rhythm of war ending


It was nice to read her points of view, before the War of Reckoning, before necessity put her in Shardplate to fight against overwhelming odds. I think that's totally within Hoid's character (and I love Hoid), and a reasonable mistake for him to make, underestimating the danger he was in. After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. He reveals that she doesn’t use Stormlight, but Lifelight, Cultivation’s analog of Stormlight. What else did he do with that attack though? The beauty of it, though, was that the depth of darkness made the bright moments shine even more brightly. Kaladin pursues the Fused to the top of the Tower; when they toss Lirin over the side, Kaladin (again, with no Gravitation) follows. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. It was published by Tor Books on November 17, 2020. The depression and loneliness they were experiencing in the book resonated with many of the beta readers in ways I’m absolutely sure Brandon hadn’t anticipated. -Taravangian to Hoid in the Epilogue, He clearly states that he can see the excess memories. Press J to jump to the feed. An instant #1 New York Times Bestseller and a USA Today and Indie Bestseller! She doesn’t particularly care for the feelings it gives her to do such a thing, but feels that it was necessary for her to do as Alethkar’s Queen. -Alice). She’s a champ at the in-person social distancing; no really, back away. I came here to see what others think and to throw in my two cents. He needs to feel it. Storms, this was a fantastic book. Yeah. Can breath hold memory? I think Wit actually hoodwinked Odium and knows that it's someone else even despite the rewind. Led by Adolin and Shallan, accompanied by a Truthwatcher, an Edgedancer, a Stoneward, and an assortment of Lightweaver squires and Kholin soldiers, this group is to enter Shadesmar via Oathgate and travel to the fortress, armed with gifts and persuasive messages. Odivangian? But rewind a bit and think about what Kaladin experienced in Rhythm of War in order to reach that much-anticipated milestone. A fair number of readers had to simply step out, or delay their responses dramatically, because it was just… too much. With Rhythm of War, we approach the end of the first arc of The Stormlight Archive. Several of you have pointed out the loss of perfect pitch as significant. Oh, and the Sons of Honor are finally in complete disarray. At the behest of Mraize, she is seeking Restares, leader of the defunct Sons of Honor. Cannot. Atypical for a Sanderson work, not all of the threads collide at the end. Finally convinced that she can be strong enough to accept her own memories, Shallan Lightweaves the scene that she’s been hiding from: her rejection of her first lovely spren, breaking her Ideals after using the sprenblade to defend herself and unintentionally killing her mother. (All the tears. SACRIFICE!” What a glorious proclamation. Not only does it push forward the story on Roshar, but it also provides plenty of references to the larger Cosmere and teasers for the future for Sanderson super fans. When he and his men escape into a perpendicularity, Dalinar and his escort inspect the camp. Their fates, while not exactly anticipated, at least gave the hoped-for closure on the rebellious folk. Average Customer Ratings. Knowing how skilled Szeth is with a sword, we’re quite looking forward to this. Rhythm of War Endpapers Artwork. Ishar told him his father was dead, which upset Szeth very much. Moash isn't an interesting character and was made last interesting by this book. And Cultivation didn't know all those coincidences would happen, she just knew that an extremely emotional Taravangian would be able to manipulate Rayse, a Vessel which had grown to be dominated by his emotion around the time Nightblood was loose in the world and Rayse was likely to feel very vulnerable and be particularly erratic. I really dont like the idea of playing with his memories not being treated as harm, thats stupid, its like saying that killing someone is not damaging him because you are sending his soul to another place unharmed, even with perception being key here i think its too much. Welcome to the all-in spoiler review for Rhythm of War, in which Paige and Alice express all the excitement over the thrills in this book… and maybe certain other emotions, as well. Lewis’, A Small and Eclectic Herd of Recent Equine Delights, 17 Factual and Fictional Books About Space Exploration. Oof. He knows how the shards work. Dalinar, riding the storm with the Stormfather, intervenes and pulls Kaladin into the centerbeat, where he sees the events preceding Tien’s death from a different perspective. We also get to see Jasnah, in full living Plate (Which was very satisfying to finally see! ... Really spent most of the book wanting to fast forward to the end. Hello all, here is our discussion on Brandon Sanderson's Rhythm of War Part 5 and the bookend! -Alice). Shallan! What do you all think? By the end of Rhythm of War, I wouldn’t say I’m totally satisfied with Shallan, but she’s making significant enough improvements that I’m no longer frustrated with her. The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game. Initially, the book was to feature Eshonai's flashbacks, … And we’re pretty sure that Nightblood is looking forward to destroying more evil. So now she has two Cryptics: the living Pattern and the deadeye they name Testament. Did it live up to the hype? I'm not sure if intent can manifest passively but it does make one wonder why he wouldn't keep recent events in his mind and then intentionally store them at a convenient opportunity. The Venli chapters in this book are second only to the Shallan chapters in the number and extent of the revisions I ended up doing. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book. -Paige), joining in battle and laying waste to singers right and left with her Blade. Title Drop: Rhythm of War is the title of the research journal (on the relationship between different forms of investiture and the Singer rhythms) co-authored by Navani and Raboniel. This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Rhythm of War. The Sibling combines the powers of Honor and Cultivation, as do most of the Radiants. I think Wit wily enough to put it together in the moment that since he didn't spend the breath, Odium took it. Adolin was excited to see Maya again upon arriving in Shadesmar. Who still says Moash did nothing wrong? Rlain, too, was a prime choice—the Sibling even expressed strong interest in him. During Adolin’s trial, Maya draws strength from him and manages to speak in his defense, as she’s had his back time and again. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know him were the better for it. Such is the genius that is Brandon Sanderson. By the time we reached the part where Navani and Kaladin were experiencing the stresses of isolation, we were all well into the lockdown phases too. So much so that he had an anxiety attack upon returning to his quarters. When the honorspren refuse to even read the messages he carries, Adolin takes the only way he can think of to get into the fortress. Navani’s arc was a surprise in several ways. I'll hide spoilers about other books, but if you've read this far, I assume pretty much anything I say about Rhythm of War you've already read in the book or it has already been spoiled. (You can find the non-spoiler review of the book here). Boom. High quality Rhythm Of War gifts and merchandise. Since Szeth told Dalinar that he had to go back to Shinovar, we’re very much looking forward to what we’ll see and what he’ll do. The song of science itself.” Can we just say, that was magnificent?! The chapter with Wit’s story about “The Dog and the Dragon” was practically a microcosm of the book in this sense: Kaladin dragging through that horrible nightmare, and then suddenly the bright light, and Wit pulling him in, and hot stew, and a story full of humor and pathos and unexpected endings. I did seemarethyu316's comment that Hoid in Bands of Mourning comes after Stormlight book 5, so maybe he doesn't know about free copperminds yet. We can’t leave Navani’s arc without finalizing her collaboration with Raboniel, though. He is still protected by the legal contract, what ever new odium did doesn't count as harm. In Part One, we only see the society from Venli’s point of view, but that gives us an insider’s look at Lady Leshwi, the flying Fused who seems to have fun playing Kaladin’s nemesis. He also knew he couldn't retain an obvious memory. They discover a gruesome scene: The corpses of actual Radiant spren are found, all sliced open. As if that weren’t enough, the ending to the Shadesmar arc also carries strong Cosmere implications when Mraize equates their leader Thaidakar with the “Lord of Scars”… who sounds way too much like Kelsier, eh? But about the rest of his arc… He gets it in his head that he needs the Herald Ishar (aka Tezim the god-priest) to help him restore the Oathpact and then rescue Urithiru. Author Brandon Sanderson has spoken about how he views this epic series as two sets of five books. Considering that Raboniel was a renowned scholar (if a rather unethical one, from our perspective) that’s saying something. And that’s about that. Mixing. (All the feels. Up until now, we’ve mostly seen Queen Navani from the outside, with her confidence and intelligence at the fore. She mostly remains an enigma, though, because we still don’t entirely know what she’s planning. There are a handful of things we wanted to address separately—things that specially touched our hearts or took us by surprise. Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson is out now. Not to mention, storage in a metal mind seems to require intent. They end at an open air tunnel with Raboniel infusing a node with the Pursuer standing by. It's the latest in a lot of books: this is the fourth of ten planned books in the Stormlight Archive series and the twelfth of a planned thirty-odd books in the wider Cosmere universe. Just launching this week is Sanderson’s 4th installment in the series titled Rhythm of War. After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. So he had to leave small traces that Odium wouldn't think to erase -- the half-missing coin, the lost perfect pitch. She does eventually free Lift but still doesn’t attain the Second Ideal. After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights … Where do you sit on this spectrum, Sanderfans? I don't know, RAFO I guess. Cosmere connections are steadily growing in this book. The cover is by the always magnificent Michael Whelan! He is still very much Bridge Four, and stays loyal to Kaladin in the midst of the Tower’s occupation. Oct 27, 2017 3,255. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Now throw in a couple of listeners who know what freedom feels like, a handful of singers who want to know, and a Fused who still remembers a time when the spren were her friends, and things are not so straightforward. She frees Rlain from captivity and speaks the Words of her Second Ideal—”I will seek freedom for those in bondage,” but… her Words are not accepted. It is preceded by Oathbringer. -Paige) It’s a pretty fair bet that Adolin’s defense of Notum prevented the latter from being used in Ishar’s experiments. But your side winning is better than the war continuing forever.” That’s… pretty deep. Someone newly anointed to shard hood shouldn’t be able to mess up Hoid, who’s been circumventing them for millennia, but if he did do that, T’odium scares me. My friend who also read the book is of the same mind with many of you, that Wit has been made useless by losing most of his extended memory -- a depressing and bleak thought. Very joy. It started out with him killing a truly terrifying Fused—without Stormlight—which was great, wasn’t it? Rhythm of War Starts The End Of The First Arc of The Stormlight Archive. --Tor.com on Words of Radiance "Absolutely revels in its fantasy world, one of actual gods, bizarre magic, knights with superpowers, spirits and sorcery, monsters, demons, and magic sword called Shardblades. One of the major aspects of Venli’s character was her essential self-centeredness. The connections aren’t entirely clear (at least to us), but clearly the interaction is Significant. Well, he has no Gravitation. The Way of Kings was a strong novel which set up an unusual, alien setting with an interesting story and worldbuilding and characters who were among Sanderson's best. That was brutal. The fourth book of Sanderson’s epic Stormlight Archive sets up the final arc of the first half of the planned 10-book series. As one might expect from the fourth book of a five-book arc, Rhythm of War leaves everything wide open and set up for the next book. We don’t see Lift again after that scene, but we hear of her when Dalinar gives Kaladin a flute he’d gotten from Lift. After advising Odium on how to drive Kaladin to suicide, sending him nightmares, and killing Phendorana and Teft (DIE MOASH DIE!™), it was with a vicious joy (Much vicious. Concurrent with the battle in Hearthstone, Shallan’s adventures in the warcamp showed what was happening to the Alethi highprinces who weren’t persuaded to join Dalinar after the Battle of Narak. After precious little screen time in Oathbringer, Rlain has a far more prominent role in Rhythm of War. This novel is written by Brandon Sanderson. In the end, she says, “I want the singers to win. Part One has Zahel using Awakening in a sparring match with Kaladin, while he gives esoteric explanations that go right over our poor bridgeboy’s head… and straight into ours, blowing our pea-picking little minds. Simply beautiful. Rhythm of War is a lot. -Paige) that we saw him flee into the storm, his connection with Odium severed for a moment and in agony over what he’d done (However much he hurt, it wasn’t nearly enough. He is freed by Raboniel at Venli’s request, and helps Lirin and Hesina with the unconscious Radiants while also helping Kaladin. -Paige) and others would prefer to not have another Kholin Radiant because, really, they’re all over the bloody place. That means that whatever happens in … Despite telling Mraize she wouldn’t kill him, she changes her mind and decides to dispatch him in order to disguise herself as High Judge. She said it belonged to Kaladin and asked Dalinar to pass it along. I'm wondering if that was a metalmind ... That chapter with the coin hiding and splitting is certainly telling I think, as I think Wit does that with us/Odium. We’ve waited so long to see it and seen Kaladin go through so much. Time Skip: A year has passed since the end of Oathbringer. Thus it wasn't surprise in the moment but not the breaking of the entire plan. One afternoon’s worth of resistance, and it’s over. I can't see your mind, but I can see these, can't I? She wanted to learn how to understand him in order to help him. Art copyright 2020 Michael Whelan. Followers 1. What T-Odium did to Hoid was to take away some of his Investiture. It’s been ten years now since I began this series, and it has been an increasingly satisfying experience to see the story grow and fulfill the vision I’ve had for it all these years. But, accident or not, Brandon Sanderson took to Twitter to make the whole thing official. You must be a registered user to subscribe to threads. Rhythm of war itself has stood on top of that mountain of hype as a pillar for fans to look to. Taravodium? There have been some advances in technology on both sides: Navani’s airship is most notable on the human side, while the Fused have several new weapons to use against the Radiants. Stream [EP.106] Rhythm of War Part 5 Book End: Stormlight Archive Book 4 By Brandon Sanderson Discussion 1 by Lit Literature from desktop or your mobile device There’s been a lot of speculation on the champions to be chosen in the much-anticipated battle of champions, which we’ll see in book 5. Anyway, on to Venli! Riiiiight. The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson’s #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game. The whole theme of Wit's monologue was trickery and misdirection. We can’t help wondering whether this is typical of the Bondsmiths or not, but we haven’t seen this kind of conflict between Radiant and spren in the other orders. (Though, honestly if anyone would it would be him.). Yes, you should buy this book. Thank you so much for Edgedancer Godeke, Brandon. Gavilar’s condemnation: “You aren’t worthy, Navani,” (*glares at Gavilar* -Paige) and all the rest of it, telling her that she wasn’t good enough to be a real scholar or a real artifabrian or to achieve anything on her own—it echoes down through the pages, over and over. What say you? I realize I've thrown up a bit of a wall of text, but I felt the points required some explanation and substantiation. The original working title was The Song of Changes, which Brandon said was never meant to be the final title, and he later said the tentative title was The Rhythm of War. My involvement this time around was a little unique. She realizes that in allowing Lift to remain caged, she hasn’t done enough to truly mean the words. (Only three years away! When the Fused invade the Tower, Kaladin kills a singer in Lirin’s newly set-up surgery—much to Lirin’s disgust—and hauls an unconscious Teft to a safe room, led by none other than the Sibling. Kaladin was again pulled out of that mess, this time by Renarin, and upon returning to the Shattered Plains, he was relieved of duty by Dalinar. He actually realized this himself and when he told Dalinar that he can’t do it, Dalinar agreed and said, “This is the sort of thing a man must do himself.” So perhaps we’ll see the Blackthorn unleashed again. And no Sylspear. Speaking of which—of course we expected to end up in Urithiru, and likely with most of the usual suspects. We learn more about why this was the boon she asked, and as has been foreshadowed and speculated, she wanted to remain the little girl she was when her mother died of a sickness. As for why Rayse hadn't done that... Perhaps it's a matter of perspective. I am also really confused about the Breath memory storage. But since the OP blanked most of his post, I'll just say this is heavy on spoilers for the Epilogue of Rhythm of War. In fury, Szeth smashes two gemstones Taravangian is trying to protect, drawing Odium to see why Sja-anat’s children were there. Rhythm of War was finally made the official title in February 2020, and the writing process ended in July 2020. I think he just edited the breath slightly. We learn briefly of how she Enlightens spren, rather than corrupting them. Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive #4) is a Fantasy novel by Brandon Sanderson. After dispatching the Tukari, Adolin and Company arrive at Lasting Integrity, which is on lockdown. It is a solid entry to the series, with some surprising twists, brilliant emotional beats, and an intense study of the mental health of our heroes. -Alice) (I was so, so happy and relieved! The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game. Contents. VargOdium? It’s a little different in terms of structure, but it works. Many readers may not have registered this, but the location of Lasting Integrity in Shadesmar corresponds to the physical location of Tukar. Product details. This implies that he may have read all of Hoid's breath memories and now knows what they contained! It’s probably worth acknowledging that some people have objected to Rlain bonding a Sja-anat-touched spren, as if he hadn’t spent enough time being the “other.” We find it hopeful, though; with Renarin and Rlain both accepting that kind of bond, it may be a signal from Sanderson that good things are happening with Sja-anat, and they’ll be forerunners rather than outsiders. They’re being attacked by Raboniel, who is attempting to infuse the gemstone pillar with voidlight, Unmake the Sibling, and take control of the Tower in truth. However, she changes her mind at the last minute, when Veil and Radiant require her to confront her deepest Truth and in doing so, absorbs Veil back into herself. If you made it this far, thanks for sticking with me. Anyone? Hard to see that as not harming him, even if the loss of memories can somehow be granted a pass (which also seems very dubious). He is a true storyteller, and Rhythm of War is his best book. The scene ends with her stabbing Ruthar in the throat with Wit’s sword and then having Renarin immediately heal him. Well no one would think Odium would be replaced any time soon. Show of hands, folks. Can Black Pain in Books Bring About Black Joy? And i find it really weird that Hoid didn't notice, he heard something, dropped a coin without noticing, his pitch was wrong and the spren was not there, that is to much weirdness for someone like him to ignore. He essentially turns himself in to stand trial against the honorspren’s accusations of betrayal: He challenges them to judge him against the actions of the Radiants who had abandoned their Oaths. Started by JoyBlu, November 17, 2020. row endpapers; 3 posts in this topic. Anyone? If you like fantasy books, reading, or even just a fan of ink on lots of sheets of paper you should get a copy. How? It’s also a pretty fair bet that this coinciding location is not an accident on the part of our brilliant author… So we end up with probable entanglement of the two seemingly least-related plot arcs. He'd been hiding from Rayse/Odium for a long time and specifically chose to reveal himself here, specifically to gloat. “You. The final parallel, though, is… well, worrisome. @BrandSanderson has another #1 on the NY Times bestseller lists with RHYTHM OF WAR, both in hardcover fiction and print/e combined. I think Rhythm of war suffered some mid book problems. Also, there were hundreds of deadeyes gathered outside Lasting Integrity at the time of the trial. Terrified about what made the spren and Radiants decide such a drastic measure was necessary!! And, of course, at long last, we’ll see what we expect to be an epic battle of Odium’s Champion versus Honor’s. Also, she stole Dalinar’s lunch. The implications for the Cosmere are vague, huge, and frightening. It was just a matter of when and where. -Alice) gives a bound and gagged Lirin to a Fused and goes after Navani. As Kaladin plummets past the Tower, he is finally able to speak the words, and Dalinar is the one to accept them. I am still confused about the breath thing. First, the coalition agrees on the need to make a military push somewhere, or risk losing too much ground as the Fused continue to return from Braize. Raboniel is coming… which twists the “stay in Urithiru and be bored” plot into the primary storyline, and turns out to be more like “stay in Urithiru and be terrified.”. Dalinar heads back to the warcamp where he hears that Urithiru had been liberated and that Navani is now a Bondsmith. Instead, he’s imprisoned in a small house in the midst of the coalition warcamp, where he is constantly guarded. And learn we did. Dalinar doesn’t have a lot of screen time, but what he does have packs a lot of punch. Have. Well, only most of us. I'll hide spoilers about other books, but if you've read this far, I assume pretty much anything I say about Rhythm of War you've already read in the book or it has already been spoiled. I don't see why Wit would plan on that, but if he says that was the plan, perhaps it was. Alice hails from the Pacific Northwest, and contrary to expectation, has not yet developed webbed feet. Some fans think that Adolin or Renarin… or even Kaladin will become Odium’s champion. But in helping the Sibling, he exposes himself each time to the Pursuer. While it was written over the course of 2019, before anyone ever heard of COVID-19, we started the beta read just as the first worries were beginning to look serious. Further away. She also thought about how Kaladin has two brains, too: a light brain and a dark brain. Lift’s powers work during the occupation because she’s using Lifelight instead of Stormlight to power the Surges, and Kaladin’s only Lashing works because it’s solely of Honor. The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game. Watching Moash flee in terror from the woman whose son he murdered, as she spoke the Ideal her son was prevented from completing, satisfied a deep and visceral longing. Gills, maybe. Rhythm of War is also, it is pleasing to report, a stronger novel than its forebear, arresting a slight decline in quality that the series had been suffering since the start. Moash (Grrr! It’s working, too, until…. Wouldn’t other prominent awakeners like the five scholars be using things like this if it were true? Followers 1. All of these Rhythm of War audiobook chapters going live at once definitely feels like one big accident. Unfortunately, just after he did so, he was rendered unable to act as Moash again exacted vengeance right in front of him, this time killing Roshone. But Kaladin will not be Dalinar’s. But we finally got it, after much speculation and theorizing… “I accept that there will be those I cannot protect!” Gaahh!! In the end, this has way crazy repercussions. At one point, we wondered if Dabbid would form that bond, being perhaps the first to hear the Sibling’s voice. After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. One of our favorite moments was when Raboniel says, “If you are not a scholar, Navani, then I have never met one.” Though she continues to doubt herself, and at one point condemns herself in thinking that a true scholar would have seen the implications of her own work (LOL), that acknowledgement from Raboniel is what finally makes her realize that, imperfect as she may be, she is worthy to be considered a scholar and a bondmate for the Sibling. Dalinar, naturally, will go off to this war, and Jasnah declares her intention of going as well. -Alice) (Every feel. Can he do that to anyone? Receive notification by email when a new comment is added. One more thing: The Sibling is the child of Honor and Cultivation, whose essence is “Structure and nature. He always emerged on the other side. I don’t think it’s any more wrong than killing honor. High quality Rhythm Of War gifts and merchandise. Also, I feel like it kind of kills Hoid as a character. Just… some of us obsess over maps, okay? -Paige). I don't know enough about the chronological order of Hoid's life to know for sure. She banishes him and names his eldest son, who happens to be amenable to her rule, as Highprince. The inkspren Blended noted that while Adolin is definitely not a Radiant (at this point), there is a definite bond between him and Maya. Possibly cuaseing them to act up for a bit. The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling Oathbringer, from an epic fantasy writer at the top of his game. Very nearly everything is important. 5 out of 5 stars 4.8 out of 5.0 5 Stars 294 4 Stars 28 3 Stars 11 2 Stars 4 ... broken Kaladin and Shallan are and it was a chore to listen to large parts of the book with the emotional payoff at the end not being worth the time(57 hrs). Rhythm of Warwas finally made official in February 2020. Ishy is obviously bonkers (though man, could he wield that sword!) And then he was gone, too young, too soon… but Brandon made him Radiant. It was about letting go of the people he hadn’t saved in the past, accepting that they made their own choices and took their own chances. It is an incredible series. and thinks that Dalinar is Odium’s champion set against him, an aspect of the Almighty. And it was every bit as fantastic as we expected it to be. I think he could see deeply enough to suspect it when no one else did. According to Dragonsteel’s official Radiant test, she’s a Truthwatcher/Lightweaver/Edgedancer/Windrunner, and will happily take all the surges! Read it again, Wit didn't realize something was wrong until... he started whistling after the first interaction. The Folio Society’s Next Gorgeous Release Is a Limited Edition of, Advertising for Burglars: Lord Dunsany’s “How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art Upon the Gnoles”, Calling Evil Good, and Good Evil: Spiritual Abuse in C.S. -Alice). It’s an epic tale of family, secrets, loss, marriage, betrayal, friendships, laughter, and regrets. The Fused Raboniel, leading the incursion with the blessing of the Nine, activates and reverses the Tower’s defenses—defenses meant to suppress the powers of the Fused, but now used to suppress the powers of the few Radiants left in the Tower, rendering them unconscious. We already knew why he did it… his deal with Odium to essentially sacrifice humanity to save his people, and only his people. This in a metal mind seems to require intent Hesina with the coins very likely were copperminds it just... 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