how to handle misconduct in the workplace


And should a worker not wear their safety gear without good reason – despite education and training­ – you can consider it serious misconduct and follow disciplinary processes. These are relatively minor instances of misconduct that do not necessarily damage the workplace relationship between the employee and employer. backgrounds – law, human resources, audit, finance, etc. Before we dive into how to deal with misconduct in the workplace, it’s worth reiterating that no two cases will be the same. What one company may consider misconduct, another might not view as unfavorably. As you can imagine, the process to deal with gross misconduct is quite a bit more involved than minor misconduct. Guidelines for Managing Complaints, Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance in the VPS Page 2 PART 1 GENERAL PRINIPLES APPLI A LE TO MANAGING OMPLAINTS, MISONDUT AND UNSATISFA TORY PERFORMANE FOR VPS EMPLOYEES Overview Every day, managers may deal with a range of challenges such as workplace conflict, grievances, and policy issues. Carelessness with data leading to a security breach is one such example. Staff members need to arrive on time, follow your dress code, and respect your guidelines. Got a question? How to deal with misconduct in the workplace. This article will explore the issue of employee misconduct, and provide guidance on how to deal with it effectively at your organization. Courses Compliance, harassment, and workplace culture solutions with top tier video content; Ethics & Compliance All things compliance, from Code of Conduct and HIPAA to FCPA; Respect & Workplace Harassment Encourage authenticity and build healthy behavioral intuition; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Facilitate healthier workplaces and establish a common ‘language’ All parties can then revisit the issue in six months time to see if it has been solved. Instances of minor and gross misconduct in the workplace will vary depending on your industry, culture, and the nature of your business. Trainings. All rights reserved. Gross misconduct, on the other hand, is a serious breach of the ethical or professional codes of conduct laid out at your organization. If you've been falsely accused of something at work, proceed with caution. Steps To deal with Employee Misconduct : 1) Verbal warning Oral notice is best issued for misconduct cases that are not that serious. From time to time, employees will engage in conduct that is unsuitable in the workplace. If it relates directly to workplace health and safety, this should be straightforward to enforce. [a] in misconduct, the answer to the above five questions will be “yes”, and the act of misconduct will always be the fault of the employee. SH: Business owners need to communicate the policies with everyone and provide training where necessary. A thorough investigation report, showing the person was at fault. Because of that, it’s advisable to have a clear process in place for how employees can report workplace misconduct. Of course, there are varying degrees or types of employee misconduct, so how you deal with the issue head-on depends to some extent on the severity of the matter. SH: You know, the very best way to deal with conduct issues is to prevent misconduct in the workplace from initially happening. This misconduct is often serious enough to irreparably damage the relationship, trust, and confidence between the employee and employer. This is also a good time to remind employees that your code of conduct exists, if you haven’t done so in a while. This can include hearing gossip from other employees. Choose a profile below to find answers to your questions. Without knowing the exact nature of the circumstances surrounding the accusation, you can’t expect to … Appointment of investigator. Ensure that you communicate that this channel exists to the organization, and explain what the process is once complaints are filed. The termination letter explaining why the employee was dismissed. Your policy manual should also include other policies covering any areas of behaviour you expect from your staff, such as: EH: Stephanie, you mentioned dress code. Repeated misconduct will warrant warnings awnings, which themselves may be graded according to degrees of severity. Without this baseline of conduct, you will quickly enter some legally murky waters if you attempt to terminate an employee for perceived gross misconduct. Make civility part of your every day in your internal newsletter articles, or part of your recognition and rewards program. This means you must take all reasonable steps to investigate the matter or concerns, explain the allegations to the employee, and give them an opportunity to respond. It’s your set of guidelines on how your people should act, and what they can and can’t do as an employee of your business. It may be nothing at the end, but time is always of the essence. Sexual harassment in work places are quite a common thing in this modern era. We are a team made up of the best employment lawyers, HR specialists, payroll officers, and financial analysts in the country. This will ensure that you are giving all employees due process and that you have a clear history or records that support your disciplinary decision. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Dealing with employee misconduct is just one of the many tricky tasks all employers need to get right and to ensure their business is being HR compliant. Sign up for Hero News, a fortnightly email that brings industry insights right to your inbox. Only great content. Process. What is optimised work and how can we achieve it? Invite the employee to an interview to discuss the misconduct issue giving at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare. Discrimination. Some companies ban relationships between employees, period. You need to document all aspects of the process which calls for some top-notch record keeping, including: As you can see, if you fail to meet with the employee in question or you don’t investigate the matter thoroughly taking extensive notes, your business will find it difficult to defend the action you took. Your workplace policy manual is not so much an HR document, but one of the most important business documents you have. Developing and implementing a strong complaint procedure will help your organization address harassment claims properly and avoid further ones. You must consider the employee’s explanation when considering to dismiss or take disciplinary action for employee misconduct. If you have an employee who’s not meeting expectations, or is not behaving in an appropriate way, you must deal with the issue head-on and make a plan to improve it. Misconduct in the workplace refers to any behavior that goes against your code of conduct or other policies that dictate how employees should behave at work. This will help you stay on track while you define the right disciplinary measures. EH: Stephanie, thanks for joining us today. The best place to start is with the Employment Relations Act. A good policy manual includes a code of conduct, and a policy for managing underperformance. Misconduct occurs when employee behavior is criminal, harassing, or unethical. In these cases, a working relationship cannot continue, and a formal disciplinary action like termination or suspension often follows. Invite the employee to an interview to discuss the misconduct issue giving at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare. Misconduct in the workplace can present itself in multiple ways – some acts are easier to identify than others. More serious infringements or repeated misconduct may call for a final warning, or other action short of dismissal. This behavior is often outlined in a code of conduct. Because of this, you should ensure that you provide a channel through which to anonymously share concerns. The process for dealing with gross misconduct typically involves: If the company decides upon termination as the only course of action, you should ensure that the decision constitutes “fair termination” under your local employee laws. Employee conduct is, of course, an essential part of your daily operations. If an employer hears rumors that sexual harassment is occurring, the employer must investigate the potential harassment the same as if they had received a formal complaint. Now more than ever, knowing how to handle harassment complaints is essential. Handling misconduct in the workplace is an unfortunate necessity for HR departments and managers. Clearly explain the specific example of inappropriate behaviour and try to find out if the workplace rule is unclear or unknown to the employee. You may be asked to do something that you are uncomfortable with, may witness or experience bullyingfrom a manager or notice that figures or reports are bein… You should also make sure that all employees are made aware of this document during their onboarding process. One of the most crucial aspects of successful businesses is their level of … This will serve as the procedural roadmap for how managers and human resources should navigate this process in the future. It’s at times like these that the value of having an HR expert to hand is abundantly clear to see. So, we’ve asked HR expert, Stephanie Hosking from our partner. Manage HR, payroll, performance, learning, recognition and benefits easily with our integrated platform. In these cases, it will be necessary to use your judgment and internal processes to determine how severe the misconduct was, and what the disciplinary action should be. Predict success. Yes and no. You must consider the employee’s explanation when considering to dismiss or take disciplinary action for employee misconduct. And they are: Process. While your process for reporting misconduct in the workplace will likely vary, it should include these important touch points: As mentioned, it’s very likely that some employees will be concerned about suffering professional repercussions if they voice their concerns about workplace misconduct. We noted virtual harassment above, as this is a new element to workplace misconduct that employers need to prioritize. Choosing the Best HR Software in 2021: 9 Must-Have Features. Case studies, how-to guides, FAQs and free learning materials. This should be communicated to all employees via publicly available channels. A workplace can have a managed and systematic environment for working when every single individual is well aware of his or her duties and limitations that they need to follow to work in the organization. Speaking of discrimination, are your employees aware that it’s illegal to discriminate … This first step is absolutely critical to ensuring that the remainder of this process is fair and legal under local employment laws. Believe in forgive and forget: It is the most common saying that people keep following in their life … Below are some common examples of misconduct in the workplace: What will it take to achieve gender and racial equality in the workplace? Discipline can only be imposed after misconduct has occurred, but managers can use strategies to prevent misconduct before it even happens. So, should an unfair dismissal claim arise after you dismiss an employee for misconduct, then you need to be able to substantiate every step you made to reach the decision. someone on the spot. Listen To Your Employees. Skipping a day of work to interview for a job may fall within that realm. These are only suggestions, and other solutions or arrangements may be possible or necessary depending on the requirements of the particular workplace and the seriousness of the alleged misconduct. Sanctions for gross misconduct. the appropriate use of telephones, email and the internet in your business, how to protect confidential information within your business, guidelines on discrimination and harassment, Even where you have a valid reason to dismiss an employee, it’s critically important to follow. You may show up late for work some days or fail to call in when you're sick. Employment Hero is an all-in-one, HR, payroll and benefits platform. Here’s a specific process I follow with my clients: If the employee’s behaviour doesn’t improve, only then consider taking further disciplinary action. Workplace misconduct may be minor or major, and the repercussions for these actions will vary depending on the severity and impact. According to a recent data CareerBuilder, 12% of the female employees experience sexualRead More Understanding what constitutes employee misconduct, having clear processes in place to deal with it, and proper reporting channels are all critical to ensuring a fair and safe workplace for all. The process for dealing with minor misconduct typically involves: In most cases, the outcome of dealing with minor misconduct will be that the employee is made aware of the issue, and is provided coaching on how to improve their behaviour. Automate tasks. Likewise, you should make it clear to managers and leaders what they should do with that information once it’s brought to their attention. It gives the four key process areas that the Employment Court and Employment Relations Authority must consider when dealing with serious misconduct (section 103A (3) of the Act). Although companies encourage their female employees to open up against such misconducts, there are still many cases which are not yet reported. You must clearly explain, in written documentation, what you expect from employees in a publicly accessible code of conduct or employment handbook. Employment Hero is Australia’s first all-in-one cloud HRIS offering a comprehensive HR software, payroll system, and employee benefits platform in one easy solution. Insubordination is often confused with misconduct or insolence. It can be a complicated and emotional process, which is why it’s so critical … This might include unethical, unprofessional, or even criminal behavior that takes place within a workplace setting. It can be quite challenging to navigate the procedural requirements when serious misconduct occurs. A good policy manual includes a code of conduct, and a policy for managing underperformance. . By creating a culture where every employee feels valued and protected, you can drastically reduce instances of employee misconduct that can put a drain on employee morale and company resources. Make sure the alleged misconduct is not associated with a protected activity or attribute. This mandate should come from the CEO, who stands as the model for how employees should treat one another, clients, and company property. The rule may be poorly explained or has not be uniformly communicated and enforced. Examples of gross misconduct in the workplace include: As you can see, gross misconduct rises to the level of causing severe damage to the company, employees, or clients in some capacity. Should you need to do so, your notes will need to accurately document the efforts you made to resolve the inappropriate behaviour over a reasonable period. Instead, this process will require you and your co-workers to use your judgment to ensure that you’re doing what’s best and fair for all individuals involved. So, if you’re spending more of your time on managing your workforce, rather than strategically growing your business, then download our Essential Guide to HR Compliance below. How to Handle Harassment Complaints in 2021. Handle cases promptly, thoroughly, and without bias: Once cases of misconduct arise, it is vital to begin investigations immediately, even if the case looks trivial. This is especially true with minor misconducts. If in doubt, consult an employment lawyer before making any final disciplinary decisions. To understand how, it’s important to understand what employee misconduct examples look like. Abuse of power can take on many manifestations. What advice do you give your clients? Disrespectful behavior in the workplace is any kind behavior that is unprofessional, inappropriate, rude, unpleasant, disturbing or offensive. Offer help, support, encouragement, and training if it seems that the employee is lacking knowledge of the rule. Choose the package that suits your business needs. For example, failure to carry out instructions as given by the manager or when an employee has the tendency of submitting … Unfortunately, that means that virtual harassment has become a concern in some organizations. You can minimise the chance of issues arising by fostering a work environment where expectations are clear. Typically, fair terminations must meet the following standards: Because of this significant legal hurdle for instances of termination, it’s critical that you take detailed notes at each stage of the process. Document everything you agree on, and give the employee a copy of your meeting notes. Employers must investigate accusations of misconduct such as theft, harassment and discrimination even if they believe the accusations are false. Rather than trying to prevent misconduct, work to create a culture that … The following measures are recommended to deal with misconduct in the workplace and provide an inclusive and safe environment for employees: Take a proactive and ongoing approach in making the company’s employment practices and policies known, easily … Generally speaking, there are two types of misconduct in the workplace: Minor misconduct refers to issues that can likely be resolved through informal means. In addition to this, your organization should strive to create a culture that values every employee and makes it clear that harassment or unethical behavior will not be tolerated. All uniformly communicated and consistently enforced. Because of this, you should make it clear what steps should be taken in each instance. Managers need to lead by example, and understand their roles as managers. It’s at times like these that the. Fostering a workplace and company culture where expectations are made clear, and mutual respect is promoted, is one way to minimize instances of misconduct. You need to make sure the reason relates to a genuine requirement for the business, or to the occupation. In these cases, the incident of misconduct is typically bad enough to warrant severe disciplinary action. Many business owners are confused about stipulating dress code, what’s your take? Attract talent. Dismissal should be reserved for cases of serious misconduct or repeated offences. To combat this, we recommend creating a subsection of your code of conduct that emphasizes what constitutes virtual harassment, and what the consequences are. We have the answers. When employee misconduct occurs, the supervisor should know how to deal with the situation effectively. Even where you have a valid reason to dismiss an employee, it’s critically important to follow due process. While no list of misconduct in the workplace will be 100% complete due to variances from company-to-company and industry-to-industry, here are some notable examples: Examples of minor misconduct in the workplace include: In some cases, minor misconduct may creep into the realm of gross misconduct, depending on the specifics of the incident. Handling employee misconduct is a vexed issue for business owners. There are certain steps you need to follow. The role of the investigator is … Trusted by Australian businesses, Employment Hero is about making rostering, onboarding, performance management, time tracking, payroll, and award interpretation a snap. Give clear statements to the parties involved, and ensure there is a full understanding of the issue. Schedule a time when you, the co-worker and a supervisor can all sit down to resolve the problem professionally. Connect with our team. Consistent principles and procedures must be followed whenever allegations of This type … Handling Workplace Misconduct and Employee Disciplinary Action. The caveat to that statement is that rank-and-file employees may not feel comfortable in flagging workplace misconduct out of fear of reprisal or ostracization. Clearly explain the specific example of inappropriate behaviour and try to find out if the workplace rule is unclear or unknown to the employee. Copyright © 2020 Agree with them on a concrete plan for improvement and spell out what changes are expected in their behaviour. Dealing with employee misconduct at work can be tricky even for the most seasoned business owner. Using Employment Hero has benefits for everyone. Examples of serious misconduct in the workplace: Endangering the health and safety of the employee and others, Whatever the issue, dealing with the matter head-on does not mean making a rash decision and. The rule may be poorly explained or has not be uniformly communicated and enforced. Unsubscribe at any time. A great way to do this is by having a workplace code of conduct, and the right workplace policies in place. Process. At minimum, relationships between managers and their direct reports (or their direct reports' direct reports) should be banned. In many workplaces, the culture is influenced by the attitudes and behavior of those in management positions. The aim of disciplining an employee is to rectify the problem and also change the behavior that led to the misconduct. In fact, research has shown that managers are responsible for 60% of misconduct that occurs in the workplace. According to the EEOC, sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. This process should include instructions on: That last point is key. Explore our user guides and learn more about using Employment Hero. It’s helpful to have dual processes in place to deal with minor and gross misconduct in the workplace. One on One Meetings: How to Conduct Them Effectively, How to support transgender people in the workplace. It’s not a fun task, but is often necessary to ensure that the company’s expectations of employee conduct are clear and enforced. Where we are: The current status of workplace Diversity and Inclusion, Onboarding Checklist: Get Your New Employees Off To A Great Start, Ultimate Guide to Workplace Policies and Procedures [2021], How to support people with disabilities in the workplace, Financial literacy resources for your team, Recruiting and onboarding graduate candidates. To do so, you should have a clearly established code of conduct that specifically outlines what constitutes good and bad behavior. SH: I’d say there are just three things business owners need to remember about handling a misconduct issue. Powerful software tool that makes hiring easy. Foster a supportive culture. SH: You can make directions about the appearance of your staff, but you have to be careful about making blanket rules around appearance because it’s important not to breach discrimination laws. Outline the consequences if there is no noticeable improvement. How to Avoid misconduct in a Workplace. An employee accused of misconduct must be: notified that they are under investigation for misconduct, including the details of the alleged misconduct given the opportunity to respond informed of what will happen next, including the investigation process and the hearing This should include instructions for: Holding a meeting with the accused employee to get their side of the story, Potentially holding a disciplinary hearing, Define what constitutes good, and bad, behavior at work, Make it clear that the list is not definitive, and that some behaviors may be deemed negative upon review, Make it clear what happens when an employee engages in these negative behaviors, What staff should do if they witness misconduct, What management should do if someone reports misconduct to them, The process by which management and HR should investigate the issue, approach the individual, and decide upon disciplinary actions, The issue being brought to the attention of the manager or human resources, Both parties carrying out a fact-finding investigation to collect hard evidence of misconduct, Based on those findings, both parties can decide if a formal disciplinary meeting is needed, If it’s not, then an informal talk with the employee can take place, It it is, then a formal warning may be issued either via written document or verbally, This warning should remain on the employee’s file for about six months, and include a clear stipulation of what should be improved and by when, The same reporting and fact finding process as above, but with the option to immediately suspend the employee if they are considered to be a risk to the business, employees, or integrity of misconduct investigation, A formal disciplinary hearing that presents the findings of the investigation to the employee, and gives them a chance to respond, Potentially severe sanctions that can be applied to the employee, if the gross misconduct is proven, including a final written warning, demotion, or termination, The employer must genuinely believe that the employee committed gross misconduct, and be able to show reasonable grounds for believing this, The employer must be able to demonstrate that they have carried out a thorough investigation, The employer must show that termination was legally justified based on the nature of the misconduct. is not so much an HR document, but one of the most important business documents you have. , on how she helps her clients deal with tricky conduct issues in the workplace. Some tardiness or inexcused absences usually fall within the general midsconduct category. There are certain steps you need to follow. So, we’ve asked HR expert, Stephanie Hosking from our partner, Key Business Advisors, on how she helps her clients deal with tricky conduct issues in the workplace. Of course, the easiest way to deal with misconduct in the workplace is for it to not happen in the first place. To do so, you should set up a publicly available, anonymous communications channel that allows employees to file complaints without using their names, if desired. Dealing with misconduct in the workplace means juggling a variety of considerations around communication, employment law, and ethical standards. Procedural fairness is fundamental to how the Fair Work Commission decides on unfair dismissal cases. With that being said, let’s look at how to handle instances of misconduct in the workplace. It can be a complicated and emotional process, which is why it’s so critical to have a clear and objective framework in place. In order to address conduct that is inappropriate, offensive, or dangerous, companies often create a procedure to correct employee misconduct and to address employee discipline. Keep your primary objective in mind — to ensure a healthy workplace — not to punish the employee. . This is where you define workplace misconduct and the consequences that outline your process for dealing with such behaviour. Stop wasting time with spreadsheets, and request a demo today. Next steps that the manager or leader should take once misconduct has been brought to their attention. Be aware that gross misconduct can often lead to a final written warning, demotion or … Stephanie, what guidance do you give to your clients about handling a misconduct issue? Dealing with misconduct in the workplace means juggling a variety of considerations around communication, employment law, and ethical standards. This is where you define workplace misconduct and the consequences that outline your process for dealing with such behaviour. Step 3 Ask the accuser to provide examples of the offense. At the same time, if you have sufficient evidence, don’t delay! It is important to be vigilant and address acts of misconduct early, before it escalates. EH: What’s the best way for businesses to ensure everyone abides by their code of conduct? Likewise, you should have a clearly defined process in place for what happens after an employee is accused of misconduct. The definition of gross misconduct can vary by state or even employer. Evidence that you provided the employee with the opportunity to respond and you took this response into consideration. Procedural fairness is fundamental to how the Fair Work Commission decides on unfair dismissal cases. Insolence occurs when an employee mocks, insults, disrespects, or shows similar inappropriate behavior toward a manager or supervisor. – to conduct workplace investigations. Specific instances of workplace misconduct may relate to their impact on company property or infrastructure, processes and outcomes, or on the well being of other employees at the organization. It’s good practice to remind your employees on a regular basis as to your behavioural expectations. Workplace gossip can be fleeting and harmless, but certain kinds of gossip can harm your reputation and your career. Likewise, some industries might have specific actions that constitute gross misconduct based on their impact on the company or clients. There’s no better way to promote great behaviour than to reward it. If this behavior becomes habitual, it may soon be considered gross misconduct, especially if you've been warned in the past. Failing to follow reasonable instructions. Now that we’ve outlined what misconduct in the workplace is, what it looks like, and how to provide your employees with channels to report it, let’s look at how to deal with these potential issues. So, it’s vitally important to train supervisors and managers on what to do, including conducting workplace investigations into allegations of misconduct. , MYOB, KeyPay, and training if it has been brought to their attention imagine... Parties can then revisit the issue in question, this process should include instructions on: that last point key... Hr specialists, payroll and employee benefits like termination or suspension often follows to call in when you 're.! Even where you define the right disciplinary measures document everything you agree on, and a policy for underperformance... A workplace should have a clear process in place for what happens after employee. Workplace relationship between the employee was dismissed issue of employee misconduct at work can be applied in case! 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