dr john campbell uk website


One of the best resources on Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Dr. John Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing studies at the University of Cumbria. https://www.facebook.com/Dr.JohnCampbell/videos/227046971932411 This update from Dr John Campbell from about 2 hour ago @ 15-Apr-2020 17:51 UK time. UK doctors are subject to an ongoing process of revalidation (since 2012) and research led by John Campbell has informed the design and delivery of the related processes. Is it possible the developed world may be helpless to save millions of people? Instead of rushing to be first at getting a product to market a little caution might have been more prudent and appropriate. Dr. John Campbell has his Masters and PhD degrees in the area of Cognitive Psychology from the University of Western Ontario. The chairman of the Grünenthal’s advisory committee at this time was Otto Ambros, an inventor of the nerve-gas sarin, and a man guilty of Nazi war-crimes. I shudder to think. Tune in daily to John’s YouTube channel for updates on COVID-19, as I do. Dr John Campbell, a former A&E volunteer and nurse lecturer has celebrated news of another Covid-19 vaccine. https://johnplatinumgoss.com/2020/12/16/dr-john-campbell-a-danger-to-all Tweets by DavidDavisMP. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. This post was updated at 4:58pm on March 26, 2020 to clarify that the program is intended to allow people to receive vaccination and prove they have received it, not to track individuals, as claimed by some conspiracy theorists. That has been one reason Radio Ecoshock has maintained it’s own server since the beginning. This update from Dr John Campbell from about 1 hours ago @ 18-Apr-2020 00:15 UK time. We are completely unprepared for this pandemic reality! 349 people follow this. One of Europe’s richest areas (Lombardy) with very modern medical systems, is now completely overwhelmed. Dr. Campbell’s enthusiasm for getting the Oxford AstraZenca vaccine inflicted upon the world is unbridled. Dr. John Campbell, is a nurse and nurse teacher with a PhD. It depends on the luck and skill to avoid becoming a central hot spot, like northern Italy or Wuhan China. There was a Dr on a London radio station that was brought in and was spouting absolute bollocks... "its not airborn, spreads by contact only, masks don't work... just the flu" when he was put on the spot and asked directly by a caller a tricky question he completely ignored it. John led research providing evidence around the use of multi-source feedback (360⁰ Appraisal) for the UK General Medical Council. (2) Via Dr. John Campbell, here is a worldwide vaccination tracker. Dr. John has 4 jobs listed on their profile. I am and have been an EMDR Consultant since 2002. Go outside, walk (where there are no people if possible). One of the best resources on Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Dr. John has 4 jobs listed on their profile. You can order his two books ‘Campbell`s Physiology Notes’ and ‘Campbell’s Pathophysiology Notes’. Dr. John Campbell - New viral strain spreads through UK -12/29/20 (Original post) OxQQme: Dec 2020: OP: UK records its highest number of new Covid infections, progree: Dec 2020 #1: Response to OxQQme (Original post) Wed Dec 30, 2020, 01:30 PM. The huge spire at 1919-20 shows what a real pandemic looks like. Approximately 20 years in cancer/cellular therapy. It seems you are one of the few sane voices out there – thank you for that. Hello John, I can’t thank you enough for your honest and straight forward approach in sharing your knowledge and insight with the world. Watch and learn! We prefer to watch international news to find the truth because we are not receiving it here. As you would probably know those who have mild symptoms like me cannot get tested. Sterilisation has happened so often from vaccination programmes it is no longer questionable. Still, most of the world did not prepare, and America was the least prepared. For this key interview, I have tried to get it out on as many platforms as possible. This graph, from the Office of National Statistics, shows there was no major pandemic and the virus has simply followed a familiar path nearly all viruses take. In that video, John also releases new study by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (US showing up to 10,000 Americans infected by March 1st, probably up to double that by now. Dr. John Campbell is a retired lecturer from Imperial College , London. Here are the ways you can find and share this interview: Listen to or download my 45 minute interview with Dr. John Campbell in CD Quality or Lo-Fi. Hughes “was so wealthy he could delegate compulsive behaviour to his employees and so was never being challenged.” Is it from fear that so few are challenging these extreme and psychologically unbalanced measures Dr. Campbell, and those who have taken away parliamentary democracy, endorse? Plus 1918 Epidemic survivor with a warning, and new music by David Rovics: Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree”. However the problem by our government and the ministry of health is undermined – they keep informing the public through media that there are enough masks and respirators for medics. The news report is from Channel 4 News in Britain, talking with Giacomo Grasselli – a senior Italian government health official who is coordinating the network of intensive care units in Lombardy. The Chinese government apparently had the authority and compliance of the people to order cities more populous than London to shut down entirely for weeks. He tells his audience it is beyond his comprehension why Europe is “lagging behind” and he uses other colourful endorsements such as “bizarre delay” and “beggars credulity” to drive his message home. They do not follow the recommendations from WHO, they do not even test health workers, not even if a patient in a ward is suspected to be infected. (5) Dr. John Campbell reports at length from the UK, the large(r) country that has the highest percentage of (partial vaccinees. Watch and learn! Dr. John Campbell publishes YouTube videos to educate the public on the Coronavirus. But we need to hear this witness from 100 years ago. Here in Canada, we are miles behind. It seemed so important to get that Coronavirus information out there, that I spent your money on it. Dr. John Campbell All the nonsense from those behind this scam who tried to get us brainwashed into believing it came from bats, pandas, monkeys or whatever mammalian source they could conjure up, have been outed. campbellteaching.co.uk. The medics themselves report that situation is appaulling. This disease has been a strain on my own finances, and comes just after I had to replace the main studio computer. That suggests (a) if this virus becomes endemic in Africa, we can never stop it from returning to Europe without a vaccine or a cure and (b) the refugee camps could become death camps, where there are already a lot of cases of diseases like malaria and even tuberculosis. Required fields are marked *, Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries, Give $10 monthly with a Radio Ecoshock membership. What is concerning here in Lithuania is that the number of medics infected with COVID19 is one of the highest in EU (if not, indeed, the highest). Well, one of the people I respect a lot and have listened to a lot since the start of the current problem with the virus is a person on YouTube named Dr John Campbell. It is also possible we could be depressed for a month or two after recovering. He explains how this ingenious technology traces individuals who have been vaccinated – by means of a digital ID. In March this year Burt modified his article to dispel fears from those sceptical among us. Do you have any thoughts on the way Canada is handling this pandemic? Dr. John Campbell. Plan that out. Bringing the best SELF HELP content to make you a real CHAMPION. Furthermore, Despite the fact that shops, malls, schools, beaches, cafes, restaurants are closed now, other business are still running even though they have the remote work capacity. Recently John has appeared on media from Germany to Australia. The rest of us have not been told our elderly relatives are being experimented on with a vaccine rushed out and funded by those in whose interests the experiments are being performed. John joined the Department for Health in 2016 as a 50th Anniversary Prize Fellow to develop a research program in exercise immuno-oncology. GlucoRx is the UK’s largest supplier* of innovative, ISO-conforming, quality yet cost effective management solutions for all diabetics. Hopefully we can make it through to spring planting of the back garden before getting sick. Hi Wilson. That makes him quite entitled to use Dr. as a prefix to his name. Pandemic origin YouTube 2020 (Feb 05, 2021) Dr. John Campbell. We’re following you here as well! It seems that the health ministry doesn’t have enough tests and is trying to criminalise average citizens for getting it (and unconciously) spreading it… How does one know he is infected if one hadn’t travelled anywhere and isn’t being tested (even with symptoms)..? Neither did Dr Campbell mention that the virus, SARS-COV-2, is man-made. However the number of deceased being picked up outside of the hospitals are beginning to be reported. JOHN CAMPBELL WITH ALEX SMITH – CORONA VIRUS; WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW – transcript, KEEP WATCHING JOHN CAMPBELL’S BRIEFINGS – YOU NEED TO KNOW. No wonder he draws it all out so professionally for hundreds of thousands of YouTube viewers. Our friends are already withdrawing. Under the media article which has reported the situation there is the commentary section where people can express their opinions about this article but it has been censored. 26 years post grad. John Campbell, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane (1796–1862), English MP for Okehampton and for Perthshire, Lord Chamberlain of the Household; John Campbell (1798–1830), MP for Dunbartonshire, 1826–1830; John Henry Campbell (1798–1869), Member of the United Kingdom Parliament for Salisbury from 1843 to 1847 She tells us about surviving the last great pandemic to sweep humanity. Please help – find out how here. Passengers are politely asked to self isolate on arrival – but where? That’s ridiculous and dangerous as well. What Campbell teaches is flawed. About See All. ====================================================================================================. We were advised that we could make an appointment to determine if we qualified to be tested. The peer-reviewed paper espoused in his video was published in the Lancet, 8 December 2020. He is very informative. If you are a constituent please state your address in the body of your email. I’m writing to you as I am very worried about the lack of action from Swedish authorities. Dr. John Campbell, is an author and academic, known for providing expert advice and information on the COVID-19 pandemic, based on his 40+ years of professional experience. His personal rationale can be gleaned from the notice on the wall behind him, which advises social-distancing, wearing of masks and washing of hands. Let's check about exercise and immunity. My John Campbell interview, YouTube version. Pingback: Does Exercise Affect Immunity-? Dr. John Campbell, UK teacher of nurses and YouTube guide explains how the novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) hurts us, who and how many. His foundation and John Hopkins even ran a simulated outbreak game last October, where the threat was a Corona virus. I worry being too polite will lead to many more deaths here. The virus can live in temperatures up to 98 degrees F, or 37 C. for up to 3 days! That is all in this video “Coronavirus ‘worse than a bomb’ on Italy, says doctor coordinating response”. He has dedicated his time, energy and knowledge to keep the public informed about the nature and effects of the global pandemic since the beginning of the outbreak via his You Tube channel with over half a million subscribers. What medical science and experience can tell us as we enter uncharted territory both economic and social. Radio Ecoshock supporters make that kind of thing possible. That is another thing Campbell left out. For example, yesterday evening, it was reported that there was an elderly woman found dead in her apartment in Kaunas on 31st of March by one newspaper (emergency came with respirators and full-on protective costumes), however it is all hushed today and the info is nowhere to be seen. Tags: ecoshock health radio radio ecoshock science. Think of the possibilities! Public Figure . Just to comment on Vitamin D. I understand the best source is Cod Liver Oil. Thank you for your series. Mr. Campbell’s youtube channel has just been wiped clean and none of his videos are available for viewing. A true household Friend, You seem to have missued the report from province of Bergamo… indicating that roughly 125% more died in Bergamo than the official COVID statistics… so instead of the 2000 dead roughly 4500 died during March 2020 of COVID in Bergamo Province…. Do you expect disease could reshape our economy and social life? John Campbell is minister of High Cross United Reformed Church in Tottenham and Urban Churches Minister with the United Reformed Church's Urban Churches Support Group across London. It contains an anti HCG antigen to sterilize women while for men there is a GNRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) antagonist to shrink testicles. Compulsive washing of hands is the least dangerous of Dr. Campbell’s messages to his followers. I SHOULD BE CARE FULL ABOUT COVID19. It is a must see! It will be made publicly available worldwide soon. If you do the math you can forecast the number of potential infections! Dr. John Campbell, is an author and academic, known for providing expert advice and information on the COVID-19 pandemic, based on his 40+ years of professional experience. There are some 823k subscribers to his videos. In addition to writing books, he has also produced a range of videos and podcasts on various health and nursing related topics. That includes Bangladesh, and Austin, where the globalists were working together with “homeless people and the service providers who engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people with their own identity data.”. View Dr. John Campbell’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Dr John Campbell has been a reliable information source on the COVID-19 pandemic, right from the start. A video please Another case in point is Thalidomide. I also hope that at least a couple of listeners have saved a copy of every show, just in case. Business are not all digitally prepared despite the fact that they should have. The graph, and what a brilliant 1,000 word picture it is, has a misleading heading. The Israelis themselves practised it on Ethiopian Jews. Their practical applications solve issues, balance emotions and expand your life fulfilment and potential. Be well, and please join us again next week, for more Radio Ecoshock. PLEASE REQUEST MY GOVT TO CLOSE SCHOOLS, MY CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL, MY DAUGHTER HAS BREATH PROBLEM SINCE SMALL. It is the errors of omission, details Campbell leaves out, that cause greatest concern. That makes it harder to get anything done, even cooking. 316 people like this. At present, as a percentage of the population, Israel is the leader with 15%, followed by the United Arab Emirates at 7.7% and Baḥrain at 4.2%. Vitamin D Update | Dr John Campbell (UK) COVID-19 Series. These victims, who may have memory and other age-related problems, have not been told they are guinea pigs. Tune in daily to John’s YouTube channel for updates on COVID-19, as I do. Page Transparency See More. This new song is called “Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree”. Dr. John Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing studies at the University of Cumbria. CAN YOU MAKE VIDEO ABOUT SWEDEN PLEASE. Plus, Canada has not published any plan, so we are all in the dark as to whether the government has a plan. It is beyond belief and common sense. Global situation https://health-infobase.canada.ca/cov Origins of the or. As a result a lot of workers asymptomatic, potential carriers or pre-symptomatic infectious people , walking around in the premises and making the “stay home rule” go in vain. EVERY DAY WORRIED ABOUT MY CHILDEREN. https://www.facebook.com/Dr.JohnCampbell/videos/574731983160027 They didn’t even bother to read the bus study from China case. Millions of people are already leaving Africa and the Middle East, going to Europe, or staying – badly fed – in refugee camps along the way. Joe Rogan Experience #1439. No conflict of interest there then! Anthrax is a case in point where British soldiers were vaccinated in the second Gulf War even though Gulf War syndrome was shown to be an illness caused by Anthrax vaccination in the first Gulf War. Dr. John Campbell (UK / on YouTube) and I were saying that in late March and early April. Sadly, it is worse even than what has been documented above. In addition to writing books, he has also produced a range of videos and podcasts on various health and nursing related topics. That is also why it seems less likely that warmer spring weather will end this pandemic, as it tends to end the flu (which is an unrelated virus). The real number I suppose is much higher since they don’t count mild cases; they don’t do testing for those anymore against WHO instructions for conducting tests for EVERY case. I just checked YouTube on May 14 around 7 pm Pacific time, and John Campbell’s channel and videos are still there. As of 0:30 am 15th May. John says that has already happened in history, and gives examples. His mission is to educate the public about the coronavirus pandemic, in order to aid intelligent and informed decision making. Now regarding the business initiative. The Danish Statens Serum Institute SSI.DK have found a method that solves essential COVID-19 testing deficiency problem. It cost $57 to get John Campbell’s interview transcribed. I AM WORRIED. John Campbell’s web site is campbellteaching.co.uk. It is another thing when that which is being taught is flawed. Mrs. Edna Register Boone from Mobile Alabama was a 10 year old in the 1918-19 Spanish influenza, which they called the Asian Flu. … Created by Dr John Demartini, the Breakthrough Experience is the culmination of 44 years of interdisciplinary study where you will be introduced to two powerful processes, the Demartini Method and the Demartini Value Determination Process. John Campbell, author of Pictures for Sad Children; Military. Flights from Iran, Italy and China are still arriving daily. Whatever could be wrong with that, Dr. Campbell? ===============================================================================. posted by: Excess121 15/02/2021; 880K subscribers. Here is our case in Greece. We have reported immunogenicity data showing similar immune responses following vaccination with two doses of ChAdOx1 nCov-19 in older adults, including those older than 70 years of age, when compared with those younger than 55 years.6 As older age groups were recruited later than younger age groups, there has been less time for cases to accrue and as a result, efficacy data in these cohorts are currently limited by the small number of cases, but additional data will be available in future analyses. MANY WAYS TO SHARE JOHN CAMPBELL’S … January 5, 2021 January 5, 2021 Nitay Arbel (a.k.a. I’m Alex Smith. Keep up the good work Dr. John Campbell. Many thanks for the information. (Dr John Campbell has also been making reports regularly, check out his earlier … Mariana, psychiatrist. After boasting that the paper linked above is the “first peer-reviewed paper that we have ever had on the AstraZeneca vaccine” he adds it is “the first on any vaccine” against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). John is a British retired Nurse Teacher. Yours sincerely, That is an understandable and long-established protocol of hygiene. He has been a clinical nurse and a nurse tutor for over 30 years. My geothermal greenhouse is getting loaded up with new greens . They simply don’t seem to understand the severity of the Covid-19 situation. Don’t get me wrong, his explanation of the paper is good, and shows an accomplished talent for teaching. I notice in Edna’s story that her father planted a small area of sweet potatoes that helped feed the community. Thats why desperate people were wandering in various medical centers or hospitals unauthorized to treat covid-19 and therefore infecting the community. 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