pendulum experiment results


****, Marked by teacher You likewise need to include the variety of samples that were used and the number of times that they were used. Your report must consist of the findings and observations of your experiments, the results obtained from the experiments, and any extra details that will be helpful for readers. TurnItIn – the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: This essay has been marked by a teacher! Another thing is to ensure that the language used is precise, accurate and appropriate. Obviously. Create one now! My determined value may have been closer if the experiment was operated under stricter conditions, Centre Number: 20077                Candidate Number 6200, Dame Elizabeth Cadbury Technology College        Martin Meredith. Sign up to view the whole essay and download a PDF with full teacher's notes. The first thing you finish with a laboratory report sample is decide where you ‘d like it to go. The equation for the period of a simple period, Equation (7), was developed by If your instructor is asking you to write a laboratory report, it’s a good idea to read over this page, too. Writing a good laboratory report sample is not as hard as it appears, but there are still some things that need to be born in mind. the period of a simple pendulum whose length is equal to the longest length measured in Table 1. For small angles (about θ < 0.5 radian) angular accelerations can be shown (with a little calculus which we will skip) to lead to an oscillation of the angle θ by q = q 0cos(2pt / t) where θo is the angle at time t = 0 (when we release the pendulum), and τ … As soon as you have actually identified where you want the lab report sample to go, the next step is to create the summary of the material you’re going to fill in. A pendulum that is twice as long as another pendulum does not simply have a period that is also twice as long. Science laboratory reports are developed to interact the findings of research, in a way that is clear to readers. They should be readable and ought to be provided in a clear and concise manner. Determination of the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum. – Pendulum Lab Report The first thing that you need to do is to decide what kind of info you need to consist of in your good laboratory report sample. Experiment with different starting points and you discover that the amplitude does not affect the swing rate. 1. Pendulum Lab Results - YouTube. I found 2 slightly low results (those of 35g and 36g) for my mass experiment, and also found that my T2 against time graph was not a straight line (as it should have been), which made my calculation of g inaccurate and awkward to do. The Simple Pendulum Lab Report – The Oscillation Band – Pendulum Lab Report, The Simple Pendulum Lab Report | Custom Essay Writing … – Pendulum Lab Report. Sketch of forces for the ideal pendulum. The errors that can affect the experiment are: the environment conditions, the measurement of the string, the amplitude or pullback distance of the pendulum, and the ruler that it's hanging from. I could also use data logging, positioning a light gate at the centre of the pendulum’s swing, which would be linked to a computer, which would time the oscillation, and could also count the number of oscillations. Experimental results showed that the Arduino group achieved the highest success rate of building correct models, followed by the smartphone group and then the NXT group. This correspond to a relative difference of 22 % with the accepted value (9.8 m/s 2), and our result is not consistent with the accepted value. Table of result (data collection) Exp Length of pendulum Time for 20 oscillation Average time/s Period T/s t t T 1 90 cm 38.0 38.0 38.10 38.03 1.90 2 80cm 36.93 37.23 35.25 36.46 1.82 3 70cm 35.18 35.37 35.22 35.26 1.76 4 60cm 32.97 33.03 31.66 32.55 1.63 5 50cm 31.94 30.28 31.91 31.38. as it is still falling, all GPE is converted into thermal energy. This consists of the basic details about the experiment, such as the name of the experiment, the name of the researcher carrying out the experiment, the name of the group doing the experiment, the name of the chemical compound that is being checked, and the date of the experiment. Lastly we will look at creating our own pendulum clock to create a period of 1 second. It is necessary to include all these information in order to offer readers a much better understanding about the experiment. The experiment clearly showed that the mass of the bob has no or negligible effect on the period of the oscillation while changing the length has a direct relation with the period of oscillation. Marked with the title of the experiment, a description of the outcome, and the name and association of the researcher who performed the test, your report must also consist of a summary of what is reported in it. Metre Rule (accurate to within ±0.0005m, ranges from 0m – 1m), Top Pan Balance (accurate to within ±0.005g, ranges from 1000g-1500g), Digital Chronometer (accurate to within ±0.005s, ranges from 0s to 600s), I found there were a few stray results in my implementation of this experiment. * Bob. Then you’re all set to compose. There are a few things that ought to be kept in mind when composing a laboratory report. ± 0.32 (difference in gradients) The accepted value for g is 9.8 ms-2. Simple Pendulum Lab Report – The Best Essay Writing Service. With a tool called InduLab, students in three groups using the mobile devices mentioned above in pendulum experiments collected data and built their models with the data. The pendulum method is the best for the determination of acceleration of gravity (g) as compared to the ball drop method because there is no tra… A second projectile (of the same mass) caus… For experiment 13 Ballistic Pendulum, we used the conservation of momentum and mechanical energy to determine the velocity of a ball as it is shot from a launcher. The w= 2Πf = ( ) equation was used to determine the acceleration of gravity (g). in the class. This may account for some stray results. We measured g = 7.65 ± 0.378 m/s 2. Finally, ensure that you examine the scientific accuracy prior to publishing or submitting the paper for publication. If the pendulum is not temperature compensated, the bob must … “), then the responses to these questions could identify your grade point. If you are utilizing a pre-made laboratory design template, keep in mind to ensure that it is simple to read which there are no grammar mistakes. © 2003 - 2015 Marked by Teachers. The simple pendulum concept finds use in devices such as pendulum clocks (Mathews, Michael, Colin & Arthur, 2004). Use data and attempt to explain the patterns, or lack of, in the data. What do I do now I’ve composed my laboratory report? % Difference = [(Experimental Result - Theoretical Result)/Theoretical Result] x 100%. The ancient Chinese used the pendulum principle to try and help predict earthquakes. Compare this theoretical result with the measured experimental result and calculate the percent difference. In 1656, the Dutch inventor and mathematician, Huyg… When the dimensions of the suspended body are not negligible in comparison with the distance from the axis of suspension to the center of gravity, the pendulum is called a compound, or physical, pendulum. By Mohd Saiful Zairy,Mohd Azrai Rozmi,Wan Ahmad Kamal,Mohd Fadzli & Muhammad Firdaus :)(Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Students) Simple Pendulum Experiment. Pay For Expert Online … – Pendulum Lab Report. With the help of a lab partner, set the pendulum in motion until it completes 30 to and fro oscillations, taking care to record this time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Each measurement has an absolute error of ?0.5 degrees as each measurement is given to the nearest degree. pendulum is the distance of this point from the axis of suspension. A few of them are extremely good and simple to follow, as long as you have the ability to comprehend their format and content. Concentrate on one main investigation. Lab 1: Simple Pendulum 3 2.3 Experiment 1: angle at which easy approximation breaks down The preceding discussion should give us an idea for finding the angular displacement at which a simple pendulum no longer behaves like a SHO, or in other words, the angle at which the approximation sinθ ≈ θ breaks down. Results: Table showing the time taken for 20 oscillations for each length. Composing a great science laboratory sample is important if you wish to make your research and your report intriguing and helpful to readers. My results show that the mass of the pendulum’s bob has no effect on the time of one oscillation of the pendulum. I must also be able to determine the value for acceleration due to gravity (hereby referred to as g). The techniques that I have used for this experiment, for example the reaction time ruler, are not based on general scientific practice, however, given the equipment available to me, and for the purpose of this coursework, the techniques used are suited well to this experiment. lab report on simple pendlum, simple pendulum lab experiment results, conclusion for experiment simple pendulum, lab report sample, lab-report-pendulum, pendulum experiment lab report, pendulum lab report, report writing sample distractive test lab, simple pendulum experiment results, simple pendulum lab report, Experiment 17 Antacid Analysis Lab Report, Absorption Spectra Of Conjugated Dyes Lab Report, Drosophila Melanogaster Lab Report Abstract, Identification Of Unknown Organic Compounds Lab Report, Test For Carbohydrates Lab Report Answers, Bromination Of Acetanilide And Aniline Lab Report, Isolation Of Acetylsalicylic Acid From Aspirin Tablets Lab Report, Spectrophotometric Analysis Of Iron In A Multivitamin Lab Report, Synthesis Of Aspirin Lab Report Introduction, Lab Report Introduction Example Chemistry, Oxidation Of Cyclohexanol To Cyclohexanone Lab Report, Simple And Fractional Distillation Lab Report, Ap bio osmosis and diffusion lab report example. Tough GCSE topics broken down and explained by out team of expert teachers, Learn the art of brilliant essay writing with help from our teachers, Get your head around tough topics at A-level with our teacher written guides, Start writing remarkable essays with guidance from our expert teacher team, Understand the tough topics in IB with our teacher written Study Guides, Learn the art of brilliant essay writing from our experienced teachers, Struggling with an assignment? For instance, on a lab report sample, a question like “What is your GPA for this experiment?”. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. You can also check out some ideas on how to write a great report in the following area. A simple pendulum was set up consisting of a mass (m) and a negligible string of length (L) attached on a frictionless pivot. A laboratory report is normally utilized for interacting the findings of laboratory studies. Galileo Galilei was the first European to really study pendulums and he discovered that their regularity could be used for keeping time, leading to the first clocks 3. My results show that the mass of the pendulum’s bob has no effect on the time of one oscillation of the pendulum. A lab report is basically how you describe what you’ve done in a laboratory experiment, what you discovered, and the results. The recorded results were analyzed in an excel paper, and the results indicated that as the length of the pendulum l and the angle of displacement θ increase, so did the period of oscillation T. The gravitational pull was found to be 9.80665 m/s 2 with an uncertainty factor of 0.217626 m/s 2. The Simple Pendulum Coursework                Page, I must also be able to determine the value for acceleration due to gravity (hereby referred to as, The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of two factors, on the time of one oscillation (or swing) of the simple pendulum, and also to determine a value for. Lab Report Sample is often followed by a final paragraph. Oscillation of a pendulum is a result of acceleration due to the gravity. Shopping. Share. Get Full Access Now A rigid body mounted upon a horizontal axis so as to vibrate under the force of gravity is a compound pendulum. Pendulum Lab Report – Laboratory reports are utilized to describe the study results. Galileo's Pendulum Experiments Galileo used pendulums extensively in his experiments. Include a introduction section that gives background knowledge. EQUIPMENT The equipments needed for the pendulum are: 1) A pendulum bob 2) A string (more than 100 metres) 3) Retort stand 4) A stopwatch 5) And a clamp for the retort stand with cotton to make sure that the pendulum swings from a single fixed point. 16/07/2013. In this experiment, we measured g by measuring the period of a pendulum of a known length. Once I have obtained my results, I will then process these using the equation (as stated above). When the pendulum is … * A stop clock of minimum reading 0.01 seconds (resolution = 0.01sec). Measure the length of the pendulum to the middle of the pendulum bob. The results obtained were used for plotting a graph of L against T2 to determine the slope coefficient. Then there are a couple more pages which contain the material you’ll require to fill out. The resultant force acting on the ball bearing is given by: W-U-F The ball bearing continues accelerating downwards until: W-U-F=0. Always use a table for data. You ought to not consist of the time, date and location of the lab’s closure. Measure g with the simple pendulum 2. A metal pendulum rod is recommended over a wooden one. Learn the basics with our essay writing guide, The Simple Pendulum Coursework                Page  of. EXPERIMENT: THE PENDULUM OBJECTIVES : To investigate the functional dependence of the period of a pendulum (τ) on the length of a pendulum (L), the mass of the bob (m) and the starting angle (θo). 3.9, σm = σS / N, which gives our final result σm = ( σx √N ) / N or σm = σx / √N Goals 1. We will also calculate the period using small angular displacements and compare the results. (However, it is very important not to write anything too particular, such as a precise figure or equation.) They are utilized to sum up and analyze the information gathered. The length of the pendulum’s string is kept constant during this experiment, The mass of the pendulum is variable for this experiment. Hence, the time taken is less for a bigger ball bearing than for a smaller one. Early in his career, he researched the characteristics of their motion. The exact periods of your longer and … (I) In a ballistic pendulum experiment, projectile 1 results in a maximum height h of the pendulum equal to 2.6 cm. I have determined a value for g as 9.18 ms-2 (3s.f.) THE APPARATUS: * String. Not the one? Determining the acceleration due to gravity by using simple pendulum. Pendulum Lab Report. It will take the pendulum the same amount of time to return to its starting point. The Simple Pendulum Lab Report – Zerovoz – Pendulum Lab Report. Log in now! I have determined a value for g as 9.18 ms-2 (3s.f.) To do this, I must be able to find some equation that links length of a string of a pendulum or the mass of a pendulum’s bob with time. To find the time of one oscillation of the pendulum (for each length of string). One exception involves a very large angle, one beyond any reasonable swing for a clock or any other device. Find out how to set up your own pendulum experiments. Record the length of the pendulum in the table below. 2. 3. A table was drawn to record the results and from this a graph was plot. Apparatus ~ 1 liter Beaker ~ Sphere ~ Ruler ~ Thermometer ~ Electric heater ~ Weighing machine ~ Vernier calliper Method 1) Measure the mass of the beaker without syrup 2) 5 cm above from the surface of the beaker mark a line 3), The pendulum should swing freely without hitting anything. Pendulums have been around for thousands of years. The weight downward also increases and the graph implies that this does so on a greater scale than the velocity and the radius. Investigating the period of a simple pendulum and measuring acceleration due to gravity. The two variables that I have chosen are the length of the pendulum’s string and the mass of the pendulum’s bob. In this part, you’re normally expected to compose a conclusion to the report; compose a summary of your findings; and offer a short description of your findings. Time for 20 oscillations l/m t1/s t2/s Average t/s T/S T^2/ S^2 1.000 40.48 40.45 40.47 2.024 4.10 0.900 38.29 38.20. ± 0.32 (difference in gradients), The accepted value for g is 9.8 ms-2. Copy link. The pendulum should be enclosed in a case to protect it from the air currents of an open room, which will push the pendulum around and give erratic timing. I will use a ruler (accurate to ±0.0005m) to make sure the length of the pendulum’s string for this experiment is 1m. Laboratory Report Essentials is very important to any trainee who’s operating in the laboratory. g = 4π²L/T2 (3) 1. Study energy conservation 5. Writing Center 24/7. 1 The Simple Pendulum Lab Report. This likewise consists of the laboratory’s identity and address, as well as the date of its closure. When the bob comes back to its starting point, it completes one oscillation. Can I consist of additional info on my lab report sample? Once I have obtained my results, I will plot a graph of the time of one oscillation against the length of the string, to help me observe the effect that modifying the length of the pendulum’s string has on the time of oscillation of the pendulum. Therefore, I concluded that the number of oscillations had If we measure the period of the pendulum as a function of initial displacement … All Rights Reserved. One is to write a concise and accurate variation. This is the last page of any lab report. * Stop clock. Your report must consist of the findings and observations of your experiments, the results obtained from the experiments, and any extra details that will be helpful for readers. Theory A simple pendulum apparatus consists of a massed object connected to a massless string of a certain length. I found there were a few stray results in my implementation of this experiment. – Pendulum Lab Report. 3.7 Experimental results for two-loop PID Controller 27 3.8 Experimental results for decrease in Gain 28 3.9 experimental results for decrease in gain 28 3.10 Experimental results for increase in delay 29 . Improve measurement accuracy by averaging 3. displacement angle of the pendulum. What should I put on the lab report sample? 18. GCSE resources with teacher and student feedback, AS and A Level resources with teacher and student feedback, International Baccalaureate resources with teacher and student feedback, University resources with teacher and student feedback. – Pendulum Lab Report, What are the types of questions on the lab report sample? In part B (Mass on a Spring) we will experiment with oscillations of a spring. Therefore the ball dropped from the higher height must give out more thermal energy in order to end up with the same amount of energy as the other ball. Objective:The objective of the experiment was to show that the period of oscillation for a pendulum is independent of the mass of the bob. The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of two factorson the time of one oscillation (or swing) of the simple pendulum, and also to determine a value for g (acceleration due to gravity). Already have an account? As before, the pendulum is held in place by a clamp stand, which is secured to a stool by G-Clamp. 5. Discussion of experiment results The following formula for the oscillation of a pendulum can be derived from first principles: where g = 9.78 m/s 2 and l = 0.76 m At a given place on the earth, where g is constant, the formula shows that the oscillation period T depends only on the length, l, of the pendulum. Note: After finishing the experiment, it was found that the raw data for the second and third oscillations actually had approximately the same average oscillation times, with a variance of about 0.02 seconds for each condition. All it takes is a little modifying and some easy rearranging to turn it into the best report. But m =S/N, and N is a constant, so by eq. For instance, if your instructor would like to know your grade point average (GPA) in this lab experiment (e.g., “Did you ascertain right? The outcomes that you will offer ought to also follow the outcomes that were acquired from the experiment. 2. 3- For the same length, repeat the experiment for 5 more times. I will then measure and record the mass of the pendulum’s bob using the top-pan balance (accurate to ±0.005g). The results of this experiment are in close agreement with theory: mass had no measurable effect on the period of our pendulum, while the data for period vs. length is well-described by a power-law relationship close to the theoretical square-root dependence. For writing a good laboratory report sample, you can use the design template of an excellent laboratory report as your guide. Examine the propagation of error in derived physical quantities * Parallax error: Mistakes can be made when making measurements or when choosing the moment start/stop the stopwatch as the bob arrives at the fiducial marker. It ought to likewise be total and useful. There’s generally a very first page with an overview of the material you’ll need to complete on each area of the report, together with the date and time of the lab test. JavaScript seem to be disabled in your browser. The stool is placed on a table/workbench. Suggest further investigations. Before producing a plan I will conduct a preliminary experiment this will help me find and basic flaws in the set-up of my experiment, and will also allow me to find room for improvement on my actual experiment. Overall, this experiment would only have ever shown an approximate value for g, as for sake of easiness, a lot of the lengths and masses were rounded to the nearest cm/half gram. I have determined a value for g as 9.18 ms, . After investigating their behavior, he was able to use them as time measurement devices in later experiments. Always make certain that the info you supply to the readers is extensive and precise. * Meter ruler. or My determined value may have been closer if the experiment was operated under stricter conditions. In your laboratory report sample, you must also consist of a graph of the information collected from the experiment, the charts used to summarize the information, and the results obtained. Aim: To determine the acceleration due to gravity,g, using a simple ... Join over 1.2 million students every month, Unlimited access from just £6.99 per month. For example; light sensors or laser beams to improve the accuracy of the recording time. Then the period T for one * Clamp stand. should derive this result on your own). Nevertheless, if you don’t wish to utilize your own information, you can describe a recommendation book or online text. For this I will need to carry out research. It is an example of simple harmonic motion and it occurs as a result of swing a bob of the pendulum; the bob goes forth and back. pendulum mass for a fixed length, and varied the pendulum length for a fixed mass. Simple Pendulum Experiment, Scientific Lab Instruments, Educational Instruments, Testing Lab Equipment, lab measuring instruments, laboratory equipments, scientific instrument exporters, school laboratory instruments, laboratory equipment manufacturers, Indian lab equipment exporters. I will vary these two items and record results for the time of one oscillation of a pendulum with different mass/length of string. I have chosen this length, as it is very easy to set-up with a 1m rule. Tap to unmute. The mass was made to oscillate and period recorded on smart timer. The period increases as the square root of the length. 1. this will help me find and basic flaws in the set-up of my experiment, and will also allow me to find room for improvement on my actual experiment. We will also explore the effects on the period when the angular displacement is not “very small” (in essence > 10°). Created by teachers, our study guides highlight the really important stuff you need to know. The angle was measured every time the launcher was released for method A. Make certain that you have sufficient details about the subject in your lab report sample. The first thing that you need to do is to decide what kind of info you need to consist of in your good laboratory report sample. 2- Start the bob oscillate through a small arc (about 5 ° on either side of vertical).Use a stop watch to measure the time it takes for the pendulum to complete 20 oscillations. the pendulum are directly proportional; that is, as the length, L, of a pendulum is increased, so will its period, T, increase. I'm doing a project for school and i'm looking for creative ways to improve a pendulum experiment. Luke Smithen Watch later. Lots of instructors, trainees, and trainers prefer to have a summary (the very first page), a conclusion (the last page), and a summary (one or two pages after the conclusion). For instance, if the trainee’s instructor needs him or her to write a thesis declaration (a term paper), you can put that here. My results also show that as the length of the pendulum’s string increases, so does the time of oscillation. You need to think about using the laboratory report as a mentor tool for students to comprehend and interpret the research they have actually been associated with. However, the results obtained were not accurate due to uncertainties and errors arising from the experiment. 4. The effect of the temperature on the viscosity of the syrup. Study the amplitude and mass dependence of the period of a pendulum 4. In this experiment, I am going to be measuring the effect of two variables on the time of one oscillation of a simple pendulum. The set-up of this experiment is shown on page 7. EXPERIMENT TO DETERMINE THE VISCOSITY OF GLYCERINE. A laboratory report sample is basically a beginning, middle, and end. 2. My results also show that as the length of the pendulum’s string increases, so does the time of oscillation. Simple pendulums are tools that demonstrate simple harmonic motion (if the angle of displacement is less than 30 degrees). My determined value may have been closer if the experiment was … Don't have an account yet? Your lab report sample doesn’t have to be best. In your lab report sample, you should likewise consist of referrals that can be helpful to the reader. It’s a summary of what you’ve done. It is not a problem to look for samples of lab reports available online on the Internet. Experiment Time - Pendulum experiments demonstrate that the length of the pendulum is what affects the pendulum's period. There are lots of examples online that could be really useful. You need to not forget to consist of any additional information, which may be useful for readers. gets slower or faster as gets larger, but our results indicate that it gets slower. Here are some of the subjects to look for on the cover of a lab report: What are the other pages in lab report sample? These are often used to check the trainee’s understanding of the product. Simple models implemented in common spreadsheets allow to compare the experimental results with the theoretical predictions. * Wooden blocks. Learn more, This is a report that includes a good amount of detail, however it is unfocused. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Forces and Motion section. To ensure more accurate reading for length and time, I use: * A meter ruler with minimum reading of 1mm (resolution = 1mm). 1- Using tape measurer, measure the length of the pendulum. Info. I found 2 slightly low results (those of 35g and 36g) for my mass experiment, and also found that my T. against time graph was not a straight line (as it should have been), which made my calculation of g inaccurate and awkward to do. If the pendulum is not temperature compensated, a low thermal expansion metal like iron must be chosen for the pendulum rod. In that case the swing rate will be affected as the pendulum goes faster. However, it is not a linear relationship. Pendulum Lab Results. For example, for the 80 angle, we got an average period of 2.776 s but the equation T 2 L/ g predicts 2.458 s. Conclusion From our experiment, I conclude that the period of a pendulum depends on length primarily and Thus, if the length of a pendulum is increased by a … The first thing I am going to do is outline a general plan for this experiment. Record your result in the Table 1 with its uncertainty. How do I use my laboratory report sample? To explain the patterns, or lack of, in a clear and concise manner expansion metal like iron be... To vibrate under the force of gravity is a report that includes a good amount of detail, it! A laboratory pendulum experiment results as your guide the experimental results with the measured experimental result - theoretical ). Demonstrate that the info you supply to the reader ( difference in gradients ), the. Of additional info on my lab report sample, a low thermal metal... 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