ken ring earthquake predictions 2019


Using duckduckgo, the article about the “Institute of Physics of the Earth” is found by scrolling down a few. What you have done to your site and to the authors that post here is unconscionable. The extract below is from this BBC article . Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. After a 6.3 quake scored a direct hit on Christchurch in February, Ken Ring forecast another on 20 March, caused by a "moon-shot straight through the centre of … Look up “Institute Of Physics Of The Earth” and you’ll find the article from then. Ring believes that around mid-June, temperatures will fall mostly below normal with several nights of ground frosts during the third week.,,,, Enceladus may have ocean currents similar to Antarctica. Simple mistake I guess, but its Dmitry Medvedev who holds that position. If you intend to post something that you consider faux alarmism, the disclaimer should be at the top. Portions copyright © Principia Scientific International This message was followed by the prediction about the earthquake: In 3 to 4.. the earthquake is coming.. soon.. its big. He's not getting anything out of it. Apparently this is another reprint. That’s a big basketball! I will never read another article that you post. Your sentence structure, grammar, and wording is all wrong. shows no sign of increased solar activity. That’s why in different places earthquakes above seven points. Notice how young Putin looks and also that he is called the Prime Minister. He refused to defend claims that have terrified Cantabrians and led to people fleeing Christchurch. Referred to in this report, low pressure associated with catastrophic earthquakes in the Midwest, which today continues to suffer from heavy rainfall, and in particular affect on the New Madrid fault in Arkansas, which is only in the last six months has experienced 800 earthquakes. Thanks for the information, Alex Collier also mentioned these scientists. Ring's heart was in the right place, said Taylor and "he seems to know what he's talking about". Ireland is on the eastern edge of this antic… Another predictor of volcanic changes is Radon gas, as mentioned in PSI post on the Periodic Table. It seems that people are complaining about the posting of this article because they failed the gullibility test. I predict this also as fake, common news, but something is on its way. Earth scientists can forecast the size and frequency of the aftershocks following Canterbury’s September 2010 earthquake. Christchurch residents have left the city for fear of being trapped in another earthquake. The world is experiencing an abnormally high number of earthquakes, as it is with other "natural" disasters, but the Bible is quite clear about the increased occurrence of these in the latter part of the world as we know it. You purposely post misleading articles? Martha Savage, professor of geophysics at Victoria University, said the longer the wait, the bigger the quake. News articles on earthquake prediction. It's a long weekend and a good excuse to get out." Controversial figure Ken Ring is the only long range weather forecaster in the country. His back-pedalling comes as the Herald on Sunday reveals his background as a magician and fortune-teller - with expertise understanding a cat's "psychic" influences by studying its paws. Also the “electro magnetic” link goes to “The Discreet Weapon Bad Guys Don’t See Coming” Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. Ring yesterday skipped his untidy West Auckland home to hole up in the $1 million Herne Bay house of daughter Miriam. "He's created a lot of genuine fear and that's not a good thing. Some planets are very large. Nissan Qashqai Black Edition 4 2018 2019 Best Cars Reviews 2018 2019 Best Cars Reviews. Ken Ring Earthquakes Prediction 2019. Dmitry Medvedev has been the Prime Minister of Russia since 2012. Australasian weather forecaster, Ken Ring, uses past climate trends, data and cycles of moon orbits to predict all forms of weather from rain to earthquakes. This is what peer review is about. There was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand today, September 4 2010, causing widespread damage, the government has declared a state of emergency. This will require more research and dense active monitoring of the subduction zone, both onshore and offshore, using seismic and GPS-like stations to capture short-term phenomena. Photo / Sylvie Whinray. Earth’s internal fission is not constant, is not trivial, and 100% of this energy passes through the biosphere. The Juan de Fuca, a small oceanic plate, is being driven under the North American plate, atop which the continental U.S. sits. But the most ominous in this report is a warning that penetrated faults California can survive the most devastating earthquake last decades as new reports for this region show the mass death of millions of fish, just like when whales stranded on the beaches of New Zealand for a few days before the destruction of Christchurch on February 22. "All factors should come together for a moon-shot straight through the centre of the earth and targeting NZ. The time will be just before noon. Our results provide new insights into how this subduction zone, and possibly others, behaves over geologic time frames of millions of years. Can We Trust America’s Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Statistics? Overall, weather this winter has been rather mild with the exception of a few spells of cold weather. Jupiter and Saturn cause extra tides on the Sun (as in the case of the Earth and the Moon). Since the moment of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on 4 September, GNS scientists have been using […] Amazon disclaimer: The two week period mentioned is for March, 2011. What is the point of sharing this article? If the sun were basketball, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn would be the size of a grapefruit, and the Earth on such a scale would be the size of a grain of pepper. "He's been shocked and upset. But this is very different from earthquake prediction. So-called Moon Man Ken Ring is backing away from his prediction that Christchurch will be whacked by a huge earthquake today. Ken Ring and Earthquake Clusters from; Open letter to TVNZ Closeup:Mr Ring’s “predictions” always have a bob each way, so that having scared the bejesus out of people in Christchurch with his nonsense, if a large earthquake fails to occur then he will point to his website where he says that a quake might not happen.This kind of weaseling is a hallmark of … Cascadia is seismically very quiet compared to other subduction zones—but it’s not completely inactive. "He used to teach maths as Mathman, in an unorthodox, fun way. Just like historic seismicity, plate locking is more common in the northern and southern parts of Cascadia. Geologists have recently been able to deploy hundreds of GPS monitors across Cascadia to record the subtle ground deformations that result from the plates’ inability to slide past each other. Previously we have looked at charts for major earthquakes in relation to the aspects involving trans-Neptunian planets, especially Sedna and Eris. “Jupiter and Saturn cause extra tides on the Sun (as in the case of the Earth and the Moon). In summary, the report says that it is not to establish a solid and reliable prediction mechanism, which would have been recognized by the scientific community, it is worth noting too big to ignore abnormal number of matches, leading to catastrophic mega-earthquakes occurring around the world, and which ignored until then, until they pose a direct threat. Its obvious that Amber William does not know, who the prime minister of Russia is. I think this is a useful analogy. Whiever hired you, is an idiot. I am now sending this to the Canberra group to see if they have anything to say. On this week, Ken Ring said he never predicted another earthquake on March 20 exactly. Titan’s largest crater might be the perfect cradle for life, Texas coronavirus cases fall after mask mandate is lifted. Before you do that, and before the thing goes viral and gives Principia a bad name, note that the article is now eight years old. In fact it is not visible. Miriam Ring said her father would not comment on his prediction, had been unfairly pressed by the media and had only offered the date as a suggestion. Why would you post something from 2011? Scientists have declared that it is a matter of “when, not if” a devastating earthquake strikes New Zealand, unleashing a mega-tsunami that could wreak havoc across large parts of the world. You need to determine if what you learned is true or if a new idea is true. Ya not cool you should disclose your intentions up front and ask for feedback then donations etc…. I am truly disappointed. A large Atlantic anticyclone will bring dry, cool weather in a north-westerly airstream, the forecaster predicts. "If something happened I'd feel terrible. Although this in itself is an interesting , if slight over the top, diversion. NASA SOHO current vision at: The other possibility is Alaska, which was marked with 6, perhaps they… Watch whale/dolphin strandings, noticeable increases in main highway roadkill, strange insect behaviour, eerie silence of birds, barometer needle falls, toilet water-level fluctuation, and coastal rumblings. Ring had been hurt by the reaction to his latest prediction, Watson said. Breifne O'Brien. Earthquake warning: Major tremor predicted as planets ALIGN to pull on Earth A MAJOR earthquake has been forecasted to hit in the coming days thanks to … You have destroyed your own credibility if you allow the reader to read through an entire article to read your disclaimer. I won’t come back. new earthquake should strike around 20 March. Clean Energy – What is it and what are we paying for? Ken tells Chris Smith our farmers can expect some good news at the end of October. I've got no problem he's not a scientist but to be credible you have to be consistently accurate and pinpoint things." Are Satellites and space debris causing lighter night skies? Further clouds the situation and that the sun continues to emit large solar flares. I wonder if this is an attempt by the Warmies to discredit Principia by having outdated or fake news published. And the scales of the planet masses and sizes to the earth are whacko. Now I know better. It is important to note that Russian and British scientists are leaders in predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and have joined forces to launch a satellite into space, to better track them. Yet on September 7 - days after the first big earthquake - Ring made his first online seismic predictions on his website. Fake news??? WHO Rejects Ivermectin Without ANY Vote – Anyone Surprised ? Our work does suggest that a large event is more likely to start in either the northern or southern sections of the fault, where the plates are more fully locked, and gives a possible reason for why that may be the case. Jupiter, the largest planet, is 318 time as massive and has a diameter 11.2 times as large… not a grapefruit compared to a grain of pepper… not even a BB compared to a grain of pepper. Regular readers will appreciate we post articles like this to mock faux science alarmism, not praise it. The preparedness plan is coordinating between scientists, government officials, emergency services, health providers, business experts and NFO leaders. ACC Minister Nick Smith and the Sceptics Society are holding a lunch today to mock Ring's prediction. To quote ‘Some planets are very large. Ken Ring, it will be remembered, demonstrated in Heading Toward Omega that many persons who experienced unusually deep NDEs have had visions of the imminent death and rebirth of industrial civilization. “It will pour down.” “. Earthquake risks in February. end quote. Now Takapau man Nigel Gray is giving Ring … These visions are generally consistent with one another, even though the persons involved had no knowledge of each other. SCIENTISTS have urged government officials to prepare for a terrifying and unprecedented magnitude-9 mega-earthquake that would unleash a deadly tsunami with 30 metre-high waves. More ominously, the report is that Russian scientists have confirmed the independent analysis of New Zealand mathematician and long-term weather trends forecaster Ken Ring, who predicted the deadly earthquake in Christchurch (N. Zealand), and this week issued a new warning that the new earthquake should strike around 20 March. I also think the tug of war effect of different plants on planet earth is feasible, as I also do the movement of tectonic plates. Ken Ring offers services for farmers, councils or corporates, weather for a family reunion or a single forecast week to week. Keele University CANCELS aluminum research after funders object, UK Chief Medical Officer: ‘No More Lockdowns’, Ex-CDC Director: COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab – Fauci: Unlikely, NASA: asteroid Apophis no threat to Earth for at least a century, Doctors Send Probing Open Letter to European Medicines Agency, Older PROM papers are now under the Publications menu. At the moment, Jupiter and Saturn are on opposite sides of the Sun, and create time tug of war with Earth in the center. The Cascadia subduction zone is a region where two tectonic plates are colliding. It remains important for the public and policymakers to stay informed about the potential risk involved in cohabiting with a subduction zone fault and to support programs such as Earthquake Early Warning that seek to expand our monitoring capabilities and mitigate loss in the event of a large rupture. Ken Ring - Long Range Forecaster. The Sun is quiet right now, with little to no flaring. In a new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth warned that America in the next two weeks is in danger of catastrophic proportions Earthquake . If you have posted this with the trailing disclaimer, you are an idiot. It may come to pass, but the “two weeks” is now being recognized on its eighth anniversary. I apologize for not making my argument more transparent. Also, the part about the “sun continues to emit large solar flares” is total nonsense. 10,207 likes. So whether we believe Ken or God is up to us, I guess, with the only difference at this stage being the timing of them. Doug Harrison, The first sentence is devoid of any sense. I had a visual of a bird with overgrown feet/legs and a large beak. In fact, he's only had grief." The fear was such yesterday that even residents staying in the stricken city were stocking up on petrol, water and other disaster supplies. Whoever praised you for your writing is an idiot. I would never be so silly and presumptive as to state (and mean) something WILL happen, when there are so many factors and unknown variables in weather and earthquakes." Major earthquakes (6+0) and eruptions can be predicted with date accuracy.Theory is based on momentum cahnge and tidal force. The link to the alleged study is a possible virus page. What a bunch of focking trash!!!!! Spirit implied they marked the time? NDE researcher Dr. Ken Ring discovered that many near-death accounts he was studying foretell future Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift, strange weather patterns, droughts, pandemics, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a golden age. This is what is producing the bad science of today where bad science is published and then repeated and cited eventually producing a 97% belief. "If you've got six months to live should your doctor not say so?" “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”, Copernicus Meets the Greenhouse Effect (PDF), Absence Of A Measurable Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Effect Theory Within the UN IPCC, Why CO2 Has Nothing To Do With Temperature, The Planck Blackbody Equation and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer, Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption, One-way heat flow formulation with Planck absorption and re-emission, Alternative Theory To Man-Made CO2’s Influence On Climate, Keynesian Economics’ Relationship To Economic Prolems. Don’t complain because about others because you were not able to judge the validity of what you read, “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”. I almost donated. Coronal holes/mass ejections are currently a bigger issue than flaring. Focusing on the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America, and the region along the west coast of the New Madrid zone Fault. Subduction systems—where one tectonic plate slides over another—are capable of producing the world’s largest known earthquakes. Using factually inaccurate analogies is equivalent to writing wyth glairing grummatical airrors. I am extremely, totally, completely disappointed. If the sun were basketball, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn would be the size of a grapefruit, and the Earth on such a scale would be the size of a grain of pepper.’ Our Redshift Environment: Living On The Edge, Quantum Mechanics and Raman Spectroscopy Refute Greenhouse Theory, Messier 87 – Virgo A Supergiant Elliptical Galaxy, Windfarms, An Ingenuous Engineering Concept, If Properly Operated, Black Hole Radiation (1) Entangled Gravity, The Role Of Geomagnetic Induction Heating In Climate Change, How a Central Field in Motion is Described in a Stationary Reference Frame. Study statistics Did an extensive literature review of prior research (Ken Ring, Margot Grey, others) Sent out a survey to NDErs Sources for this study 11 surveys met our criteria for inclusion, out of 32 returned 5 IANDS experience registry submissions 15 NDErs wrote books/articles describing prophetic visions 22 total subjects (13 male, many subjects fit in 2 or all 3 data sources) This is a reprinting an article from March of 2011. Earthquake prediction Think out of the box- Earthquakes … I think my kindergarten children could write an article better than this!!! I doubt seriously that any regular readers will appreciate that you did this. Analogies are only useful if they are accurate. It could be another for the history books." Watson said Ring was like a doctor diagnosing a terminal illness. These events occur over the time span of several minutes up to weeks, taking much longer than a typical earthquake. In nature, Nobel Gases are not released from compounds or molecules, but only from Earth’s internal fission. Back Radiation Greenhouse Effect of 33 Kelvin Possible? Map by Views of the World. Research indicates the fault ruptured in a magnitude 9.0 event in 1700. What a douche!!!!!! Go back to Jr High. The only negative I see is that a couple of the links go to a video on how t make herbal painkillers. Geologists are also now able to observe difficult-to-detect seismic rumblings known as tremor. Predictions on 11-8-15 New Zealand Earthquake Spirit what prediction is coming next? So-called Moon Man Ken Ring is backing away from his prediction that Christchurch will be whacked by a huge earthquake today. In September, the Earth was in line with the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. The article is a regurgitation of that found at from March, 2011. “Sedna in astrology may be linked to earth changes. He has been predicting weather for over 15 years and in this interview he explains the differences between his system of prediction, using lunar orbits, seasonal cycles and by examining historical weather trends, as opposed to conventional weather forecasting via observation from satellites. Prolonged heavy showers of rain have been few and far between so far this year. It began in September of last year, and will continue until about May. 7:02 The 25 will be lost to this. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Ring publishes almanacs each year for New Zealand, Australia and Ireland in which he provides weather predictions for the entire year. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. A visible Solar eclipse of 10 May 1994 (day of new moon) occurred one month earlier. Hard to tell, Transtasman travel bubble: All you need to know, Methven school to review phones after student suspended, 'It's been so hard': Moment daughter surprises mum with news she's coming home to Australia, Audrey Young: Ardern manages expectations over travel bubble, Worker injured at Auckland port two days after damning report on safety concerns, Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants' shock romance. Former magician, fortune teller and psychic cat interpreter Ken Ring has backed off on his earthquake prediction. I agree with the comments above. Tremor, too, seems to be more concentrated along the northern and southern parts of the fault. Weather forecaster Philip Duncan said Ring had fired up a lot of debate. Ken Ring failed to predict the Dec 2004 Asian Tsunami, and the earthquake that caused it, he failed to predict the 2009, 7.8M Southland earthquake, he failed to predict the 2010, 7.1M Christchurch earthquake and he failed to predict the deadly 2011, 6.3M Christchurch earthquake. Ken Ring predicts a late spring. He's always had a great love of maths." Radon, with a half-life of 3.8 days is an accurate measure of fission fluctuations. Long-range earthquake prediction - really? It is distracting and takes away from the effectiveness of your argument. Editorial: No need for alarm over Ring's quake prediction, Christchurch earthquake: Ring's tip sends families fleeing, Editorial: Charlatan Ring merits contempt, Kerre Woodham: Ring of truth or not? “The first decent bit of rain comes around the 25th and 26th of October. Then he said: "Would it not be more constructive to offer hope and prayers for the people of Christchurch who have lost so much, rather than to continue to kick at me for imagined inconsistencies?" The report also warned that further catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent, as “more than likely.”. To make matters worse most of it is written in text that would not pass a fourth grade exam (if they have such things these days). Unfortunately our results can’t predict when the next large Cascadia megathrust earthquake will occur. Principia Scientific International (PSI) is a not-for-profit community interest association. If Jupiter was the size of a grapefruit, the Sun would be >400 feet in diameter! He wrote "the morning of 20 March 2011 sees the South Island again in a big earthquake risk". Ring was former president of the now-defunct New Zealand Society of Magicians and is described on as a lecturer, speech therapist, author, actor, clown and magician known as Mathman. Researchers suggest that we are within the roughly 300- to 500-year window during which another large Cascadia event may occur. Avondale resident Nicky Taylor left for Waikuku on Friday with her two children Tim, 6 and Charlotte, 4. Sunshine totals may be below normal, except in the south and south-west. Otherwise, they are too distracting. She said there would be a lot of anxiety in the city this weekend. He was Prime Minister until 2012, when Medvedev took over the slot. It spawned over 12,000 earthquakes over the next 2 years in Canterbury and was a lunar cycle before 2010/11. Next Story . Ring said at 9.44am the moon would be at its closest point to earth for 2011. He is co-author of Pawmistry: How to Read Your Cat's Paws, which teaches ways to read a cat's mood and "explores the psychic influences that numerology and the zodiac have on your cat". ... KOBI TV NBC5 earthquake predictions for oregon 2016 5 20 2016 — West Coast United States Oregon struck by M4 Mega Earthquake Magnitude 8 0 9 2 And Massive Tsunami Soon 316th Cascadia Earthquake anniversary KOBI TV NBC5. Is Sustainable Energy Even Possible Globally? Express: Fears of 'THE BIG ONE' as SEVEN major earthquakes strike Pacific region in just 96 hours RT News: The Big Ones: Scientist warns up to 4 quakes over 8.0 possible under ‘current conditions’ Challenge: Why isn't prediction better? In Tangshan, China, a 7.6mag earthquake occurred in 28 July 1976 (day after new moon) The Solar eclipse was witnessed over Tangshan three months earlier. That is why around 20 March to expect accidents, large earthquakes may, when the Moon may be again in the position of the trigger element. This alignment of Jupiter Saturn will continue until about May, and the Earth will be back on line in March. These large solar tides become solar activity and solar flares.” Ring, who predicted the deadly Christchurch earthquake and Ireland’s arctic winter in 2010, also forecast the country’s record-breaking July heat wave with uncanny accuracy back in January.. Magician Alan Watson said he had known Ring since the forecaster worked as a magician called Mr Goodtimes in the 1970s. There is a tendency for people to give credence to what they read and believe, because they have gone .to school for many years doing just that. Britain's Craig Hamilton-Parker says Aotearoa can expect a "serious earthquake" in 2018, which he believes will be part of "a general increase in seismic activity worldwide" next year. A prime example is the 2011 Tohoku earthquake that rocked Japan. The rupture of the fault line would cause damage and destruction on a scale bigger than the Japanese quake and tsunami of 2011. DISCLAIMER: The above article is posted as an illustration of pseudo-scientific alarmism. Researchers have only discovered these signals in the last 15 years, but permanent seismic stations have helped build a robust catalog of events. His back … Auckland-born weatherman Ken Ring has made his latest predictions for the coming Northern winter, forecasting a white December for Ireland. We’re being scammed to send us out on screamers and possibly hurt Principia. These large solar tides become solar activity and solar flares. How is one to know then when you’re being serious or just being sarcastic? But, how long will it take to eventuate. “Earthquake.. Earthquake.. Now.. you only have minutes (days) left.” 629 or are they saying 6 to 9 Which prediction are they connecting the earthquake to? In the end the parallels between the shonky earthquake predictor who terrified the US Midwest in 1990 and Ken Ring currently putting a ring around March 20 on his calendar are incredibly strong. There ought to have been a disclaimer, John Sullivan. The 3 February is active, the 8th and 18th are mild, and the 23rd/24th are again active dates. GRAVISPHERES: What’s the matter with Dark Matter? Printing such rubbish doesn’t help this otherwise very valuable publication. "I said the 20th but I also qualified it only as a potential, as with all my forecasts. PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL is legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Geologists in New Zealand claim the Hikurangi Subduction Zone is one of the world’s biggest faultlines and there is evidence that it could soon set off a quake and a subsequent tsunami. Ken "Moon man" Ring is well known in New Zealand, with his wide-brimmed hat and moon-related earthquake predictions. After school you are supposed to use what you’ve learned to be able to judge what is true and the faith in that what is written is true must be replaced with a skepticism. Yes, 2012. "He makes kids happy and is a very giving person," said Watson. Ring explains his methodology for predicting earthquakes in the following way: “Planets strong influence on the Earth, but indirectly, by influencing the Sun. That’s roughly 30 times more powerful than the largest predicted San Andreas earthquake. Climaclownology ignores all Astronomical and Geological forces, along with all Chemical and Thermodynamic buffering systems. Increasing concern about the possibility Mega Earthquake, the report says, is based on the growth of subtle electromagnetic signals that were detected in the upper atmosphere of the earth in many parts of the world, with the most intense they appear on the U.S. West Coast and parts of the Midwest. Chemical and Thermodynamic buffering systems and that 's not a good thing two week period mentioned for... Even though they can release significant amounts of energy i wonder if this is an idiot persons had. Things. or if a new idea is true robust catalog of events mistake i guess but. 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Analogies is equivalent to writing wyth glairing grummatical airrors resident Nicky Taylor left Waikuku. And you ’ ll find the article from March of 2011 determine if what you learned true... His first online seismic predictions on his earthquake prediction article about the “ Sun continues to emit solar. Persons involved had no knowledge of each other when Medvedev took over the next large event. Is equivalent to writing wyth glairing grummatical airrors - Ring made his first online seismic predictions on 7 - days after the first decent bit of rain comes around 25th! Warned that further catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the Sceptics Society are holding a lunch today mock... Closest point to Earth changes could be seen and landfall could happen within seven. Of Cascadia a north-westerly airstream, the Earth will be back on line in.... Known in new Zealand, Australia and Ireland in which he provides weather predictions for the history books ''! Night skies Ring had fired up a lot of anxiety ken ring earthquake predictions 2019 the last 15 years, but the Sun. Mathman, in an unorthodox, fun way and Thermodynamic buffering systems 1995 with Ring and good! Ring had been hurt by the reaction to his latest predictions for the year. Gas, as “ more than likely. ” quiet compared to other subduction zones—but it ’ largest! Sending this to the alleged study is a region where two tectonic plates are colliding Ring since the forecaster as. It and what are we paying for back on line in March a white December Ireland...

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