wallace stevens dandy


Published By: Wayne State University Press, Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. of Contents. If Stevens the skeptic is something of a dandy, Stevens the jaunty woodland tramper sounds much like Emerson and Whitman. To access this article, please, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. Thereafter, the book switches back and forth between Stevens’s seraphic art and his plodding life. His first book, it was published in 1923 by Knopf in an edition of 1500 copies. Since then, his reputation has stood as a windswept monument, tended by professors. Purchase this issue for $24.00 USD. Will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The painting-like “So and So Reclining on Her Couch” begins, “On her side, reclining on her elbow, / This mechanism, this apparition, / Suppose we call it Projection A.” It ends, “Good-bye, / Mrs. Pappadopoulos, and thanks.”. Stevens, in 1954: the quintessential American poet of the twentieth century. (adjective) The more information you enter, the fewer search results that will be returned. Each night, she read a chapter of the Bible to the children, who attended schools attached to both Presbyterian and Lutheran churches, where the music left an indelible impression on Stevens. He relied, for stability, on the routine demands of his office job. Wayne State University Press is a distinctive urban publisher committed to supporting its parent institution’s core research, teaching, and service mission by generating high quality scholarly and general interest works of global importance. Then you may want to consult Mariani’s superb biography, to plumb the aesthetic mysteries and register the human complications of so prodigious a gift. Paul Mariani’s excellent new book, “The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens” (Simon & Schuster), is a thrilling story of a mind, which emerges from a dispiriting story of a man. The moderns were rudely different from one another, but they gave American poetry a vast armory of practice not exhausted yet. Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) is a French poet whose symbolist tendencies created the ground out of which poets such as Verlaine, Rimbaud, and Mallarmé emerged. He has a prehensile feel for the roots and branches of literary modernism, exemplary taste in what he chooses to quote, and a real gift for exegesis, unpacking poems in language that is nearly as eloquent as the poet’s, and as clear as faithfulness allows. All Rights Reserved. The sections on anger and the shadow in the poetry of Wallace Stevens, Rilke, and Yeats were compelling. Access supplemental materials and multimedia. Criticism His chief rival, Robert Frost,… 4 Language as Gesture: Essays in … This collection comprises 85 poems, ranging in length from just a few lines ("Life Is Motion") to several hundred ("The Comedian as the Letter C") (see the footnotes for the table of contents). Beech Tree Books/ William Morrow. It begins with “Complacencies of the peignoir, and late / Coffee and oranges in a sunny chair”; ranges “Over the seas, to silent Palestine”; decides that “Death is the mother of beauty; hence from her, / Alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams / And our desires”; and concludes with a breathtaking image of “casual flocks of pigeons” that, at evening, “make / Ambiguous undulations as they sink, / Downward to darkness, on extended wings.” It was the first poem to appear under Stevens’s name in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, which had recently started publication in Chicago. When his father vehemently opposed the match, Stevens stormed out of the house and never spoke to him again. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. But he played football, consorted with the town’s bad boys, and cultivated a blustery front. Paul Mariani’s excellent new book, “The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens” (Simon & Schuster), is a thrilling story of a mind, which emerges from a dispiriting story of a man. He passed the bar in 1904 and worked at various law and insurance firms. Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) was a giant in the history of American poetry, at once an exhilarating modernist dandy and a champion of earlier Romantic traditions. He is certainly the quintessential American poet of the twentieth century, a doubting idealist who invested slight subjects (the weather, often) with oracular gravitas, and grand ones (death, frequently) with capering humor. But the Florida sojourns provided Stevens with more than occasions for feckless behavior. Letters of Wallace Stevens, ed. Natalie Gerber in her ‘Introduction’, to the volume Here's a mensch but can sing dandy. Harmonium is a book of poetry by American poet Wallace Stevens. Stevens was often ill, to the extent that he had to repeat a year of high school, and a bout of malaria—as improbable as that sounds, in Pennsylvania—permanently impaired his hearing. Those “sounds”—sea depths answered by human ones—resonate like organ chords in a cathedral of the imagination. Er ist niemals ausgepoopen, Altes Wunderkind. There’s Carl Van Vechten, calling Stevens “a dainty rogue in porcelain” who was “big, blond, and burly”—he stood six feet two—but possessed of “a tiny reserved spirituality.” Arensberg promptly revised the description to “that rogue elephant in porcelain,” in view of Stevens’s social ineptitude. ( AUDIENCE ) Roar 'em, whore 'em, cockalorum, The Muses, they must all adore him, Wallace Stevens — are we for him? Title: Wallace Stevens 18791955 1 Wallace Stevens1879-1955 2. (He had shyly used a pseudonym, Peter Parasol, when submitting earlier poems, two of which were accepted.). Go to Table Rate this poem: Report SPAM. WALLACE STEVENS [1879-1955] Wallace Stevens spent his boyhood in his birthplace, Reading, Pennsylvania. And if a primary function of poetry is to expand and enrich the scope of a native language, Stevens has no equal in American English except Walt Whitman. Blessed rage for order, pale Ramon,The maker’s rage to order words of the sea,Words of the fragrant portals, dimly-starred,And of ourselves and of our origins,In ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds. Mariani’s chapters on these years sparkle with personalities, anecdotes, and ideas. Possible influences include the French trajectory of dandyism that Jessica R. Feldman argues crossed the Atlantic because American writers such as Willa Cather, Vladimir Nabokov, and Wallace Stevens—all of whom, she ar- gues, used French models—translated French intellectual dandyism advocated by writers ranging from Gautier to Baudelaire (22). 'During his lifetime, Stevens was certainly admired — by fellow poets William Carlos Williams, Hart Crane and Marianne Moore, among others — but many early readers saw him as essentially a verbal dandy. He was too august at the firm to be let go, but he was never popular there. In his third book, “Owl’s Clover,” issued by a leftist publisher, in 1936, Stevens made haplessly clumsy allusions to social and political tensions of the time, though he was “a Hoover Republican,” Mariani writes, and also an admirer of Mussolini for rather longer than is comfortably excused as a common myopia of the time. He also had a hunger for erudition, expressed in precocious poems, essays, and orations. Impasse’, in ‘Wallace Stevens and the Less Legible Meanings of Sounds’, special issue of Wallace Stevens Journal, 33.1 (2009), pp. Something like a flame comes off the page (page 71, to be exact) of “The Whole Harmonium” when Mariani quotes lines from Stevens’s first published mature poetry, a waltz-timed passage that begins, “An odor from a star.” It appeared in 1914, when Stevens was thirty-four. When Hemingway showed up, Stevens took a swing at him, and Hemingway knocked him down. He was no better than most white men of his class in point of casual racism and anti-Semitism, though fewer such toxins leak into his poetry than into that of Eliot or Pound. Stevens belongs in that catchall group the moderns, those poets who changed American verse into something still recognizable a century later. Brother, he's our father! Check out using a credit card or bank account with. His father, from humble beginnings, was a successful lawyer, his mother a former schoolteacher. Criticism provides a forum for current scholarship on literature, media, music, and visual culture. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Another praised him as America’s first true dandy, thereby missing the sincerity of his ambition. A central idea that shadow material must be LIVED, not just brought to light, … The masterpiece “Sunday Morning,” from 1915, is an argument for spirituality without God, interlaced with a woman’s parlor daydream. He became the editor of the Harvard Advocate, read widely and deeply, and mastered French on the way to commanding a fabulous vocabulary, choreographing such tangos of words regular and rare as “The squirming facts exceed the squamous mind,” in “The Connoisseur of Chaos.” On graduation, in 1900, he moved to New York and wrote for newspapers. He wrote Frost a not quite penitent but mollifying letter, to which Frost replied gracefully, “If I’m somewhat academic (I’m more agricultural) and you are somewhat executive, so much the better: it is so we are saved from being literary and deployers of words derived from words.” But a few years later Stevens had at Frost again, telling him, “The trouble with you, Robert, is that you write about subjects.” Frost answered, “The trouble with you, Wallace, is that you write about bric-a-brac.”. The editor, Harriet Monroe, cut some stanzas and rearranged others, and Stevens agreed to it, though he restored the original in “Harmonium.” A certain reciprocal high-handedness among poets and editors—as if the modern in aesthetics required a team effort—marked the time. As a bonus I will use the examples of Shakespeare & Stevens to show why the Modern sensibility greatly enriched poetry, raising the bar in terms of complexity, yet how the same critical approach can discern such patterns still. (verb) When Wallace Stevens entered Harvard in 1897, he was not an untutored provincial. Highly variable in its readability. It took him seven years to complete and perfect “Harmonium,” leaving out as many poems as he included. First, Stevens, like Emerson finding particular natural facts symbols of particular spiritual … Stevens obeyed. In The Fat Man Arpeggios, Pellegrino D'Acierno presents a ludic portrait of the Fat Man -- a metaphysical dandy and “foolosopher” ... You have written the most original poetry in English since the death of Wallace Stevens. Some critics likened his work to figure skating or tightrope dancing. When they moved to a new house, in 1932, Stevens occupied the master bedroom and Elsie a former servant’s quarters. For several years after the birth of his only child, Holly, in 1924, Stevens wrote little. 15-23, p. 15. Biography ; Reception ; Texts; 3 Wallace and Elsie 4 Stevens and Holly 5 Stevens at Work 6 Edmund Wilson, 1924. They more or less merged in the work of Marianne Moore, whom both men esteemed. Stevens' uniqueness, we have been discovering, extends beyond his style and into his thought and subject matter. It’s hard to think of a more vivid illustration of T. S. Eliot’s principle of the separation between “the man who suffers and the mind which creates.” For most of his life, Stevens was an elaborately defended introvert in a three-piece suit, working as a Hartford insurance executive. One late poem hints at a nagging anguish that poetry relieved for him: “It is a child that sings itself to sleep, / The mind.”. WALLACE STEVENS: The Early Years, 1879-1923. Reviews. To Henry Church. After the move to Connecticut, he retreated from collegial enterprise—“a frightened man drawing back,” in Williams’s view—and conducted his art as a sideline to his humdrum life. Oh! The critic R. P. Blackmur listed nineteen words that Stevens had fished from obscurity, including “fubbed,” “gobbet,” “diaphanes,” “pannicles,” “carked,” “rapey,” “cantilena,” “fiscs,” “phylactery,” “princox,” and “funest.” Blackmur noted that such usage had given Stevens “a bad reputation among those who dislike the finicky, and a high one, unfortunately, among those who value the ornamental sounds of words.” But, he continued, “not a word listed above is used preciously.” Each served a feeling of the poet’s that, Blackmur guessed, “did not exist, even in his own mind, until he had put it down in words.”, Certainly, Stevens’s poems precipitate rainstorms of sudden feelings, some of them hitting and others eluding a given reader’s comprehension. Both sides of the family were Pennsylvania Dutch, an identity that meant little to him when he was young but a great deal later on, perhaps to shore up a precarious sense of identity. Stevens grew up in Reading, Pa., graduated from Harvard in 1900 and initially hoped to earn a living as a New York journalist. By Joan Richardson. One condemned Stevens for having created a “fictitious reality,” which might seem a positive achievement. Get book recommendations, fiction, poetry, and dispatches from the world of literature in your in-box. A place for rigorous theoretical and critical debate as well as formal and methodological self-reflexivity and experimentation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital. The enchantment of the voluptuous setting peaks in the fifty-six lines of “The Idea of Order at Key West,” which begins, “She sang beyond the genius of the sea.” The speaker and a shadowy companion observe a girl or a woman singing by an ocean that is “Like a body wholly body, fluttering / Its empty sleeves.” The singer’s song, “uttered word by word,” overlays and opposes “the dark voice of the sea,” in a duet that becomes a contest crowned with triumph: And when she sang, the sea,Whatever self it had, became the selfThat was her song, for she was the maker. In the uncertain light of single, certain truth, Equal in living changingness to the light The couple wed in 1909 and moved into an apartment on West Twenty-first Street. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Elsie was beautiful. 24-43. Do I press the extremest book of the wisest man Close to me, hidden in me day and night? Essays and criticism on Wallace Stevens - Critical Essays. Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) was a giant in the history of American poetry, at once an exhilarating modernist dandy and a champion of earlier Romantic traditions. To revisit this article, select My Account, then. True, Reading, Pennsylvania, was a provincial city, surrounded by fertile Pennsylvania Dutch farm country and by woods and mountains where Stevens was fond of hiking, but it was not without culture. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Then, in 1916, perhaps, in part, to secure a suitable life with Elsie, who disliked New York, Stevens took a position with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, where he worked for the rest of his life. What does dandyish mean? At the salon of Walter Arensberg, a wealthy doyen of the new, Stevens met Marcel Duchamp—one of their conversations, in French, suggested to Stevens “sparrows around a pool of water”—and the New Jersey pediatrician and brilliantly innovative poet William Carlos Williams, his peer and cordial rival, who once called him “a troubled man who sings well, somewhat covertly, somewhat overfussily at times, a little stiffly but well.” Williams’s vernacular free verse and Stevens’s sumptuous blank verse long remained magnetic poles of American poetic form. His boss remarked, “Unless they told me he had a heart attack, I never would have known he had a heart.” Before he died, in 1955, he accepted Catholic baptism from a hospital chaplain, who said that Stevens hadn’t needed “an awful lot of urging on my part except to be nice to him.” The conversion was more poetic than devotional in spirit, Mariani speculates, but, perhaps, “being a surety lawyer—he opted to sign on the dotted line at the end.”. Except for Marianne Moore, who called the poems “sharp, solemn, rhapsodic,” reviewers of the book were bewildered. Mariani, an accomplished New England poet himself, with an unstressed Catholic bent, has written well-received biographies of William Carlos Williams, Hart Crane, Robert Lowell, John Berryman, and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Log in or register to post comments; To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Stevens took to composing poems on slips of paper in the morning while walking to his office, where his secretary typed them up. Harmonium is a book of poetry by American poet Wallace Stevens.His first book at the age of forty-four, it was published in 1923 by Knopf in an edition of 1500 copies. Stop when exhausted. In the style of a dandy. ... with outward dandy decimated in a flash. His next book, “Ideas of Order,” published thirteen years later, features what may be the finest American modern poem: “The Idea of Order at Key West.” (It gets my vote, with perfectly paced beauty that routinely squeezes tears from me.) After work, at home, he closed himself off, with a sense, he told a friend in a letter, of “shutting out something crude and lacking in all feeling and delicacy.” His marriage had foundered—Elsie had banished him from her bed after Holly’s birth—although he seems never to have considered ending it. He was bemused by the “quick, unaccountable” life of the city, and took to sitting for spells of restorative peace in St. Patrick’s Cathedral—unbelieving, but savoring the aura of sanctity. He says: Ramon Fernandez, tell me, if you know,Why, when the singing ended and we turnedToward the town, tell why the glassy lights,The lights in the fishing boats at anchor there,As night descended, tilting in the air,Mastered the night and portioned out the sea. Appreciation of Stevens’s poetry grew—the critic F. O. Matthiessen wrote that it expressed “truths with the mellowness and tang of a late-summer wine”—but his home life languished. Also in that year, Stevens fell wildly in love with Elsie Kachel, a Reading girl from a family who lived on “the wrong side of the tracks,” Mariani writes—a cliché now that was at the time a grinding social fate in railway-divided American towns. (Though Stevens denied it, he surely had in mind a French critic of that name, the son of a Mexican diplomat, whose rationalist bias made him a perfect foil for the poem’s endorsement of intuition.) Stevens's earliest ambition was to be a writer, and after three years at Harvard, where he published poems in the Harvard Advocate, he went to New York in 1900 for a try at journalism.But the following year, on his father's advice, he entered the New York Law School. Stevens got up and landed a solid punch to Hemingway’s jaw, which broke his hand in two places. They agreed to a cover story: Stevens had been injured falling down stairs. Mariani tells us that at a party in Key West, in 1935—the year after Stevens became his firm’s vice-president in charge of surety and fidelity claims—he drunkenly insulted Robert Frost, disparaging his poetry. Illustrated. © 2021 Condé Nast. The endings are painstakingly managed victories for the poet’s equanimity. His father, a stern man, urged upon him a regimen of “work and study, study and work,” toward a professional career. And for what, except for you, do I feel love? He boycotted the wedding and was relieved when, a year later, she divorced the man, on grounds of cruelty. For one, he covered the second Presidential campaign of William Jennings Bryan, whom he hopped home to Reading to vote for. To dress as or cause to resemble a dandy. Mariani persuasively numbers Stevens among the twentieth-century poets who are both most powerful and most refined in their eloquence, along with Rilke, Yeats, and Neruda. Sign up for the Books & Fiction newsletter. (He generally avoided all his relatives except, by way of genealogical research, those who were dead.) But dip into nearly any of Stevens’s poems, to the last, and be braced by a voice like none other, in its knitted playfulness and in its majesty. (Surety covers defaulted loans and fidelity employee malfeasance.) $21.95. At another party in Key West, in 1936, a swaggering Stevens loudly impugned the manhood of Ernest Hemingway. In 1897, he enrolled at Harvard, where he studied closely with the humanist philosopher George Santayana, debating matters of belief (Stevens was afire with skepticism, against Santayana’s more nuanced views) and even exchanging sonnets on the subject. By making use of Stevens' letters, which daughter Holly Stevens provided, scholars have recently modified the old view of the dandy poet to instead envision a poet thoroughly responding to "the He admitted to his companions that he dreaded what awaited him at home. No reviews yet. The results made him a regular and imposing presence in literary journals, starting in the nineteen-thirties, and his poems from “Harmonium,” especially, which were frequently anthologized, fascinated a growing popular audience. 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218 +1 (410) 516-6989 muse@press.jhu.edu ©2020 Project MUSE. I found some of the text too convoluted to read. (Whenever free of them, he commonly drank to excess.) The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. The Wallace Stevens that I am writing about has been made possible by recent historical scholarship, primarily by Alan Filreis and James Longenbach. His subsequent work, which abounded until his death, in 1955, is less familiar, because most of it is gruellingly difficult; the great mind finally spiralled in on itself, like a ruminative Narcissus. The next few years, spent on a small but seething scene of budding modernists, were golden for Stevens’s formation as a poet. He projected his struggles as abstract patterns of human—and, beyond human, of natural and metaphysical—existence. Wallace Stevens - American Writers 11 was first published in 1961. 591 pages. A Year with Wallace Stevens. In 1916, her profile, sculpted by an artist who was a chance acquaintance, is said to have become the face of the dime, reigning there until she was replaced by F.D.R., in 1946. ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. “With their silk-swathed ankles softly kissing,” a typical line reads. “For Christ’s sake yield to me and become great and famous,” he hectored. (Mariani believes the oft-told story, though the artist’s son denied it.) Ad Choices. ♦. Stevens’s first book, the ravishing “Harmonium,” which contains “Sunday Morning,” “The Snow Man,” “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” “Anecdote of the Jar,” “The Emperor of Ice-Cream,” and most of the rest of his poems that people still read—if they read any of them—came out in 1923, when he was forty-four. (He became obsessed with tracing his family genealogies, poring over thousands of documents, and was “deeply disappointed,” Mariani writes, at being denied membership in the Holland Society of New York when, in the poet’s words, “some bastard from Danzig” popped up to spoil the requisite ancestral purity.) Manhood of Ernest Hemingway, who called the poems “ sharp, solemn rhapsodic!, please refer to our terms and Conditions criticism © 1965 Wayne State University Request! ( 410 ) 516-6989 muse @ press.jhu.edu ©2020 Project muse and Hemingway him... Battered him, but he was not an untutored provincial thought and subject.... Town I once lived in for six years the oft-told story, we have been discovering, beyond..., Reading, Pennsylvania, the fewer search results that will be used in accordance with our Privacy.... Stevens is the master bedroom and Elsie a former schoolteacher, rhapsodic, ” he hectored his meek apology were. 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