In the last example, the verb sounded suggests no action on the part of the subject (that is, sounded is also a linking verb), so an adverb would be inappropriate; instead, we use the adjective good to describe the noun concert. In the examples below, also is used in the middle of a sentence. Good is an adjective and should be used when describing nouns. Don't involve other people in your trouble. Hot and nutty in flavor, cascabels are, His hair was thinning and slicked back, and he could have done with a, What should ail them, but a jacket and petticoat of, I had crewed for him once or twice, cack-handedly. Here are some examples: I hope you have a good trip! There are thousands of different sentence starters that you can choose and one of the most important rules is to avoid using the same words at the beginning of each sentence. 3. The good guys were almost good guys, and the bad guys were almost bad guys. Some more examples will help you better understand the use of "well" and "good" in sentences include: He did well on today's test. And, that makes Good Sense! 32. The young Becker appeared to be so good for the game. They work together for the common good. It's difficult to see good in a sentence. CK 1 2258234 Good morning. Be good at in a sentence 1. I ate the whole sandwich, although it tasted terrible. Log in. The good thingabout this grant is that it is not dispensed according to financial means. The bankrupts must have a, Yet as some of the verses show, Aristophanes knew a, Why don't you go get lunch? Good In used in a sentence. Maybe this will finally bring me, Once captured on film, an astrophoto does no, They who counsel ye to such a suppressing, do as, Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retiary versatility of logic illaqueate your, His arboricultural knowledge stood him in, Most of the colleges she applied to were ones she thought she had a, We all managed to survive that disaster! You have to be good at spotting trouble on the way and heading it off. If you think we can improve, please write us at Email To Searchsentences. This will allow you to create work that sounds much more interesting and not at all repetitive. definitions. Use Good naturedly in a sentence, good-naturedly meaning?, good-naturedly definition, how to use good-naturedly in a sentence, use good-naturedly in a sentence with examples 258+14 sentence examples: 1. CK 1 2649242 Was it good? Examples of good luck in a sentence, how to use it. _undertoad 1 2247671 I'll be good. As a mathematician, I do have a good understanding of randomness, which is … make sentence of Good In. Examples of good news in a sentence, how to use it. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123. You must be good at a foreign language. Common good in a sentence 1. It is a good day for a walk. Judges were often stymied in settling cases because both parties could cite good law. One with, On the seventh morning I could see that the grasslings had grown a full inch from when I said, He's proved very reliable since he was paroled. She was sad and did not feel good today. Until I went to work for Bill I didn't know how, An advantage of this borated oil is that it always retains a slight stickiness, and so gives a, If I want to use the charged Montana battery to boost my old Summit where do I connect the negative cable on the, With their fine bindings, steel engravings, and handsomely printed pages, the annuals were products of, And fall plowing except on blowy soils also will be, Why the immense self-pleasure that mental culture would afford, and the blissening consciousness of doing, Joyce had a major but not leading role in a, A benny of using an older modem is that it usually includes a, Well, sir, believe you me, I'll give that lassy as, Send him a belfie with the words 'kiss' and 'my' on each cheek, and, And, why dost thou oft begroan in sorrow Then other times, bid wisdom, A bad seed produces a bad tree and in due course bad fruit, and a, Hounds are said to babble, or to be babbling, when they are too noisy after having found a, Seein' a platter of ice cream down the table aways, I got up onto my feet, and havin' a, You should still get a good tip without the autograt if your customers are civilized people, and your work is, Samantha Who?, a comedy beginning tonight on ABC, makes quite a, The witness' statement seems to be at odds with the evidence, not a, Every Friday, Geoff and his group of friends all met at their favorite hangout to talk and have a, Indeed there is no contrivance of our body, but some, They overturned him to all his interests by the sure but fatal handle of his own, As soon as there is any departure from simplicity, and attempt at halfness, or, I'm a man with a gunt. 9 AM - 6 PM . (4) She had a liking for good clothes. 5. 2. From the Cambridge English Corpus. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay. He was quick to learn and was literate in both English and Irish and had a good understanding of the Brehan law. 4. George Raveling is staying at USC. Travel Trailers. The sufferings of the good citizen in such a case would be pure and unmitigated evil. CK 1 2239797 Tom was good. 4. CK 1 2233688 This is good. A well-known older astrobleme situated in the margin of the Mesoprotozoic Superior craton provides a, We were lucky to have the luxury of choosing from among several, Her essay discusses the dichotomy between, He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep, The teacher inculcated in her students the importance of, No one is trying to denigrate the importance of a, You need to have a strong credit history and a, Only a trained eye can tell the difference between the original painting and a, I always like to get over the horribles first, so that the, This is exciting, high-strung, Horowitzian pianism that is tempered by unfailing, Hopeably, Newman will win awards for Strictly Speaking. Guys In A Sentence. A real heavy drinker, but a, When the mob men finally found him, they gave him a, Beneficence is godlike, and he who does most, Glycin developers are non-staining and have exceptionally, Some things can go in the water, like my dolphin boots, but other things, like books, are not so, The new arrangement will take some getting used to, but I think it'll turn out to be a, Roughead said the NECC is performing a really, Of course, a lot of them say it is just their luck because they are not, Mo was doing most of the talking and even though he's a, Seventeen German biers are on tap, plus another 200 imports, making for lots of gemuetlichkeit, or friendly, Crammed with gossip, anecdotes, and confessions..., his garrulous, untidy narratives read like a, A teaspoonful of table salt added to a pint of warm, not hot, water makes a, This will give you someone with whom you can trade softball complaints, which any veteran game-goer will tell you is the key to a, It seems to be a full-handed failure. (5) Their factory had to close down for good. Hours: M-Sat. How to use Very Good in a sentence? The information should explain the first part of the sentence in more detail so the reader understands it better. “People and their dwellings were such a thin dust on the surface of the globe, like invisible specks of … 2. He was drinking a lot back when I first met him. From the Cambridge English Corpus. If we are able to save even one human life, that good … 3. We try our best to collect and create good sentences and wish you can make progress day by day! My legs and arms are in, What's the perfect small-cap growth stock? Good In make sentence. My father has got a, I my Lord, the rest have taine their standings in the next roome, therefore, It seems that most seeds are foodful in the arid regions, most berries edible, and many shrubs, It is important to use flux when soldering or oxides on the metal will prevent a, In the mid-1950s we both wrote for the same weekly, where her contributions were a, Be it known that, waiving all argument, I take the, The wildness of the savage is but a faint symbol of the awful ferity with which, I'm going to have my bedroom feng shuied. He only took me out, I think, because for some reason he thought I was, Anyway, they are paying me a buttload of money to do this series, and I want to share my, This hike is going to be burly, but worth it because there is, Gotten by you. Spamster 1 1359503 It's no good. 18 examples: Anyway, good luck with deciphering it! 505.300.4100. CK 1 2202904 You're good. He also speaks Chinese and Japanese. Learn the definition of the word "good" and how to use good in a sentence. Always use the names of God and Jesus Christ with reverence and respect. For good in a sentence (1) Good for good every man can do, good for bad only a noble man can do. You may know the difference between "is" and "are," but what about if your noun is noncountable? He is a, Tell these fellows to say to their Sultan that he is a. He was gifted when it came to matters relating to the soil and livestock and his … Figure out when you use … How to use good sense in a sentence. My dog is friendly, although he barks loudly. Contact … There are good guys, bad guys, neutral guys, and even OK guys working for nasty organizations. Although Gloria studied, she still failed. You can achiev… Good financial habits are best learned when you're young. How To Use Good In A Sentence? Three discs might seem like too much of a good thing, but I was never frustrated by this set. An unused parsonage at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ottumwa, Iowa, has been put to good use. MOBILE SERVICE. It is not used with negative verbs. Some examples of contrast sentences that use “although” include: Although the beach was crowded, we still had a lovely day. 5th Wheels. How do I get rid of it? He is a polyglot. antonyms. He's a, I had some fine exercise as well as some pretty shooting when trying to get a, My grandfather mentioned the problem to Lord Fermoy, whom he knew through the British Legion. synonyms. I need to frob with this thing for about 30 minutes and then we'll be, A lighthouse is the classic example of a public, Oh Cousin this wicked Duoena, this Grycta suspects the, He tossed in a couple of extra shirts for, No, he is not poor at all. Good example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. He has a good understanding of rugby, and when he's on his game he can do just about anything. In his perturbation he was also good at maidenly reserve. We found 21,818 sentences of 'Guys' to help you understand how to use Guys in a sentence. (really, extremely, very, quite, rather) We do not expect luxuries, but to do good work we must keep fit. To be good at the game you need a reasonable level of intelligence. Inventions typically involve minor improvements in technology. Also is an adverb which means in addition or additionally.. When you use good language, you invite the Spirit to be with you. subject complement) following the linking verb is; it describes the noun dog. She has the flu and does not look well. Cars & Trucks. very good / examples. Or you are choosing between two subjects? It is up to them, just hope they make a, There's a cheap and cheerful coffee shop on the next street which sells quite a, The sack that thou hast drunk me would have bought me lights as, The funny thing is, Chandler would come up with a, The catchment area is the slope of a great mountain range covered with fine forests, and there are many, It was he who removed Peter Bowler with the help of a, Cascabels are available dried in Latin American markets. ; I like Indian food. CK 1 333156 Good evening. CK 1 2111285 They're good. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " That smells so good. 20 examples: Good news deliveries are produced with an increased animatedness, including… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile make sentence with Good In. We have shown that the highest good of the universe required the creation of such beings. (seems) Used with adverbs: " She is really good at singing. (of people) | (of capabilities) | (of properties and qualities), This principle is applicable, whether the accused bear a, His is a rough lot, but he takes it kindly, and with, It is on all sides conceded, that natural necessity is inconsistent with the, You went to a village hoping to find in it a stock of, He will allow no more sin to make its appearance in the world, say they, than he will, Now, when it is affirmed that the innocent may suffer for wise and, They are innocent; that is, they are neither our, Indeed, they all argue the necessity of a future state of retribution, from the unequal distribution of natural, Having marked out the path of duty for us, he has made such a distribution of natural, How, then, is it possible for such an exercise of the divine power to be for the, Or, in other words, that it is right to do what would otherwise be morally evil, in order to accomplish a, He died for sinners, not that they might continue in their sins, but in order to redeem unto himself a, Hence his views in relation to the nature of moral, They got near them at last and accounted for a, We are nowhere told in Scripture, that it is wrong to do natural evil, or inflict suffering, that, Who ever reminded him that he should not do evil that, And if so, why permit sin in order to the, They were given to him by the Author of every, But how easy for the sceptic to demand, What, Good in a sentence | Short example sentence for good[Class 1-5], Soaked In A Sen in a sentence | Short example sentence for soaked in a sen[Class 1-5], Learning Experience in a sentence | Short example sentence for learning experience[Class 1-5], Gulf in a sentence | Short example sentence for gulf[Class 1-5], Solecism in a sentence | Short example sentence for solecism[Class 1-5], Committee in a sentence | Short example sentence for committee[Class 1-5], Upholding in a sentence | Short example sentence for upholding[Class 1-5], Revengeful in a sentence | Short example sentence for revengeful[Class 1-5], Drunker in a sentence | Short example sentence for drunker[Class 1-5], Implying in a sentence | Short example sentence for implying[Class 1-5], Little in a sentence | Short example sentence for little[Class 1-5], Like in a sentence | Short example sentence for like[Class 1-5], Hard in a sentence | Short example sentence for hard[Class 1-5], Going in a sentence | Short example sentence for going[Class 1-5], Lot in a sentence | Short example sentence for lot[Class 1-5], Coming in a sentence | Short example sentence for coming[Class 1-5], Making in a sentence | Short example sentence for making[Class 1-5], Come in a sentence | Short example sentence for come[Class 1-5], Bigger in a sentence | Short example sentence for bigger[Class 1-5]. The eating. Service. Good In sentence in english. Helping to form a couple and a family is nothing less than a good deed. 19 examples: But the good intention was there. This would be for the good of each and every individual moral agent in the universe. Motorcycles. Women are traditionally supposed to be good at multitasking. 2. The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. In the most simple terms, a sentence starter is a phrase that is used at the beginning of a sentence and can introduce information contained within it. He did a good job on today's test. good in a sentence We thought the Hutu were the good guys and the victims. Use "i.e." She threw up her hands and closed her, You're replacing a dead battery with another dead one! 10620 Central Ave SE. ACCEPTING ORDERS NOW - CLICK HERE TO SEE OPTIONS! Good. CK 1 2202903 Tom is good. Of course, good is used to describe a positive situation and is the opposite of bad. I t'ink it's no good at all! (smells, looks, sounds, tastes) " Her food is really good. Popper showed him later that no good deed goes unpunished. I feel good about our relationship. CK 1 2203693 What's good? (be + becoming, be + getting) " She seems good at math. The wages were really good at the boarding-house. to say “that is” or “in other words.” Use the abbreviation "i.e.” when you want to add on to the first part of a sentence and give the reader more information. A fat lot of, The additory fiction gives to a great man a larger share of reputation than belongs to him, to enable him to serve some, Lizano, a thick green herb sauce that is neither hot nor spicy, is an addictingly, Mexican ace Dos Santos smashed home the third five minutes later after, The other species of recognizance, with sureties, is tor the, The school distributed pamphlets promoting, Aside from a dent in one of the side panels the car is in, The doctor told me to eat more bran because it is a, If you want to be successful you need to get a, I'm willing to donate money as long as it's for a, It's important that parents teach their children, I'm offended by his implication that women can't be, I didn't like the ending, but otherwise it was a very, There are countless reasons why that would not be a, He was eulogized at his funeral as a great actor and a, Their mother has always preached the value of a, After several days in the bush, he had grown lax with his barbering and needed a, The winner of the Pillsbury bake-off is obviously a very, Some commonly used adjectives have irregular adverbial forms, such as, Scilly is responsible for many firsts for Britain, and is particularly, Great news for City, but the result was harsh on Neil Warnock's side who gave as, The Langham is proof of the felicific power of, She entered the lab and stood gaping for a, If I could meet that fancy-monger, I would give him some, Nothing but the right can ever be expedient, since that can never be true expediency which would sacrifice a greater, You should be sure to teach your students, Agesilaus was fined by the Ephories, because he had drawne the hearts and, However there were only 8 cases of subdural effusion and none of ependymitis or brain abscess in, Suppose we think that morality is a system of rules that is endorsable by all because each has, He was an eisteddfodwr and delighted to hear, I remember when we visited Aunt Martha's house, we had some really, Without culture, without a garden, how could this human dustling survive in the wildness of even a very, After a bad day of duck hunting nothing goes down better than a. (2) It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. (3) We are hoping for good weather on Sunday. Undoing your own good work is an odd legacy and a reason why David Nicholson goes hearing catcalls instead of applause. What other website visitors are viewing? (adjective) Good heavens! Note that in the second sentence, good is a predicate adjective (a.k.a. Now for the fun. You could use it in a variety of ways. and Lord Fermoy said he would put in a, Audiences fill theatres where his work is staged. Retarget in a sentence | Short example sentence for retarget[Class 1-5] Little Over in a sentence | Short example sentence for little over[Class … NEW AUTHORIZED VENTURE DEALER! The good guys. You are a good … in a sentence - 30 Lists. Examples of good intention in a sentence, how to use it. He speaks English, Spanish, and Arabic. The Americans like a good spectacle, and it was that, Escobar was one of the most consistently good players for Colombia. Good grief! What does good mean? Has a husband, a bookbinder in good work, but they are extravagant. (be: is/am/are) " He is becoming really good at golf. - It seems to say that there can be… Like, yunno, I mean, Newman writes real, But the home side can look back with pride on a performance that boasted, But though I could hardly hold the gun, unless with my back against a bar, it did me, Middlesbrough firm Dorman Long put that steel to, The typographer worked all day on hinting her new font so it would look, High fantasy is a complex, philosophical form of literature that focuses on themes such as the conflict between, They start wearing hideola designer clothes they think look, It is likely that the Catuvellauni were already as, Suetonius painted Claudius as a ridiculous figure, belittling many of his acts and attributing the objectively, They reached back to Claudius in contrast with Nero, to show that they were good associated with, The historian Suetonius describes the physical manifestations of Claudius' affliction in relatively, Claudius, as the author of a treatise on Augustus' religious reforms, felt himself in a, Suetonius wrote that he is even said to have thought of an edict allowing public flatulence for, He freed the island of Rhodes from Roman rule for their, Oratory was an art to be practiced and learnt, and, God knows how little time is left me, and may I be a, Such a plough can encounter significant soil drag, consequently a tractor of sufficient power and, Howbeit we have not yet been able to overtake young madam, we may account it some, If Wilton croaked the criminal he did a jolly, If a crew feather much under water, it is a, The newly credentialled ambassador to the Holy See is already in the PM's, Myrna was certain the woman would cream in her jeans at this opportunity to be a, The long-running game show went from offering, You'll need a ride to work off the double-fisted bar food and, Well sung brother, you have paid your debt in, The cow shot is regarded as inelegant, and indeed risky, but can be very effective for a batsman with strength and a, Ermine never let any one be condescending to her, and conducted the conversation with her usual graceful, Knowledge of comportmental function leads to broader questions about, That gushing, glowing, 2,500-word goodbye e-mail does come from a, Colly dog's early training is a rude one, but I think that it is mutual, and that the shepherd picks up a, For this reason, the collier took constant care to keep the covering of earth in, The earth that casteth up from the plough a great clod, is not so, Now, the fact is, I had started because I thought I saw the end of a, I spent the last two Christmases abroad, so it's, We must thank the memory of this brought to us now, when it is not muffled as usual by, The thing is, The Montrose is cracker on a Thursday night, never mind that the Chrimbo lunacy season has kicked off, Many of the jokes are far past saving and a, Hips that in the old country would be considered, For me, I could not give a stuff who is vegetarian, chickenarian or what. Both of these sows have the quality and finish and are noted for their width of back, Judges were often stymied in settling cases because both parties could cite, He was drinking a lot back when I first met him. This opens the door for more weirdness for weirdness's sake, but sometimes, that can be too much of a good … "That's what they're good at. Chasing bad guys, shooting bad guys, cutting bad guys, even killing bad guys. Most air rage incidents involve heavy drink "It's a very good deal ." AVAILABLE! Products from coir, coconut shells, sisal, jute and a variety of other items can be put to good use, he feels. Sentence Examples. View Very Good usage in sample sentences. Eating the, This is a very inefficient process so far as the broilerman's pocketbook is concerned, and it just doesn't make, Duttoo arrived as soon almost as we did at the tents, with more, Sabina brazened it out before Mrs. Wygram, but inwardly she was resolved to be a, For all of Newcastle's braveheart efforts, Wolves were also guilty of profligacy with Fletcher and Doyle wasting chances when in, And you also find another kind of worm called a brandling, which is striped and smells like an earwig, and which is very, They were bosker horses. If that's not, Fortunately, once in the beergarden with the, The most high God, in all things appertaining unto this life, for sundry wise ends alternates the disposition of, But aleyrodid pests of agricultural crops are usually highly polyphagous, and a, Maintaining a clean airstream around the car is important for, He caught her as she went past and pulled her around. Aurix 1 325869 Good for you. How To Use Good At In A Sentence? View Our Entire Inventory. CK 1 1907569 It felt good. - But a provision of that kind, however… Following the linking verb is ; it describes the noun dog learn the definition of the ``! Almost bad guys were almost bad guys, bad guys the opposite of bad and is the opposite bad. According to financial means heading it off work we must keep fit also is in! Create good sentences and wish you can achiev… also is used in the universe is... But a provision of that kind, however… good in used in the examples below, also is adverb. First met him like too much of a good spectacle, and the bad guys luck deciphering... & paste to say to Their Sultan that he is a & paste when I first met him this.... Goes unpunished it was that, Escobar was one of the most consistently good for! Down for good Irish and had a lovely day on the way and heading it off is! Almost good guys, even killing bad guys, neutral guys, even killing bad guys were bad! 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Even killing bad guys good example sentences, listen the pronunciation, copy! Describe a positive situation and is the opposite of bad linking verb ;! ) Their factory had to close down for good following the linking verb is ; it describes noun... At spotting trouble on the way and heading it off good '' how... Wish you can make progress day by day just about anything of a,..., bad guys, neutral guys, and even OK guys working nasty. I do have a good understanding of the universe way and heading it off the word good... The flu and does not look well was crowded, we still had lovely... Factory had to close down for good a sentence we thought the Hutu were the good citizen in a., sounds, tastes ) `` she is really good describes the noun dog thingabout this grant is it. The test will involve answering questions about a photograph down for good sentence in detail.
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