ddsb@home virtual school


It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Elementary Progress Reports Progress Reports will be sent home electronically on Wednesday, November Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS) is the student transportation provider for both the DDSB and the Durham Catholic District School Board. We will be working to provide continued access to assistive technology, including Special Equipment Amount (SEA) equipment, where possible, to support students with special education needs as they participate in remote learning. In this e-mail, we are providing you with the information that we know to be accurate. To the greatest extent possible, students will eat their lunch in their classroom. Here is a summary of some of the steps we will be taking: Every morning parents/guardians must screen their children before they board the school bus, come to school or childcare. While class sizes will remain the same, we will make every effort within available resources to ease any potential pressures on class sizes in order to create physical distancing of students where possible. Minimum Requirements for RealTime Learning, DDSB@Home Elementary Draft Sample Schedule, DDSB@Home Elementary RealTime and FlexTime Learning, Daily Checklists:  Elementary and Secondary, Students and Staff with Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Protocol, Letters/Updates to Families and Guardians from the DDSB, August 24, 2020 - Return to School Update, August 19, 2020 - Update on Staggered Starts for Elementary In-Person Students, August 18, 2020 - Return to School Update. The Ministry of Education has scheduled a meeting with DDSB staff next week to discuss planning for the return to school. The Guide is currently in its first edition and will continue to undergo revisions as we receive further direction from the Ministry of Education. gym, music, art, etc.) DDSB educators will be providing instruction. By Courtney Bachar/The Oshawa Express/LJI Reporter More than two weeks into the start of a new school year, the number of families opting for virtual school continues to grow. This limits the number of contacts students have in a day and provides the opportunity to earn two credits at a time. Schools will undergo extra cleaning and disinfection at the end of each school day. Virtual Arcade. Soft surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned and disinfected have been removed from classrooms (e.g. Aside from the information in the Return to School Guide, we are working with the provincial association for each subject area (i.e. We have since received more information from the Ministry and our most updated information is posted below. Subjects. The DDSB will be reviewing programming for students with a high level of special education needs who may require daily attendance and instruction at the secondary level. You can review the individual letters here: This message is to inform you of an update we received from the Ministry of Education yesterday (Tuesday August 18) in the late-afternoon. While DDSB@Home may not have four walls and a roof like a typical high school our virtual door is always open to our school community. Since the start of the school year, 2,300 public elementary and 400 secondary students have requested to switch from in person to virtual school. Due the current lack of available class placements for students wishing to transfer, those looking for other options should contact your current school’s administration to have a discussion about learning options for your child. Large gatherings/assemblies will be postponed for the immediate future. We encourage you to explore the DDSB’s return to school webpage, read the Draft Return to School Guide and visit the FAQ that we have developed before making your decision. Extensions & Enrichment. We look forward to bringing update on the SERT model for DDSB@Home and how i n-person and virtual schools are working together at a future SEAC meeting. Students engaging in remote learning may not participate with students and teachers from their own school. Home. Due to high enrollment, we will be hiring additional school administrators to support the organization of the school. We will be providing updated information on subject-specific areas in the coming weeks. Each quadmester is approximately 45 days of instruction (9.5 weeks). Just a reminder that if you would like to move your child to DDSB@home our Virtual School, that the deadline to join the waitlist is tomorrow, Tuesday January 5, 2021. Our exceptional team of educators represent schools from across the Durham Region. It is strongly recommended that any non-bused students walk to/from school. To help facilitate contact tracing for COVID-19, classes will be grouped together to the greatest extent possible. Daily Minimum RealTime Learning Requirement, The higher of 60 minutes for each 75-minute class period or 225 minutes per day for a full course schedule. IPP tasks & course selection (Gr. Students will be placed in cohorts of approximately 15 students, will attend every other day and on alternate Fridays. Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, Runny nose, or nasal congestion (not caused by seasonal allergies). We kindly ask that you wait for your principal to outline next steps as their focus this week continues to be on re-timetabling and staffing the school. Please note that a DDSB device is not required as any web-enabled device can be used to access DDSB@Home lessons and resources. Transfers may only be granted for exceptional reasons and only if space is available in the virtual school and/or in-person school. This webpage will outline important information for students, parents and guardians about what a school day will look like, our new health and safety protocols, well-being resources and more. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we carefully plan for the return to school, working within government direction and the public health recommendations. There have been a few cases where families who have multiple child(ren) in DDSB schools have only received one link, instead of multiple. Due to the volume of questions received, it is taking us some time to respond to all of you. Families will continue to receive relevant e-mails from their home school to help maintain this important connection. for your child(ren) and our IT Services Department will look into it and address. during recess) when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Although it may appear simple to be able to transfer students, it is a very complex process as teachers also need to be transferred. Educators will use their professional judgement to provide some flexibility to students on an individual basis when students are unable to participate in RealTime learning. An online sign-up for bus transportation will be required this year. The Durham District School Board’s priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff, particularly as we prepare for the return to school in September. Students will be expected to attend daily and progress will be assessed on a regular basis as it would be in-person. Students in Kindergarten will be strongly encouraged by the DDSB to wear masks. Subjects. off to DDSB@Home all the best and make us proud! Browser Compatibility Notification. They can also check with their school for more information. You can review the individual letters here: In the week since the Government of Ontario announced their plan for the September return to school, DDSB staff have been working to confirm and finalize plans in order to be ready to welcome students in schools this September. v. The 2021-22 School year deliver model is still in flux. On behalf of everyone at the DDSB, we would once again like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through a very complex and challenging set of circumstances. v. The 2021-22 School year deliver model is still in flux. This is necessary information to ensure that they have proper student counts on all bus routes. DDSB@Home relies on technology to connect students with their teachers, resources and other supports from home. We would like to thank all the families who contacted us with questions about the return to school. As a result, we will be implementing a staggered start for elementary in-person students for two weeks, instead of one week as outlined in our update yesterday. Please continue to stay safe. Each quadmester is approximately 45 days of instruction (9.5 weeks). Virtual Arcade. The DDSB will be reviewing programming for students with a high level of special education needs who may require daily attendance and instruction at the secondary level. For students not attending in-person, they should continue to attend their scheduled virtual classes and follow the instructions of the teacher in terms of completing assigned coursework. The school day will be very similar to what families and students are used to, with the exception of potential changes around bell times and staggered times for entry, exit and recess. Just a reminder that if you would like to move your child to DDSB@home our Virtual School, that the deadline to join the waitlist is tomorrow, Tuesday January 5, 2021. It is our goal that after the meeting to continue our work with the Durham Region Health Department to confirm details within our return to school plan and will share that information with you. Secondary at Home is located in the Durham District School Board in Ontario and serves students in Grades 9 -12. Please note that secondary students are currently learning in-person for approximately 25% of their time in classes of approximately 15 students, with the remainder of class taking place virtually. Throughout the return to school, educators will be focusing on mental health and well-being to support students learning virtually, understanding that they are adjusting to a different format with different classmates. Transfers to/from DDSB@Home are now closed. We believe that this will help provide flexibility for families and help ease the transition of your child returning to school, along with learning the health and safety protocols that we will have in place. We are preparing to offer a robust and innovative program and are excited to welcome your child(ren) back. Welcome to DDSB@Home Grades 1 & 2 Campus. Our priority is to ensure that we provide your child(ren) with high quality learning opportunities in the safest way possible during this unusual time. However, until the virus is eliminated around the world, there is still a risk of contracting the virus. Elementary students will attend school five days per week, with students grouped together in a cohort for the full day, including recess and lunch. Families will be able to decide if their child(ren) will return to in-person learning at a school site or if they will be opting-out of in-person learning. For elementary families who choose to have their child(ren) learn remotely from home with programming based on the full Ontario curriculum. Staffed by a well-trained and empathetic team of professionals who provide high quality learning experiences and pathways to academic success in each subject. To help you with that decision, we are now able to provide additional information to families on what remote learning from home will look like. myBlueprint. D2L courses & DDSB@Home Secondary Login. Each day, students will have the opportunity to attend a Study Hall staffed by a teacher to provide additional assistance with independent work. Your Admin Team, Students attending DDSB@Home will be given opportunities to maintain a connection with their home school through events such as virtual assemblies, special events and other activities, when possible. a collaborative, creative and engaging virtual learning experience for the 2020/2021 school year. We are now able to share with you the draft school schedules we presented to the Ministry and pending any further information from them, this is what we anticipate will be our plan. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Virtual Arcade. Parents and guardians will be notified of any changes to these times. We have officially launched the first EVER KPDSB Virtual School! Students will be assessed regularly as they would be in-person with a focus on both demonstrating an understanding of concepts and the collection of student work. Families will now be able to modify their selection by using the same student specific link prior to the August 12 deadline. Durham Student Transportation Services is implementing new procedures to ensure the safety of everyone who requires bus transportation. We received a memo from the Ministry of Education on Friday August 14 that outlined the Ministry’s minimum requirements with respect the setup of virtual schools such as DDSB@Home. Every class will have a handwashing station or hand sanitizer available to students and teachers. The virtual component currently represents 75% of the time allocated in a student’s schedule. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Students will be assigned seats according to grade level. 7-12) Weather permitting, activities (classes, lunch breaks) may be held outside. At the secondary level, with the compulsory requirements, we are ensuring that changes do not impact students being able to access courses required for graduation. There are still several details that we are waiting to receive from the Ministry of Education that we will need to review. We are proud to be part of the first DDSB@Home Secondary Campus welcoming over 3,000 students from across Durham Region. All of us have a responsibility to stay safe. Students will be educated on proper cough and sneeze etiquette and to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth. Non-essential visitors to the school will be limited. Elementary Progress Reports Progress Reports will be sent home electronically on Wednesday, November with options from all disciplines of the high school curriculum. If there is a need to drive students, vehicles should be parked off site in a safe location and the student should be walked to school. Educators will provide students with approximately 300 minutes of daily learning opportunities through RealTime (live as a large or small teacher-led group) learning and some FlexTime (independent) learning where they undertake activities that are provided by the teacher. Team News. For students remaining at their in-person school, it is possible there may be changes to course selections depending on how many students shift to the virtual school, but we will do our best to limit this as much as possible. Switching to virtual learning while offering an in-person option requires temporarily transferring teachers currently assigned and teaching in-person to the DDSB@Home virtual school. When the word “school” appears in a question this refers to all learning spaces including all virtual learning environments (example DDSB@home or other on-line instruction offered through the DDSB). Parents/Guardians were sent letters on August 18, 2020 with more information on the return to school, with specific letters being sent to families with child(ren) who are enrolled in either secondary or elementary, in-person or virtual learning. Courses are determined by enrollment and as enrollments shift, then so do available courses. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. A request will be submitted to IT Services who in turn will contact the parent/guardian via email to book an appointment for curb-side pick-up at the Education Centre. the individual needs of students in support of their health, well-being and academic achievement, , guidance counsellors, academic resource, student success, Gifted and French Immersion classes along with many leadership opportunities. Elementary school students will attend school 5 days per week, with students grouped together in a cohort for the full day, including recess and lunch. Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day throughout the school building. Extensions & Enrichment. From what the school day will look like, to health and safety protocols and how we are setting up a Virtual School for those choosing to learn from home, we want to make sure that your child(ren) are able to learn in a way that prioritizes their health and well-being, safety, and individual human rights. Teachers will be available to students at all times during the teachers' assigned teaching timetables, as they would be if they were face-to-face in a classroom setting. This limits the number of contacts students have in a day and provides the opportunity to earn two credits at a time. We know that your child being in the same virtual school as their regular classmates is important to you and we will try to keep schools together as much as possible as we shift into a virtual learning environment. Families transitioning to the virtual platform will be provided with additional infor-mation this week by DDSB@home. Teachers will also be providing additional support for those students, where possible. If it is not possible to meet a student's needs through RealTime learning, educators and families will work together to find solutions. We may be required to create virtual classrooms where students across the district in similar grades are attached to a teacher who will deliver online instruction. confirmed cases of COVID-19, household contacts of cases, etc.) Home. a learning environment where success for students look, Differentiated, relevant tasks with ownership for learning and feedback, Engaging, challenging teaching and learning in support for student achievement, A place where differences and abilities are respected, valued and celebrated, Where it is safe for students to express their thoughts, feelings and identities. What will my child(ren) be doing if they are enrolled in DDSB@Home and hoping to transfer to in-person? Enhanced health and safety protocols will be in place and the full range of elementary curriculum will be provided. The DDSB has developed a Draft Return to School Guide based on the direction of the Government of Ontario and in consultation with the Durham Region Health Department. Our dynamic team of educators look forward to provid ing a collaborative, creative and engaging virtual learning experience for the 2020/2021 school year. The Guide helps provide a clearer picture of the different measures that we will be taking for a safe return to school. On January 12 2021, The Ministry announced that students in Grades 1 to 12 will be required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including in hallways, during classes and while on school buses. As we work towards the return to school in September, we will continue to prioritize the health, safety and well-being of students and staff. To a school bus to school in September as we receive more information not as... Share our return to school contracting the virus is eliminated around the world, there are still details... Please fill out the survey will help us understand what you think about school! The staggered start will work together to the Durham District school Board subject area ( i.e all! 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