mozart clarinet concerto analysis


The movement opens with a cheerful theme: This refrain is interspersed with episodes either echoing this mood or recalling the darker colours of the first movement: Stadler played the concerto at its premiere in Prague on October 16, 1791, and his performance was favorably received. Contextual overview and consolidation questions included. At the end of the E-major section, there is a short pause, where the soloist conventionally improvises a short eingang (cadenza), although no context is offered for a true cadenza. Rondo He removed the oboes and put more airy flutes instead, and took out all the brass instruments except two horns. Mozart was at the shining apex of his talent at the time he wrote the clarinet concerto.His mastery at blending solo instrument with orchestra is staggering. Accompanying written material and online quizzes are available below. A full walk-through of the new AQA set work (Mozart Clarinet Concerto 3rd movement rondo) with clear, animated score analysis with a mixture of analysis questions for students and some teacher-led analysis. [1] This excerpt is nearly identical to the corresponding section in the published version for A clarinet. [citation needed] This has proven a problematic decision, as the autograph no longer exists, having been pawned by Stadler, and until the mid 20th century musicologists did not know that the only version of the concerto written by Mozart's hand had not been heard since Stadler's lifetime. März 1794 in Riga statt. Before the formal orchestral ritornello leading into the recapitulation, Mozart writes a series of descending sequences with the cellos and bassoons holding suspensions over staccato strings. Mozart: Piano Sonata No.9 in D major, K.311 Analysis. Truly your instrument has so soft and lovely a tone that nobody with a heart could resist it.”. own purposes. [citation needed], In recent years, the restored original version has been recorded by many artists. Auffallend ist auch die Besetzung des Konzerts: Die Bläsergruppe besteht nur aus Flöten, Fagotten und Hörnern. The quintet is sometimes referred to as the Stadler Quintet; Mozart so described it … The modern scoring of the work is for solo clarinet in A, two flutes, two bassoons, two horns (in A and D, often transcribed for horns in F),[citation needed] and strings. The concerto was written for a personal friend of Mozart’s, clarinetist Anton Stadler, who is said to have premiered the concerto in Prague on October 16, 1791. As the orchestra restates the main theme, the clarinet traverses the whole range of the instrument with several flourishes. Some of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto was featured in the score to the 2010 film The King’s Speech, although bizarrely only the orchestral sections. As the soloist enters, the clarinet repeats the opening theme with the expected added ornamentation. Concertos and concertante works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Woodwind Concertos. Flute Concerto in G major, K.313/285c ("No.1") Flute Concerto in D major, K.314/285d ("No.2") Andante in C major, K.315/285e, flute Oboe Concerto in C major, K.314/271k; Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622; Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K.191/186e The Clarinet Concerto remains the jewel in any clarinettist’s crown today. Das Konzert in A-Dur KV 622 für Klarinette und Orchester von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ist eines seiner letzten Werke, vollendet um den 8. Mozart originally composed it for the basset clarinet. Development D. 36. This modification yields a warm, smooth orchestral palette, which lets you clearly hear that gorgeous solo clarinet. Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto is of supreme importance as his last instrumental work. The concerto opens with a sonata-form movement in A major. It consists of the usual three movements, in a fast-slow-fast form: Recapitulation. Theodor Lotz, a leading clarinet manufacturer in Vienna, made a special clarinet for Stadler whose range extended down to a written C (sounding A), which was later termed the basset clarinet. Get the latest classical news straight to your inbox! Clarinet Concerto in A, K 622, three-movement concerto for clarinet and chamber orchestra (two flutes, two bassoons, two horns, and strings, including violins, viola, cello, and double bass) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that blends gently lyrical passages with those of demanding virtuosity to create a masterpiece of the clarinet’s repertoire. The development section explores a few new key areas including F♯ minor and D major, and even has some hints of the Baroque. The second movement, which is in rounded binary form (i.e. [1], Mozart originally intended the piece to be written for basset horn, as Anton Stadler was also a virtuoso basset horn player, but eventually was convinced the piece would be more effective for clarinet. Busy passages that need to sound light-hearted are never simple. This movement is a blend of sonata and rondo forms that Mozart developed in his piano concertos, most notably the A major Piano Concerto, K. Clarinet concertos make up a useful body of works for such a study for two general reasons. In fact the clarinet may have b… The orchestral ritornello returns, ending with the second closing theme. B 17 Tutti Section A 23 Exposition. Key. By no means a full statement of the refrain, in this section Mozart sets the motif from the A section as a sequence of descending thirds leading to a stop on the, The second B (bars 188–246) begins like the first but is extended and explores some different key areas. An analysis of the work is complemented by discussion of performance practice and of surviving relevant instruments. W. A. Mozart – Clarinet Concerto, third movement: Rondo. This piece appears on the AQA GCSE Music syllabus. The strings are the tutti ensemble that prepares for the entrance of the soloist, artfully accompanies its moments in the spotlight and graciously entertains with skill during its absence. Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. 622 movement 3- Rondo- Allegro. Both the clarinet and basset horn (a low-pitched member of the clarinet family) descended from a single-reed instrument called the chalumeau. There are also some suggested composition, research and performance tasks. Die erste, auf einem Programmzettel nachgewiesene Aufführung fand während der Europatournee Anton Stadlers am 5. We now know that Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto was written for a basset clarinet in A (whose notes sound a minor third lower than written). However, a letter from Mozart’s widow to the publisher Johann André suggested that Stadler had pawned it. Subscript = measure number Widmungsträger war Anton Stadler, die Uraufführung fand am 16. By this time, Mozart’s performing career was already winding down. "[4] There was some disagreement on the value of Stadler's extension; some even faulted Mozart for writing for the extended instrument. [citation needed] The only relic of this concerto written in Mozart's hand is an excerpt of an earlier rendition of the concerto written for basset horn in G (K. Stadler claimed he left it in a portmanteau which was stolen while he was in Germany. There are some passages that exploit the lowest notes of the basset clarinet in the B section. [4] The canonic material of the opening ritornello returns, this time involving the clarinet and leads to the novel feature of the soloist accompanying the orchestra with an Alberti bass over the first closing theme. It was for this modified instrument that Mozart composed both the Clarinet Quintet and the famous Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 -- one of his last works. Mozart single-handedly elevated the concerto to a high plane of dramatic art and his chamber works with highlighted soloist tend to arrange themselves as intimate concerti. Stadler, who played the clarinet and basset horn, had been a close friend of Mozart’s since the early 1780s: the composer had a variety of nicknames for him: ‘Stodla’, ‘Miracle Of Bohemia’ and ‘Nàtschibinitschibi’ (try pronouncing that after a few Glühweins). Concerto No. Yet there are a number of special problems surrounding the piece, since the autograph is lost and the unique instrument for which it was written has not survived. [5] It is in ABACABA form, with the middle A's being shorter restatements of the theme, unlike regular rondo form which is ABACA. It consists of three movements, in a fast–slow–fast succession: As there is no autograph for this concerto and as it was published posthumously, it is difficult to understand all of Mozart's intentions. C 14.01, List of compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2020, Articles needing additional references from January 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The first A (bars 1–56) features the soloist in dialogue with the orchestra, often one phrase, The first B (bars 57–113) begins with a lyrical theme, and eventually features, The second A (114–137) is heard again briefly, before the orchestra moves right into the closing theme of the original A section, this time employing a descending, The C section (bars 137–177), according to scholar, Measures 178–187 serve as the third A. Because it’s Mozart’s only concerto for clarinet… except it wasn’t strictly written for the clarinet at all. The score of his concerto wasn’t published until 1803, when it was rescored for the A clarinet. Your email address will not be published. Expertise from the author's colleagues contributes to some valuable appendices. Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622, was written in October 1791 for the clarinetist Anton Stadler. The form of the movement is as follows: The first theme begins an orchestral ritornello that is joyful and light: It soon transforms into a flurry of sixteenth notes in descending sequence, played by the violins and flutes while the lower instruments drive the piece forward. Stadler intended the piece for the basset horn, a type of clarinet pitched five steps below the normal B-flat clarinet. • The Concerto/other works written for Mozart’s friend and clarinetist Anton Stadler • Stadler invented rare and short-lived basset clarinet with extended lower range • Not known again until the mid-19th century that the concerto was composed for basset clarinet - It was changed for soprano clarinet when published As is conventional in Classical concerto form, in the recapitulation the soloist and orchestra are united, and the secondary theme is altered to stay in the tonic. Oktober 1791. Andante Con Espressione 3. Do you want to be the first to hear the latest news from the classical world? A man of great talent and recognised as such at court... His playing is brilliant and bears witness to his assurance. The original manuscript of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto was lost. It was Mozart's only completed clarinet quintet, and is one of the earliest and best-known works written especially for the instrument. Concerto for Clarinet in A major Mozart 's Clarinet concerto in A major, K. 622 was written in 1791 for the clarinetist Anton Stadler. Mozart composed his Clarinet Concerto for Anton Stadler, who performed the work at the premiere in Prague on 16 October 1791. Of the works which Mozart composed for the outstanding Viennese clarinetist Anton Stadler (1753-1812), the Clarinet Quintet in A, K581, written in 1789, and the present Concerto in A, completed less than two months before the composer's death in 1791, are the crowning achievements. Referat oder Hausaufgabe zum Thema analyse klarinettenkonzert mozart Anton Stadler, ein enger Freund Mozart und einer der bekanntesten Klarinettisten … Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Webseite. Mozart originally composed the concerto for the basset clarinet. A detailed guide that analyzes the structural, harmonic and thematic frame. This is the only variation in which this modulation occurs. Our recommended recording of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, performed by Jack Brymer and the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Colin Davis, can be bought here. The Times described Jack Brymer as, “the leading clarinettist of his generation, perhaps of the century”. 2 in D major, K. 314/271k, Andante for Flute and Orchestra in C major, K. 315/285e, Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra in C major, K. 299/297c, Sinfonia Concertante for Four Winds (oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon) in E-flat major, K. 297b/Anh. The second closing theme is much more subtle until the fanfare of its final two bars. Both the clarinet and basset horn (a low-pitched member of the clarinet family) descended from a single-reed instrument called the chalumeau. It is almost operatic in its treatment of the clarinet and is very beautiful, with some neatly ornamented turns. A: First sentence in A major (Tonic). The Clarinet Concerto owes its existence to Mozart’s friendship with the great clarinetist Anton Stadler, for whom he had earlier written the Quintet, K. 581. In 1778 Mozart had written to his father from Mannheim lamenting, “Oh, if only we too had clarinets!” Unlike the flute, which he claimed to detest, Mozart fell in love with the clarinet. First, it was during the Classical period that the clarinet evolved into a This book provides evidence of the development of the clarinet, Mozart's encounter with it, and the composition and subsequent reception of the Clarinet Concerto. [citation needed] Without mentioning Mozart's work, the Berlin Musikalisches Wochenblatt noted in January 1792, "Herr Stadeler, a clarinettist from Vienna. Letter = Sign F. 43. And by the time the clarinet concerto was finally published, almost a decade after Mozart’s death, the basset clarinet had almost completely disappeared and the concerto was adapted and printed for the A clarinet. Das Klarinettenkonzert Nr. The only true cadenza of the entire work occurs right at the end of the B section, immediately before the return of the A section. C. 31. All his great works for the instrument – the Clarinet Concerto, the Clarinet Quintet, the Kegelstatt (Skittle Alley) Trio and the obbligato parts in two arias from La Clemenza Di Tito – were composed for Stadler. As well as breakdown of the movement itself, it includes contextual information on Mozart’s life, sonata form and rondo form and the classical orchestra. As the secondary theme comes to a close, the clarinet has another chance to improvise briefly, and this time leads the canonic material that follows. Theodor Lotz, a leading clarinet manufacturer in Vienna, made a special clarinet for Stadler whose range extended down to a written C (sounding A), which was later termed the basset clarinet. Mozart's Clarinet Concerto is of supreme importance as his last instrumental work. Sabine Meyer | Bildquelle: Christian RuvoloMozart geht im zweiten Satz des Klarinettenkonzerts mit dem musikalischen Material äußerst sparsam um – Schlichtheit als Kompositionsprinzip: Eine scheinbar einfache Melodie, der Satz angelegt in schlichter, dreiteiliger Liedform. 1. Because it’s Mozart’s only concerto for clarinet… except it wasn’t strictly written for the clarinet at all. [1] Attempts were made to reconstruct the original version, and new basset clarinets have been built for the specific purpose of performing Mozart's concerto and clarinet quintet.[2][3]. Stadler claimed the invention of the basset clarinet for himself – as you may have gathered, he wasn’t the most reliable individual. [1], Even in Mozart's day, the basset clarinet was a rare, custom-made instrument, so when the piece was published posthumously, a new version was arranged with the low notes transposed to regular range. Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto In A Major’ is widely regarded as the greatest clarinet concerto – explore the story behind the musical masterpiece. His wife, Constanze was ill and he was deeply in debt. The serene ‘Adagio’ is the easiest movement for amateur players to tackle (an ABRSM Grade 6 repertoire piece). 488. After the medial caesura, the strings begin a series of canons before the first closing theme, featuring first and second violins, enters. He was treated with contempt by the new Emperor, Leopold II. It opens with the soloist playing the movement's primary theme with orchestral repetition: The B section, in which the solo part is always prominent, exploits both the chalumeau and clarion registers. [citation needed], Performed by Markus Krumpöck and the Merkur Orchester Wiener Neustadt conducted by Willibald Zwittkovits (1999), Concertos and other concertante works for, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Reading between the (Ledger) Lines: Performing Mozart's Music for the Basset Clarinet", International Music Score Library Project, The 1802 AMZ review of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto (German Original text with English Translation), Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K. 191/186e, Oboe Concerto in C major/Flute Concerto No. Horn Concerto No. It was longer than the sta… Bars 5-8: Second phrase – the theme of the first phrase varied as to the figures, also modified to close with a full cadence. Yet there are a number of special problems surrounding the piece, since the autograph is lost and the unique instrument for which it was written has not survived. Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, widely regarded as the greatest clarinet concerto and his last instrumental work, was completed in October 1791, less than two months before the composer’s death at the age of just 35. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Required fields are marked *. Mozart had started writing a concerto for basset horn In 1989 this was reworked to become the Clarinet concerto. E. 40. In this video Rachel Leach presents an analysis of this movement, performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra. He wrote for it whenever he could be assured of having good players to perform the parts and, in doing so, forced its acceptance into any orchestra desiring to perform his works. It's time to add more variety to the list, and what better … Allegro Con Spirito 2. It was longer than the standard A or B flat clarinet, with a chocolatey lower range. In the late 1800s the clarinet was still a relatively young orchestral instrument. Your email address will not be published. The secondary theme begins in the parallel minor, and eventually tonicizes C major before arriving in the dominant key, E major. Follow uDiscover Classical on Facebook and Twitter. 3 in E Flat Major – K. 447. The finale is a joyous, carefree ‘Rondo’ …carefree unless you have to play it, that is. ‘I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)’: Genesis In 1974 Hit Single Shock, ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’: The Beatles’ Sonic Gateway, ‘Half A Man’: Only Half A Hit, But Still An Early Willie Nelson Landmark, 70s Motown: How “The Sound Of Young America” Came Of Age, Exile In Paradise: The Rolling Stones’ French Villa Of Excess, The Offspring Announce UK And Ireland Tour For November 2021, SiriusXM To Celebrate Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix And More For International Guitar Month, Carrie Underwood’s ‘My Savior’ Tops Country, Christian, Digital Charts, Guns N’ Roses Reschedule UK And European Shows For Summer 2022, ACM Awards Announces 2021 Performance Line-up Featuring Chris Stapleton. A lot of Mozart looks easy enough on paper, but is fiendishly difficult to play well. ABA'), is in D major. Bars 1-4: First phrase ending on half-cadence. Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A - Classic FM Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A The Clarinet Concerto in A, K622, completed in 1791, the year of Mozart’s death, marked his farewell to instrumental music. Since Stadler premiered the concerto K. 622 on 16 October 1791 at a benefit concert in Prague, we are almost certain that Mozart never actually heard the composition performed. Mozart originally composed it for the basset clarinet. The Alberti bass and arpeggios over diminished chords for the soloist recur before the movement ends in a cheerful final orchestral ritornello. Mozart composed his Clarinet Concerto for the clarinettist Anton Stadler, who was the most gifted clarinettist in Vienna, and he performed the work at the premiere on 16 October 1791. There’s also a brief opportunity for a cadenza. It consists of three movements, in a fast–slow–fast succession: Scroll down to read our masterpiece guide to Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto which remains the jewel in any clarinettist’s crown today. ISMN. Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto was the last major instrumental composition he composed; it was likely premiered in Prague on October 16, 1791, less than two months before his untimely death at age 35. This study explores those adaptations as exhibited in solo clarinet concertos beginning with Mozart’s own K. 622 and extending into the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 584b/621b). For playing with old school charm, Jack Brymer’s recording with the London Symphony Orchestra (in which he was principal clarinet) is hard to beat. A. This is a detailed guide to Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622, movt. And the ‘Adagio’ second movement featured prominently in Out Of Africa (performed by Jack Brymer). Best Blue Note Album Covers: 20 Groundbreaking Artworks, The Women of Stax: Five Unheralded Pioneers, Up To 11: The Songs That Inspired Heavy Metal, The Beatles’ ‘Get Back’ Documentary: Everything You Need To Know. Work on the Concerto was started in 1789. [citation needed] However, several notes throughout the piece go beyond the conventional range of the A clarinet; Mozart may have intended the piece to be played on the basset clarinet, a special clarinet championed by Stadler that had a range down to low (written) C, instead of stopping at (written) E as standard clarinets do. Mozart, Clarinet Concerto K. 622, I. Allegro Formal analysis by Dr. Feezell Formal section Subsection Start measure End measure Key(s) Comments Exposition 1 Group 1 1 16 (PAC) A (TONIC) Like 57-75, but 13-14 are different, 15 ≈ 74 (bass) o Codetta materials (first part only) 16 24 (HC in A) Starts in A, ends with tonicization of dE Listen to our recommended recording of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, performed by Jack Brymer and the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Colin Davis, on Apple Music and Spotify and scroll down to read our guide to the musical masterpiece. It remains to this day one of the most admired of the composer's works. Colour-coded annotations according to musical element. Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622, was written in October 1791 for the clarinetist Anton Stadler. The concerto ends with a movement in A major. Mozart composed it for the clarinet virtuoso Anton Stadler, a friend and a fellow Free Mason. Mozart wrote to Stadler, “Never would I have thought that a clarinet could be capable of imitating the human voice as deceptively as it is imitated by you. 3, Rondo. It was also the first clarinet concerto to be written by a major composer – except that Mozart did not write it for the clarinet at all. It is a large-scale work with many virtuostic passages that allow the performer to express and display his or her proficiency on the clarinet. It was the first clarinet concerto to be written by a major composer – except it wasn’t strictly composed for the clarinet at all. The solo exposition of this movement appears in almost every professional orchestral clarinet audition. 1 Key to Reading Semiotic Chart A1 9 Solo Section. Oktober 1791 in Prag statt. It was almost inevitable that Mozart would write a clarinet concerto, for no other major composer championed the new instrument more than Mozart. 27 was first performed in early 1791, the year of Mozart’s death, at a concert that may have marked Mozart’s final public appearance on the concert stage. Oboen und Klarinetten spart Mozart aus u… This allows the soloist frequent opportunities to display chromatic, The refrain (bars 247–301) is heard for the final time, finally in its entirety, before proceeding to the, This page was last edited on 11 February 2021, at 02:36. Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto In A Major, K 622, is widely regarded as the greatest clarinet concerto and is considered to be among the finest written for any solo instrument. Clarinet repeats the opening theme with the second movement featured prominently in out of Africa ( performed by Jack as! Strictly written for the basset clarinet in the late 1800s the clarinet virtuoso Anton.! 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