two gentlemen of verona question answers pdf


What did the narrator learn about Lucia from the nurse, in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’? 4.Based on your reading of the story answer the following questions by ticking the correct options. Are you fully aware of the implications of your action? He’understood that they did not want to share their grief or problems related to their personal life with anyone. DUKE Even now about it! Answer: Question 16. 2011 (T-1)]Ans. I will pardon you. Once peace returned to the city, they came back home only to find that their sister had contracted tuberculosis of the spine. Question 2. Ans. He is courteous, honourable and is of good social standing too. OR Answer: What types of errands did the boys perform? The document Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Notes | EduRev is a part of the. Their knowledge of the hills, young age and small stature help them in their work. Ask a Question. Why does the author feel that the two boys brought new nobility to mankind? OR OR EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. The boys had lost their father in the war. Had you been in the place of the narrator, would you have behaved differently? (c) he wanted to respect their privacy. From the nurse, he comes to know that the boys had lost their father, a widower and a well-known singer, in the early part of the war, and soon after that a bomb had destroyed their home. Nicola, however, is annoyed that his brother has taken the help of the narrator. It is a befitting ending to a tale of nobility. Select Class. A. this story, we find that flame of human love and sacrifice is kept burning by two boys whose lives were darkened by the … To Study Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Notes | EduRev for Class 10 You are Lucia the ailing sister of the two boys. How does Two Gentlemen of Verona compare to Shakespeare's other "comedies" (like A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night)? CRONIN] Answer The boys loved their sister. (b) he thought that the boys would object The two boys were of great help of the narrator while he stayed in the town. What were the boys doing in the public square? They did not want the narrator to follow them because they wanted to have their own secrets. How did Luigi show his disapproval on seeing the two boys and why? Question 8. Tuberculosis of the spine. Cronin seems to tell us that even when life is not a bed of roses, it is up to us to ensure that the thorns are removed carefully, avoiding unnecessary hurt and pain. Describe the boys sacrifice to save their sister, Lucia. Their single goal in life is to f get her cured and to see her again as a singer. Nicola was not pleased when Jacopo asked the narrator to drive them to Poleta as he Next, when a secret resistance movement took concrete shape, the boys joined the group and worked as secret agents’ for them. In spite of working hard and earning money, the two boys still looked poor because Work with your partner and complete the following web-chart by listing the qualities of a gentleman. SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA CBSE – CLASS – X – ENGLISH – LITERATURE READER. Answer: Romeo and Juliet are believed to have lived there 3 1. Answer: 1. Nicola only says that they have other plans, but does not reveal what those plans are. Nicola and Jacopo joined the resistance movement which had begun to form secretly, during the rule of the German Elite Guards in Verona. C. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: [5 marks each] 15. ‘Two Gentlemen Of Verona’ Questions and Answers:A short summary of William Shakespeare's.Read all the questions answers below. Question 10. Ignoring their comfort, Nicola and Jacopo were saving money to make weekly payments to the hospital where their sister was recuperating from a serious illness. Nicola was thirteen years old. Where did Nicola offer to take the visitors? Long Answer Question: (100-120 words) Appearances are deceptive. ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ by A.J. 4. Extra Questions Answers - Two Gentlemen of Verona, MCQ's (with Solutions) - Two Gentlemen of Verona, NCERT Solutions - Two Gentlemen of Verona, Summary - Two Gentlemen of Verona (Hindi), Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video, Social Science Class 10 - Model Test Papers, Social Science Class 10 - Model Test Papers in Hindi, English Grammar (Communicative) Interact In English Class 10, Class 10 Biology Solutions By Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur, Class 10 Physics Solutions By Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur, Class 10 Chemistry Solutions By Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur, Class 10 Physics, Chemistry & Biology Tips & Tricks. To lead life in such a hell it is desirable that children like Nicola and Jacopo should be born. Question 12. The Two Gentlemen of Verona Questions and Answers The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. Answer: The author was surprised to see Nicola and Jacopo polishing shoes instead of selling wild berries. (c) They did not want to gain anybody’s sympathy. The narrator comes to know that the boys undertake many tasks, including showing the visitors through the town, to Juliet’s tomb and other places of interest. (b) the boys were ashamed of their sister’s condition. While dealing with the question of gentlemanly behaviour, we should not lose sight of one important point. Jacopo was younger of the two between Nicola and Jacopo. “Gazing at the two little figures, with their brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted.” (a) Why is the narrator so attracted by the boys? 12th English QR code questions Way to success - 2 - 2. Nicola and Jacopo’s father worked as a singer at ‘La Scala’. Question 3. The narrator and his friend stayed in Verona for more than a week visiting several places of tourist attraction. They took the narrator and his companion around Verona. After the lapse of a few minutes, the narrator goes to the villa only to realise that it’s a hospital. Both the boys have left a deep imprint on the author’s minds. Answer: Chapter 1: Two Gentlemen Of Verona Chapter 2: Mrs Packletides Tiger Chapter 3: The Letter Chapter 4: A Shady Plot Chapter 5: Patol Babu Film Star Chapter 6: Virtually True Chapter 7: The Frog And The Nightingale Chapter 8: Mirror Chapter 9: Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments Chapter 10: Ozymandias The ceasefire agreement came into effect at 11 am. Answer: Thirteen and twelve. They perform the dangerous task of carrying messages to the force’s of liberation in their shoes, and they ferret out information on the German troops. Do you think the story is a telling comment on the true character of a gentleman? Her name is Lucia and she is very cheerful and bravely fighting her handicap. Cronin. Luigi, the driver, tries to dissuade the narrator from buying strawberries from the two boys saying that the fruit would be of better quality in Verona. Though Nicola is only twelve and Jacopo eleven, the hardship in life has made the boys very mature for their age. Lucia is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Vocabulary. Based on your reading of the story answer the following questions by ticking the correct options. Read the following passages taken from Two Gentlemen of Verona and answer the questions: Question 1. The Two Gentlemen of Verona.The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1589 and 1593. Answer: I. Also, we can rest assured that with the kind of hard work they put in, they would surely achieve a lot in life. The nurse whom the narrator met was soft-spoken. Thus they saved all the money they could and made a regular payment to the hospital which was nursing their sister back to health. Explain with reference to ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. Question 17. Both slaved day in and day out, took on every possible job, worked late nights, starved themselves but still remained cheerful. Answer: Poleta was 30 kilometres away from Verona. (a) they were saving money to go to America. "We do many things, sir," Nicola answered seriously. (b) How does he help these boys? Class 10 students definitely take this MCQ - Two Gentlemen Of Verona exercise for a better result in the exam. What qualities of Nicola and Jacopo impressed the narrator? They did not spend anything for themselves either on their food or on clothes. On the outskirts of Verona. Get summary of Two Gentlemen of Verona by A J Cronin. Though there is the danger of being shot if caught, they fearlessly carry information about the movement of the German troops to the members of the resistance movement. (b) they did not want to share their problem with a stranger. Nicola and Jacopo were leading a happy, comfortable life in the company of their sister and father until the war-devastated their life. Their parents had died in the war and now they are slaving every day to provide medical treatment for their sister. In the case of the boys, we see that they suffer all kinds of loss. Thus we see that the two little boys are the two gentlemen of Verona. Two Gentlemen Of Verona Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative – Fiction EnglishMathsScienceSocialHindi AHindi B 2016 Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] Question 1. Question 11. It is the depiction of characters like Nicola and Jacopo that makes literature a body of optimistic thoughts. A trained nurse there takes him to a cubicle and through a glass partition, the narrator sees the boys in conversation with a twenty-year-old girl, their sister by the name Lucia. A gentleman, as defined in the dictionary, is a courteous and honourable man or a man of good social position. It is this earnestness in their eyes that attracts the narrator to the boys. Moreover, the narrator’s curiosity was killed by the boys’ unwillingness to spend more on their food and clothing. They visited their sister every Jacopo was about twelve years old. The narrator is deeply touched by the nobility of the boys and marvels at their invincible spirit. 10/05/2019 by Admin. But they didn’t give up. Two Gentlemen of Verona . ‘The Citadel’, ‘The Keys of the Kingdom’ and ‘The Spanish Gardener’ are some of his well-known novels. OR Why did the boys make a visit to the country every Sunday? MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 6 Two Gentlemen of Verona(A.J.Cronin) Two Gentlemen of Verona Textbook Exercises. (a) very little money on their food and clothing. Two Gentlemen of Verona Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. Read the extract given below and answer briefly the questions that follow. He wants to know whether they are saving money to emigrate to America. However, amidst this facade, the earnestness of the boys shines through their eyes and there is no deception in that. They were once well to do but war killed their father and made their only sister ill. (b) they had other plans. 3. What was one of the jobs done by the two boys to earn money? My father was killed in the war and we three were rendered homeless. A forest. ENGLISH [THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA BY A.J. The German Elite Guard ruled the city with ruthless severity and the boys grew to hate those unwanted masters* who had ruined their family. OR Cronin presents before us the story of two Veronese adolescents N icola, aged about thirteen, and Jacopo, aged about twelve. List the different things that the boys did to earn their living. NCERT Solutions PDF CBSE Notes - Books - Guide. How did the two boys help the narrator during his stay at Verona? This is Answer: The prisoner was hanged for committing murder. So, it would be a humiliating experience for them to take the help of the narrator. Luigi, the driver, cautions them not to buy the fruit from the shabby boys as better fruit would be available in Verona. out Class 10 lecture & lessons summary in the same course for Class 10 Syllabus. Answer: What qualities in the two boys attracted the narrator? When he rang the bell, the door was opened by a trained nurse. Two Gentlemen of Verona Comprehension III. Answer: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS. What did Nicola and Jacopo join during the rule of the German Elite Guards in Verona? When we take the first meaning, we have no problems in declaring that the two boys are courteous and honourable men. Underline the collocations in the following sentences: Two Gentlemen of Verona by A.J. Question 2. a. Important Questions of Two gentlemen of verona. They work day in and day out, but live on black bread and figs. She has no one else to take care of her except her two younger brothers Nicola and Jacopo. Two Gentlemen of Verona unfolds the true examples of gentlemen. Thus, we see the boys accepting the things that they could not change, fighting against the things which they could change and hoping for the best. Though the difference is of one year only, we see that Nicola is more mature than Jacopo and acts as the ‘big brother’. Two gentlemen of verona class 10 extra questions pdf Ask for details ; Follow Report by AmalBabu8031 29.06.2017 Log in to add a comment Two Gentlemen of Verona —By A.J. The narrator is deeply touched by the nobility of the boys and marvels at their invincible spirit. Home The Two Gentlemen of Verona Q & A Ask a question and get answers from your fellow students and educators. Their patriotism, as well as their hatred for the Germans, is evident in the brave work they carry out as messengers for the resistance movement. The frontiers of Mantua. EduRev is like a wikipedia The role played by the two brothers at the time of the war is also significant. Answer … In my view, a gentleman ought to be polite, gracious, un-assuming, courteous towards ladies, old and children, and altruistic. The narrator and his companion stayed in Verona for a week. Question 23. Question 32. your solution of Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Notes | EduRev search giving you solved answers for the same. With the onset of war, tragedy struck their family. Who’s Who in . This deceptive appearance must have helped them in their role as secret messengers against the German troops. Answer: Question 3. Nicola has a stronger sense of self-reliance and pride. Next morning, the narrator and his companion find the boys at the public square shining shoes. d) The seagull got excited. Cronin. Thus, they proved themselves to be extremely useful to the narrator. Complete Question & Answer - Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Notes | EduRev chapter (including extra questions, long questions, short questions, mcq) can be found on EduRev, you can check out Class 10 lecture & lessons summary in the same course for Class 10 Syllabus. They kept her in an expensive hospital and for twelve months went back to the hospital every week to make the payment. Moreover, the boys are of the opinion that they have not revealed their secret to the narrator. Sorry, I couldn’t write earlier. Write a letter to your friend about your past life and your present situation, as you are on the way to recovery, with the help of your younger brothers. The two boys admitted their sister in a hospital promising to pay the charges for her treatment. Since the treatment she got in the hospital was quite expensive, and they had to make payments every week, the two young men had to work day and night to earn enough money to meet the expenses. 1. They never tell me what they do, but I can well imagine the burden they are bearing at such a young age. a. (c) He wanted to respect their privacy. Question 18. CBSE class 10 English Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona. The old woman placed her keys gently on the table and sat down. Who was elder between Nicola and Jacopo? Answer: Yet they were hopeful, determined and ready to work for their sister. The question of behaving differently arises when a person does not behave in a suitable manner. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English. Description. Mention one of the ways the boys helped the resistance movement. Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. What were the different ways in which the two boys earned money? Selling wild strawberries. We shall sell all ourpapers, when it comes in.” Why were the boys waiting for the last bus? Answer: But, he doesn’t succeed at dissuading the narrator from buying fruit from the boys, because the narrator is attracted by the earnest look in the eyes of the boys and buys the fruit from them. During this time they had to suffer a great deal of hardship, one of which was starvation and exposure to the cold Veronese winter. Though fate has in reserve a cruel blow for them, we don’t see the boys complaining about the absence of a comfortable lifestyle, which they were used to, when their father, who was a renowned singer, was alive. (a) he did not want to intrude into their privacy “One boy had on a worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants; the other a shortened army tunic gathered in … Narrate the story of Two Gentlemen of Verona beginning with their experience during the war in about 200 words. The Two Gentlemen of Verona • (From. Question 7. Answer: Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Two Gentlemen of Verona Class 10 Notes | EduRev notes for Class 10 is made by best teachers who have written some of the best books of During one such secret mission, they had to move in the darkness through the mountain passes with letters in their shoes and the chances of their getting caught and shot by the German soldiers were many. Does a gentleman have consideration for others and their feelings? Answer: They work day in and day out, but live on black bread and figs. By hiring bicycles. Question 8. The narrator doesn’t want to intrude upon the privacy of the boys with their sister and hence goes away without speaking to them. They are truly the two gentlemen of Verona. Answer: On Sunday afternoon, the narrator brought the two boys in his car to a large red-roofed villa in a tiny village set upon the hillside. Their honourable behaviour is evident in the fact that though they have to work very hard, sacrificing sleep, food and pleasure, they never contemplate dishonourable ways of earning money. (c) What is the meaning of the word ‘earnest’? Vivek said to his sister, “You can use my phone, whenever you want.” a) Vivek told his sister that she could use his phone, whenever she wanted. Answer: The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. when my brothers will enjoy a childhood they had missed. [C.B.S.E. (c) they wanted to save the money for medical expenses. (a) the boys would prefer to keep their secret. Tests & Videos, you can search for the same too. They carried messages to the forces of liberation, carrying information on the movements of the German troops. Secret resistance movement the appropriateness of the jobs done by the nobility of the jobs done by the time boys... Q1.. what are the two boys to earn money far away in the very situation! ‘ selling fruit ’ was one of the two boys attracted the narrator perceived a degree of seriousness and air... Continuing, I contracted tuberculosis of the war and after the war was over: two Gentlemen Verona. The solved questions answers in this MCQ - two Gentlemen of Verona? ’ answer: the boys useful the! Went back to health week to make the payment narrator too takes this service from the,... Useful in many ways ; answered ; Unanswered ; Active ; the two boys Movie about a brother his. 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