooms, reinforce 6-foot distance between attendees and require masks/face coverings. The vehicle should be loaded from the back row first before moving forward by row. If an individual is sent home due to COVID-19 symptoms and has no known exposure to individuals with COVID-19, the individual can return with a negative test when they feel better. To see the latest data about the impact of the COVID-19 virus In Florida and Orange County go to the state department of health web dashboard. 1. History.--s. Limit visitors, volunteers and activities involving external groups or organizations as much as possible-especially those who are not from the local geographic area (e.g., community, town, city, county). Keep in regular communication with staff working remotely and advise them when they are return to work, as directed by OCPS Leadership. Cleaning and Disinfection Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, school staff must enforce additional COVID-19 health and safety measures during emergency drills. Correction: Actually 26 students. When feasible, Visual & Performing Arts events may be streamed for audiences to watch remotely. Students are required to wear masks/face coverings during arrival and dismissal, unless medically exempt. Student Arrives in Well Room Signage can be found in the Print Services catalog. Transition Between Classes and Buildings (Identify position, example: Assistant Principal, Guidance Counselor, etc. Team luncheons are not recommended nor encouraged. 2. Use virtual meetings whenever possible; when using conference/meeting rooms, reinforce 6 foot distance between attendees and require masks/face coverings. The entire campus will be cleaned and disinfected. Sick employees should follow CDC-recommended steps. vendor meetings may be conducted as long as participants reinforce 6’ social distancing and the 265 SCHOOLS AND WORKSITES HAVE HAD POSITIVE COVID-19 CASES SINCE JULY 31st. Prepackaged meals will be provided at selected schools (Food and Nutrition website). Mental Health & Wellness of Students and Employees. If in-person meetings are necessary, follow all If an employee has a temperature of 100.4°F or higher or has a cough, is short of breath, or otherwise feeling ill is encouraged to seek medical care. Dance students will be required to wear masks, except in cases where the teacher deems the activity strenuous and social distancing can be maintained. Ensure the student has received the FDOH Household Quarantine letter for further guidance relating to a return date Yes, the sibling of a quarantined student can attend school as long as they are not symptomatic and there are no confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the home. Face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms. Regarding Dr. Pino's statements about the length of the quarantine period, it is a fact that OCPS changed the length of the quarantines on January 5, 2021 from 14 to 10 days, as the OCPS Safety Manual clearly states (pages 4, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66-67 and 86-87). Absenteeism Monitor and Plan for Absenteeism. traffic through the exhibit. Department of Health data. continuous wearing of masks/face coverings. Receives information from the completion of the FDOH reporting form (2.a) Intermission should be designed to accommodate all social distancing guidelines when Stagger class periods by cohorts for movement between classrooms if students must move between classrooms to limit the number of students in the hallway when changing classrooms. conducted in-person reinforce 6’ of distance between attendees, and masks/face coverings are required. Discourage shaking hands, fist or elbow bumps and hugging. Students must maintain social distance while waiting for parents. Physical distancing, also called "social distancing," means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. The government of President Daniel Ortega has not enacted the social distancing measures of its neighbors despite growing evidence of the virus’ spread. The Author: Michael Eng Michael Eng is the editor and publisher for the West Orange Times & Observer, West Orange Observer, Baldwin Park Living magazine and 6' social distancing. Instead wave and verbally greet them. Appropriate scheduling considerations should be made for visual and performing arts classes to limit class sizes. Position functions applicable to remote/alternative worksite and physically able to complete job? Staff will routinely disinfect all communal surfaces and commonly touched equipment (e.g., check-in tablets). Working with the health department, OCPS issued 199 quarantine letters to students and staff from eight specific schools. a. If multiple classes are on the playground/at recess at the same time, require students to stay in an assigned sections as opposed to mingling with other classes. Each clinic area is required to be equipped with the following: Daily access to PPE (i.e., gloves, masks, face shields, gowns, etc.). Do not attempt to enter the school if any of the following are present: Custodial Services, in accordance with the department's standard operating procedures, uses Environmental Protection Agency/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-approved disinfectants to clean and have increased routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently-touched surfaces at school facilities. If the temperature is below 100.4° F, allow the individual to enter. All children age 18 and under are eligible for meals at no charge until Dec. 17. Personal items that are frequently touched and cannot be cleaned such as upholstered furniture, pillows, rugs, stuffed animals, puppets, etc., must be removed from the classroom. School Meals Served Safely. Due to the rising coroanvirus cases throughout the U.S. and in Central Florida Orange County Public School medical advisory committee wrote a letter … Reference Technical Guidance Bulletin: TGB2020-003, for additional COVID-19 health and safety measures for emergency drills. If yes, complete position functions from home until isolation is complete e. Relocate students/staff to alternative locations or isolate employee's workspace Students with a current on file healthcare plan will be treated as plan dictates, unless otherwise indicated by clinic staff. Visual and Performing Arts (Music/Band, Chorus, Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, etc.). What health and safety procedures are in place for recess? , OCPS is following appropriate protocols to protect staff and students at schools and work sites. Promote Health and Safety Preventative Measures. When accompanying a student to the clinic, staff should wear PPE. Limit Exposure to Students and Staff, Emergency Drills This task is used to recognize any possible exposures that may have occurred. Confirms secondary exposures and creates quarantine letters 1, ch. 4. Before leaving shared workspaces, employees should utilize district-approved cleaners or disinfecting wipes to wipe down surfaces daily. If soap and water is not available, use hand sanitizer with at least a 60% alcohol base. Large ensemble rooms such as the band room will be divided into 6' x 6' squares where students will be assigned to stand in the center of each square in order to maintain a 6' distance from other students on all sides. Stagger shifts, start times, and break times as feasible to reduce the number of employees in common areas. Audience members shall be dismissed at the end of the performance in a controlled manner that allows Is it mandatory to meet only virtually with external vendors? If yes, send the student to the Sick Room while the wait to be picked up by a parent PPE will be worn and physical distancing maintained to the extent possible in all clinics. However, multifaceted reopening and risk mitigation strategies are needed to implement healthy campuses and programs. West Orange High might be able to play football this Friday night. Ensure a plan is in place for proper handling and returning of books and resources. Look at the temperature reading on the display and determine if the temperature is above or below 100.4° F. Never announce the temperature to the individual, only show the temperature if asked. Utilize outside areas, courtyards, pavilions, etc. The announcement came on the heels of OCPS’ decision to allow marching band, cheerleaders, dancers and JROTC to perform at Friday night games after earlier banning their appearances. Lead Department acquires details from principal/supervisor (1.a.ii) Include items such as line management, areas used for eating, social distancing, supervision, and other necessary items. Household chemical cleaners such as bleach and aerosol sprays are not approved to be used in district facilities. During parent pickup, parents are not to exit vehicles unless it is medically necessary to assist his or her child. Commonly touched surfaces should be wiped down with district-approved cleaners or disinfecting wipes on a regular basis. For additional guidance, contact the appropriate department. What about students who can't wear one for medical reasons? The district will review local/state regulatory agency policies related to group gatherings to determine if events (e.g., sport games, extracurricular activities) can be held. District Contact Numbers and Helpful Tools. What happens if a student takes a mask off and does something like intentionally cough in someone's face? 1. PPE must be used in both rooms: Well Room: injury/treatment room, medicine distribution, sprained ankle, etc. What about little children who can't keep a mask on? 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms or 10 days have passed since the positive test (whichever comes first) Place decals inside the elevator to identify where passengers should stand, if needed. Written Flow Charts, Scenario: Student or Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, 2. 5. Alerted of the affected areas by principal or supervisor (1.c) Ways to Help Promote Physical Distancing. Students will be required to wear masks/face coverings within elevators. Mental health resources are available online through Canvas to assist teachers and provide information on mindfulness, self-care, trauma informed practices, and virtual calm rooms. Table of quarantine letters sent to schools for students and staff on and between August 25 and September 9. Turn desks to face in the same direction (rather than facing participants) and offset seating in the rows to reduce transmission caused from virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing, sneezing). Must be individually approved by the Area Superintendent, Audience totals shall not exceed 25% of the seating capacity of the performance space for each show or presentation, Audience members shall be seated 6 feet apart unless they are from the same family unit (e.g., father, mother, grandparent, or sibling(s) or a legal guardian), All visitors must pre-register for event on-line, Sign-in at the front office or at the entrance of the event and present I.D. If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, does the individual need a negative COVID-19 test in order to return? Education programs are inherently designed for social interaction, not social distancing. b. b. Employee a. Initiates the disinfection of the employee identified locations after 24 hours when reasonable Also, the OCPS COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated when the district re-opens on Monday, November 30. A: You may request a questionnaire by logging onto your profile at Pursue virtual activities and events, such as field trips, student assemblies, special performances, schoolwide parent meetings and spirit nights, if possible. Discourage the use of perfect attendance awards and incentives. Surfaces to be cleaned include steering wheels, armrests, turn signal arms, radio controls, door handles and any other high-touch surfaces. When can the individual return? Contact your Transportation Area Manager for additional transportation guidance or resources. Hand hygiene protocols are followed (See General Preventative Measures Slide 11). Crisis Response Team Table of positive staff results, by school, on and between August 17 and September 10. Cashless transactions are strongly encouraged. Encourage and remind staff of social distancing guidelines and discuss with employees when masks/face coverings should be worn. Move or remove chairs in waiting areas so that visitors are not within 6 feet of each other. 2. Clinics will adhere to physical distancing to the extent possible within the space available. Bleach and aerosol sprays are prohibited from use in district facilities. When and if spectators are allowed, entry to sporting events (games, matches, tournaments, etc.) No paper programs should be provided to audiences. If standard physical distancing (6 feet) is not possible, create as much distance as possible. Each meal served on campus will include prepackaged cutlery and 2 alcohol wipes (for cleansing hands before and after eating). PPE will be worn and physical distancing maintained to the extent possible in all clinics. Parents should regularly clean and sanitize all reusable cloth face coverings. 2. b. Notifies principal/supervisor of completed action. Students, employees and visitors are to go through the temperature screening process. The DOH has sent out 373 quarantine letters to individuals at schools around the district. Use of shared objects (e.g., gym or physical education equipment), should be limited when possible, or cleaned between use. c. Student What happens if the teacher isn't wearing his/her mask? While Remaining Socially Engaged. Review attendance and sick leave policies. Lead Department Consults with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) to complete and submit reporting form, Custodial Services Actions: To practice "physical distancing," maintain the maximum distance possible, recommended 6 feet, from others. Reopen affected areas after the Custodial Services actions have been completed ( 3.a,3.b), Lead Department Actions: Implement physical distancing, when feasible. units and staff. Rearrange furniture to avoid clustering in common areas. This may include, but is not limited to: Move chairs/seating arrangements to increase workspace distancing. ), Return Guidance: Use physical barriers (for lobbies only; not inside elevators) or other ways to mark pathways to help people travel in one direction and maximum distance possible, recommended 6 feet, while waiting to access the elevator. i. When possible, inside doors should be left open or unlatched to reduce the need to touch them with hands to open them. a. Initiates the disinfection of the employee identified locations after 24 hours when reasonable School Sponsored Activities Visual & Performing Arts For outdoors, allow for a 5-minute pause following 30 minutes of playing or singing.). i. However, by appointment, external When feasible, keep students in the classroom and rotate teachers instead. 1, ch. Custodial Services will make supplies available for schools via disinfectant stations. Masks/face coverings within elevators are required, unless medically exempt. Physical distancing is encouraged when possible for all stakeholders. Support employees who are not feeling well or have a temperature and encourage them to seek medical care. hand sanitizing before/after meals is necessary. a. If possible, small groups of students should stay together during before and after care each day. The district depends on the Department of Health to send out quarantine letters. The content in this manual will continue to evolve and is not all-inclusive of all procedures and protocols. b. Notifies principal/supervisor of completed action, The Florida Department of Health Actions: The parent must be present at school to deny transport. A face covering may not be required for individuals who have been approved for a face covering waiver due to a medical condition that prevents the individual from being able to safely wear a face covering. Ensure room occupancy adequately allows for 6' Encourage staff to bring their own water to minimize use and touching of water fountains or consider installing no-touch activation methods for water fountains. If there is more than one individual, they will be required to wear a mask/face covering. She does not show up on the OCPS dashboard, however 5 students are confirmed as positive. 2006-232. If a student refuses to wear a mask/face covering, that student will be dealt with in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The affected employee is sent or told to stay home. Employees and visitors are to go through the temperature screening process. Jenkins said the school district is working on a website to provide updates on coronavirus cases. a. ii. What safety protocols are in place at the media center? i. All students are required to wear masks/face coverings, unless medically exempt. (For indoors, allow 1 air change following 30 minutes of playing or singing. This document is a simple letter that an employee can use to notify their employer that they are under quarantine due to the coronavirus, or COVID-19. 4. b. Coordinates with FDOH to determine quarantine time after FDOH investigation, Custodial Services Actions: The following video link will demonstrate the correct way to do so. Personal items that cannot be cleaned should be removed from the vehicle. Surfaces that should be cleaned include phones, desktops, armrests, cabinet/file drawer handles, remote controls, keyboards, mice and any other surface that is touched, especially personal items. a. Sick students waiting for parent pick-up should: Well Room staff must contact parent to pick up their student. District approved hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will be available for students (for children 6 and older) to use as they enter the bus. All students, employees, visitors and vendors are required to wear masks/face coverings, unless medically exempt. Promote Safety and Preventative Measures, Arrival/Dismissal If yes, 10 days must have passed since the onset of symptoms or 10 days have passed since a positive test, whichever comes first Click image to view a print version of the manual, Version 13.0. Position functions applicable to remote/alternative worksite and physically able to complete job? If no, inform parent to keep student home 6. The 10 day count down will begin on the last day of exposure to the positive case or the last day of the 10 day isolation period of the household member's Isolation, whichever comes first. The district continues to encourage virtual meetings when possible. From there you will click on “Submit Request” and then “Request Questionnaire.” Please note that it can take up to 24hours before you … Record all drills in the Emergency Drill Reporting Tool in myOCPS. Timber Creek High School has 14 positive cases, according to a memo sent to parents, about 200 other people will receive quarantine letters. Personal items that cannot be cleaned should be removed from the vehicle. Include items such as barriers, hand hygiene stations, and signage. Example: As shown below with passengers being indicated by a red X. 1. should be posted in highly visible locations to promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of COVID-19. 6. When can the individual return? Notice of Coronavirus Quarantine to Employer. Contact your Custodial Services Area Manager to acquire additional handwashing supplies. Post directional reminders on the floor and/or walls to manage traffic flow during transitions. Parental support is requested for physical distancing at bus stops. College Park Middle School. Was the employee using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Reinforce seating and mask- wearing guidelines when multiple passenger use is required. Remove nonessential items from the classroom. 1. Include occupancy and signage. Consider a staggered dismissal and reentry process that allows for social distancing. No, Individuals can return after 10 days from the start of symptoms or positive test and have been fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of medicine. Information to Support FDOH Contact Tracing. If a parent denies EMS transport at the recommendation of the school and EMS personnel, the parent must sign out the child and take him or her home. a. Lakeview Middle School. Receives information from OCPS regarding off campus exposure (2. b) Utilize the district response framework (i.e., Executive Policy Group and District Incident Management Team) to support schools experiencing a COVID-19 case. Wayfinding signage including directional arrows should be used to help control the flow of Employee Am I not going to get a letter was it my child’s teacher?” Howat said. Clubs and rehearsals are allowed before or after school programs or GRADE LEVELS quarantined advance of starting school for hours... Direct student to the clinic, staff should wear PPE email questions @ and permanently deleted from.. Administrator to develop a plan is in constant communication with FDOH to ensure social distancing guidelines continuity of and. A. Initiates contact tracing 1 Manager to acquire additional Personal Protective equipment supplies! Unless otherwise indicated by clinic staff to achieve this, district vehicle occupancy should be limited, and have... 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