I thank God who led me to this article because this is where I am at this point in my life where I am seeking God. St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish serves the Lake Country area of Wisconsin. This is where I am picking up the revelation that we are to learn how to talk to God as we would with a best friend. I’m seeking to have a personal relationship with God. I had two miracles in my sinful life that brought me to God. I am wanting to go deeper with my relationship with God and was asking God how to seek Him. Glory Glory to God. God has created all of us to come into close communion with Him. God can move to help give you favor with your bosses and supervisors at your places of employment. Thank you for helping me understand. I don’t know each of you reading this but I can tell you this; I know many teachers of faith say God can do for you what he did for me… Again, seeking after the Lord to try and establish a good, deep, intimate, personal relationship with Him is all part of the sanctification process that God would like to do with each and everyone of us. I confessed {ROMANS 10:9)â That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jeâsus, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be savedâ. And the only thing that will be left standing, when everything is all finally said and done, is you standing totally alone before the Judgment Seat of Christ, with Jesus judging you on how well you have served Him and followed Him in this life. The different Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries describe the word “fellowship” as the following: Not only does God want us to learn how to fellowship with other people in this life, but He also wants us to learn how to fellowship direct with Him, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. Only then can we truly walk with God. God knew my past addictions were deep wounds. Unit 1 (D&C) Overview - Section 39. Daniel specifically says he was seeking the Lord God with fasting, along with his prayers and pleas. The Blood that Jesus has personally shed for each and everyone of us on the cross now gives us full entrance back into the kingdom of God the Father. There are now no more barriers between God and us. To seek the Lord means to turn to God, to desire to be in a relationship with him, and to come into his presence for fulfillment, strength and help. This was such a blessing to my life and I can’t wait to know my Lord in an even deeper way. This has helped me, thank you. Members should be willing to share the gospel whenever they feel moved by the spirit. I have found this article to be gold, to be dynamite, to be on point. He tells us how to live in a way that pleases him. All God can do is let you know that He is there for you. It’s not the contents in general, but something in the contents. What Moses managed to accomplish with the Lord should serve as a powerful example for all of us on how we are to interact with God and what we should really be seeking and striving after in this life. 16:11 NKJV). The first main way that God is going to test you on this is to see how far and to what extent you will attempt to make some kind of personal contact with Him in order to try and establish a good personal relationship with Him. Seek the Lord implies that we shouldnât find an alternative to Him. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. God bless you as you continue ministering his word. When we seek God it is never in vain. Imperfect people are not capable of giving you any type of perfect and unconditional love – no matter how hard they try, and no matter how hard they will try and tell you otherwise. To come to him for help. Our God is a faithful, loyal, loving, and perfect God. We already have a Prayer Secrets Section in our site that will specifically deal with this part of our prayer life with the Lord, so I will not go any further on this part of our prayer life with Him. I’ve saved it and intend to share it! If you are willing to go into this kind of intense seeking mode with the Lord where you have your radars up each and everyday looking for God to move in your life in some way or some fashion – then the Holy Spirit will help open up your eyes and help increase your ability to be able to spot it, recognize it, and actually see it when it does occur so you can fully appreciate it and be very thankful for it when it does happen. Like the word you preach was good verses were good bought back to my rembence . The second verse tells us that we can have fellowship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself. ï. You do not have to wait until you get to heaven to be able to establish this kind of close, intimate, personal relationship with the Lord. And those who had set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel came after them from all the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord, the God of their fathers. Obinna has asked me to pray for You to reveal Yourself, therefore I ask You to manifest Yourself to Obinna. Seek the Lord [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life],All you humble of the landWho have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments;Seek righteousness, seek humility [regard them as vital].Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued]In the day of the Lordâs anger. It usually takes a awhile for the real true sparks of love to build up. But for many different reasons, this type of best-friendship really never develops in the way that it should in many households across this world, and you thus have many parents and children living and breathing right next to one another with no real passionate love and intimacy ever being established and forged with one another. Donât overlook the opportunity that the Lord is giving you to seek Him! The great obstacle to seeking the Lord is pride. Now that we have come full circle again with God the Father, there is now one more thing that each Christian must decide on in this life. This next area is one area that many Christians are missing out on. It usually takes a certain amount of time for this kind of true, passionate, and intense type of love to form out and build up. God knew beforehand that every man and woman that would be born after them would all turn out to be unholy sinners in His sight, and that none of us would ever be good enough or righteous enough to be able to enter into His kingdom on any our own good works. I’m worried about my future. Rome was not built overnight, and neither will your own personal relationship with the Lord. It is not referring to Moses being able to actually see the face of God. We are thus looking and gazing on a perfect Being who has the ability to transmit and release perfect, true, unconditional love in a way that no other human will ever be able to do in this life. God will give you just as much time, attention, effort, and intensity as He would with anyone else. And what will happen next if we make some kind of attempt to seek after Him? Our desire and prayer is very much that these studies will be of help to you too. For the real seeker in the Lord, there is a whole treasure chest of goodies at your local Christian bookstore. 55:6-7). And Satan ws trying to doom me before I could be saved. I began to say back to the spirit of GOD, âWhy would I look in my hand?â Then the spirit of GOD spoke for the second time, âI said look in your handâ. Similar to David who consistently enquired of the Lord on whether to fight his enemy so should you seek the Lord about the strategies of the enemy to expose his lies and conquer him. HE said to me, âI said to look in your hand!! It’s the exact same with God the Father. Of all of the articles that we have in our site covering a wide variety of topics, the revelation and knowledge that is contained in the above verses are in my opinion, the most important of all for each Christian to try and get worked into their personal walk with the Lord. And it is all there for the taking for those who are willing to dive into Him and start to seek and drink from Him. To seek the Lord’s face is to seek his presence. Talking with him all the times durning the day. I am born again and it is not reversible,. God does not want to settle for anything less. And not only does He know every single thought and word that is floating around in your mind and heart to begin with – but He knows what you are going to say and think before you even begin to say it or think it, since He has perfect knowledge on all future events, including what will be coming out of your mind or your mouth. I only have vision in one eye so reading is difficult. 4. And second, yes, he is always present with his children in the sense of his covenant commitment to always stand by us and work for us and turn everything for our good. When we listen to preaching or read books on doctrine, we are seeking God through his word contained in those sources, and God will speak to us through preaching and books. God bless you and continue to do His will, that’s one of your spiritual gifts. God is looking for intense seekers who are willing to seek after Him with all of their heart and with all of their soul. The fact that God and Jesus would ever allow this kind of scenario to unfold just to be able to save us and bring us back to Themselves is truly a maximum kind of intense and unconditional love that our human minds have a hard time in really being able to fully grasp. âSeek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. It was so amazing and so touching that GOD had chosen me and put a cross in my right hand, and yes this is a true story. Turning away from our wicked ways. We can thus either learn how to start seeking after God so we can enter into this powerful, personal, and intense relationship with Him – or we can turn our back on God, completely forsake Him, and trade Him in for all of the carnal and fleshly pleasures of this world. In the Christian Book section of our own site, we have a list of some very good books covering a wide variety of topics. Per the article we have titled, “Trusting in the Lord,” the Bible tells us that we have to learn how to fully trust in the Lord. Circumstances of life cannot overwhelm me although i am currently passing through a lot now. God has provided Jesus Christ as the Savior for all men. He will perfectly handle you at whatever level of spiritual development you may be operating at, no matter how low of a level you think that may be. Ezekiel 34.12, And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. Too many Christians only seek after the hand of God, which represents what He might be able to give them or help bring their way. Thank you for sharing this article it has help me in so many ways. The verses below are really spelling and shouting out this secret. (Isa.55: 6, 7, Ps.103: 8-14, Jn.1: 29) As Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. 5 Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth, 6 O seed of Abraham, His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones! I was so crushed. 4 Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. I don’t think I was saved at that time. He didn’t need us to make him happy. God still has this incredible perfect and unconditional love for each one of us, and He has now made a way for all of us to be able to receive that divine love – and that way is through His Son Jesus and the Blood that Jesus has personally shed for each one of us on the cross. It explained, in a very understandable way, what I was needing as I seek a closer relationship with the Lord. And again, God has made it as simple and easy as He possibly could by putting everything that we would ever need all in this one Book. This is why I say the Bible is the real litmus test between God and us – as it will be what will separate the true, passionate, on-fire seeker from the lukewarm, lazy, and worldly Christian who could really care less about God and any of His ways on how we are to live in this life. God has done everything that He possibly could to draw each person back unto Himself. He wants nothing more than to be able to draw you close to Him so He can help you get through this life in one piece, and accomplish everything that He would like for you to get done in this life in the perfect plan He has set up for your life. God bless you, THANK YOU FOR THIS MESSAGE. There is nothing more contagious, more infectious, and more energetic than to be around a true Spirit-filled Christian who is fully alive in the Lord, and who is fully serving and working for the Lord with maximum passion and intensity. He is already there, ready and waiting for your green light to help draw you closer to the Lord. I have done all that I know and to do in my little way. Seek, and then you will find God. its all about JESUS LORD GOD almighty You seek – and then you will find God. I am looking forward to getting to know my True Best Friend!!!!! This kind of total, complete, unconditional, and perfect love is beyond our ability to fully understand or comprehend, especially in the type of world we live in today. 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. This will now lead us into the next set of verses. I believe the Bible is serving as a real litmus test between God and us in this life. I believe the Lord will honor any fast we do, even if we only skip one meal. He is totally trustworthy since He is totally perfect in His personality. But “Seeking His Face” is a mystery, a treasure. And Moâses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.âThen, right in the center of my right hand I noticed that GOD had put a beautiful cross there! This is why I have been using the best friend analogy to help try and explain what kind of personal relationship God is really looking to establish with each one of us. I pray God draws me more and more to Himself, for I really desire to know him more. Think of the ramifications of what these next set of verses are trying to tell us – that if we make some kind of attempt to seek after God, that we will be able to find Him, that we will be able to make some kind of direct contact with Him where He can then start to communicate back to us. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. But the choice will always remain with each individual believer. You could end up doing great and mighty works for the Lord in this lifetime, but if all those works are not being done operating in a good, close, personal relationship with Him, then you could end up feeling sad, lonely, and despondent. real Living Waters.Blessings. The first verse tells us that we can fellowship direct with both God and Jesus. God will encourage us through one another. I am glad that I found this article. It would really be nice if all of the relationships between parents and their children could turn into and develop into true best friendships, but for many in this life, this never really happens. But we didn’t want God’s joy or a relationship with him. Jesus Himself further expounds on this friend analogy with what He has to say in the following verse: “You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. God bless. When I see the changes, I will subscribe. Today I decided to goggle “seeking God with all my heart” and this article came up among others, I read through making notes and I have been touched by the simplicity of what it is to seek and find God and treat Him as my best friend. I feel such a peace in my heart as I begin my true journey with The Lord . 2 Chronicles 12:14. Right after the Bible says âSeek the Lord while He may be foundâ in the first part of :6, it then adds, âcall upon Him while He is near.â Our heavenly Father cares for us and loves us. And what exactly is God waiting for? You are seeking after God to get to know His personality. Many spouses end up wandering into the arms of another lover behind their spouses back as a result of the deadness and lukewarmness that has infected their marriage relationship. It is easy to quickly find an alternative solution to our problems when God seems to be slow. So why does the Lord have this kind of an intense and passionate love for each one of us since we have all been proven to be such unworthy and unholy sinners in His sight? Romans 15:4 ; 13. Romans 15:13, I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. God the Father is telling us that Moses learned to how to speak and talk to Him like you would a good friend. So many people are chasing after other people and other material things in this life in an effort to try and find perfect happiness, peace, and fulfillment. âThat they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of usâ (Acts 17:27). With the Blood that His Son Jesus has already shed for all of us on the cross, God the Father has now opened up the gates to His heaven and the gates direct to Himself. Ron Wood But I’m sorry to say that I still haven’t hit that point of fundamental satisfaction or encounter with the Lord that is life changing. I was a undisciplined man and set on the desires of my own choosing. In this time of uncertainty, I will seek the Lord. By being willing to learn from other believers, you will be showing the Lord your strong desire to want to learn more about Him and all of His ways, and that you are leaving no stone unturned in your seeking and pursuit of Him. Your job will be to try and pick it up when God does move in some kind of supernatural way to help you out. Our spiritual relationship with God the Father, which was completely torn and severed with the first sin of Adam and Eve, has now been fully restored through the Blood of Jesus Christ. As you will see when you study the wording in these specific verses, God is telling us that we have to be the ones to first initiate making some kind of direct contact with Him! Any true, born-again believer now has direct access to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit 24/7, 365 days a year. This verse is so extreme, that Jesus is telling us that He would rather find us to be too cold than too lukewarm. The Scripture verses I will list in this article are the bridge, the key, and the secret to being able to find and make direct contact with the Lord in this lifetime. I believe this best-friend type of personal relationship that God is looking to establish with each one of us is the main reason that He has created the human race. Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? God can move in your life in a wide variety of ways and in a wide variety of matters. Without him Iâm nothing. Once you have become saved and born again by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then the next big step that will await you is whether or not you will attempt to enter into an intense, passionate, personal relationship with the Lord. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” Romans 3:10-12. If you have never turned to Jesus for forgiveness of your sins, seek him and he will save you and give you eternal life. Yes of course you can ! I enjoy songwriting, oil painting and coffee, not necessarily in that order. The Bible tells us that God never sleeps or slumbers. …forever. I ended up being abused by them and put in foster homes. What this means is that you now have to keep your radars up each and every day, as you never know when, where, or how God will move next. That is why God sought us out first. What exactly does God see in all of us that makes us so redeemable in His sight? 5 Ways To Seek After the Lord 1. Another powerful way that you can seek after the Lord is by being willing to fellowship with other like-minded believers. And the more that you seek after God, the more you will find of Him and the deeper and stronger your personal relationship will become with Him. God is so jealous and so possessive of the human race that He has created, that He has purposely made all of us to only be able to live in this life and the next life to come only if we are willing to bond and graft directly into Him through the Blood that His Son Jesus has already shed for us on the cross. Thanks for the article. Sorry for the length. I’m so delighted to came across this article I have been longing for since. Thank you so much for your dedication to the Lord, Yes in two senses: First, in the sense that God is omnipresent and therefore always near everything and everyone. As a result of being so comfortable with this person, you feel totally free to express your most intimate and secret thoughts with one another. The human race fell into sin and darkness and deception. Going into this kind of heavy seeking mode trying to acquire as much knowledge as you can about the Lord will really move the Holy Spirit to want to work on your behalf. They mean exactly what they are saying. God hears our prayers. And then…came jioy…..for I knew God had converted me to one of his sheep. Intimate fellowship, intimate prayer and communication, intimate dialogue and conversations about anything and everything, and intimate sharing of our most personal, private, and secret thoughts. Isaiah 45:19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right. âIn the pride of his face the wicked does not seek himâ (Psalm 10:4). I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. We can’t imagine that God can offer us any kind of pleasure or joy. All God is asking for is that you just give Him a few small steps to work with, and He will then more than prove Himself to you that you can learn to fully trust Him and eventually fall madly and passionately in love with Him. God has purposely created all of us with a void and a vacuum on the inside of each of us – and the only thing that can fill that void and emptiness is the Lord Himself. Glory To GOD!!! He is looking for on-fire and passionate people who will try and tear into Him, who will try and take a hold of Him, and who will try to understand Him and all of His ways. I hope so, that way my prayer for you will have already been answered and then you will only have to continue the pleasant journey with Yehovah. Talk to God just like you would talk to your best friend. He is wanting all of us to learn how to live more of this life at a full throttle, at a full pedal to the medal type mentality in how we serve Him, in how we interact with Him, and how we work for Him in this life. Even thought in my reading this article I had to critique and turn around some of your writing I really enjoyed it and I will be reading it again. Psalm 105:4, Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. As I said at the beginning of this article, most romantic love relationships between men and women do not start off with any kind of maximum intensity. All of the good works that you can do for the Lord in this lifetime will not fill that hole and void that is on the inside of your soul. I just Love Him with every little heart beat and with every breath and with every step I take every day, Iâm always over joyed when witnessing to others and sharing the Love of CHRIST! After God in the personal experiences that you will find God true word to dwell in us far! Zacchaeus, “ today salvation has come at a time when i falling... Ahead of us to come into close communion with Him all the wrongs to others and myself i had.. To your best friend are one in mind other men and women in this life or issue you may found. My God and Jesus seek his face continually come at a God who is Jesus – and i! Or your own normal everyday life within your own children and deception many people closer to our Lord his... This blog site, but all the wrongs to others and myself i had.! Feelings and desires my shepherd, and i did a Google search: how to seek a,... 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